Do you really want to know or are you joking.
Ms K never, ever jokes - she's always remarkably serious!
Ah, yes, that's me - serious to a fault!
The moon last night was glorious. Full moon tomorrow night. I hope it'll be as lovely and clear then.
Funny how the little boydog howls when it's getting full-moonish. He's usually a fairly quiet, sober little dog. But not when the moon is taking up so much of the sky.
Makes me smile.
Me too, ehbeth. A full moon always makes me bay. I don't know why. The cops stopped responding to the neighbors' complaints and the neighbors eventually stopped calling the police once a month.
I love a good clear full-moon-lit night as well. Makes my blood course, it does.
Smiles came today. One over my neice demanding I go back and wait in the car for her, and to not go in to get her from horse camp. One from the same little grey tabby in the same notch of the same tree in my back yard <rrrrreow!>. A different cat chased him up there tonight. Another from my nephew hammering a chunk of green chalk into holes in a retaining wall. And yet another one when I found (and bought) the perfect scarf - a chocolate brown, silk noil, oblong - PERFECT!
That sounds like a hell of a scarf, k. Pictures please.
It's actually rather simple:
Another smile!
Two itsy bitsy, teeny weeny spiders ae trying to make a duplex on my flatscreen monitor. They are exactly the same size and it reminds me of the end of Charlotte's Web where all her babies parachut away except for the few left behind. There must have just been a hatching.
Get out of the house! Now!
Hahahaha, they're cute. And, moreover, they seem to have gone. I wonder if they are in bed.
One resurfaced and had somehow sent another thread to me to make it's web with. How do they do that? Does it sneak up my mouse hand, plant a web and then run back for the top of the monitor? I disrupted that blueprint, now the spidy has gone again. Hmmm......
Hahaha, and now one attached a thread to my head and had to be disuaded (is that a word?).
Are other people allowed into this conversation?
What made me exult was that I got my car fixed.
I've been dogging along on $10.- 15. oil changes, and what not, for quite a few miles now. Haven't had extreme car trouble since 2001. So, I'm due, don't you think?
I'm taking Big Dull White down to Albuquerque later this year and I have needed to know if I need new tires, brakes, bla bla bla. Not to mention what are those various rattle rattles...the ones I hear when I open the window...
So I took it in for the 120,000 mile check up. BDW is a fourteen year old Volvo station wagon, lined with corgi hairs, which I rake from time to time.
Well, it wasn't cheap, but they did pages worth of things, including finding a cracked timing belt... and it came to half of what I worried about paying. And, baby big dull just hums now. She's young again, and free to travel. Smile...................
Gus, heeheehee, of course!
Good news Osso! You took care of it, it didn't cost as much as you feared AND now she hums.....
One of my oldest and dearest friends called me tonight, and as I was ranting about my mid-life crisis to him, he was cracking up. That made me laugh (and smile) too. I realize that if I had the ambition, I could really do a pretty good stand-up act with all my miseries of late. People love to laugh at other peoples' misery. Hee.
Mid life crisis? You're not old enough!
Isn't there a german word for other people's misery making us feel happy?
So, you could do a stand up act, given you don't have performance anxiety of the stage sort.
My ex hosts series of performance bits at a city theater arts center and back when he was first starting in that I saw lots
of interesting people up there talking, doing their thing. Sandra TsingLoh comes to mind. I think one combines that with a book of commentaries...
Have you ever been involved in theater?