haaaaaaahhhhh, nothing like a good storm.
Some fool walks down Raday street with his mates, dressed in a bright-blue, leopardprint-lined cape, crown on his head and brandishing one of those king-things; all of the terrace of Paris, Texas breaks out in applause.
At the Strawberry Fayre in my little village - 600 people ate dinner under a tent and danced to a band. All ages together and there was this couple - she - bright red hair, obviously feeling good about herself - he - stocky so that his pants kind of sagged below his belly. But the two of them were just dancing up a storm - so happy to be there and dancing and together. I just watched and beamed.
Last night, these two Japanese girls gettin all overexcited at a klezmer concert in the Szimpla Kert (which is a cute place by the way). And a poignant/hilarious Serbian movie they screened in the outside cinema next, bizarrely funny. (The Serbs found out that the best way to deal with the trauma of war (guilt) is through grotesque humour. Here's a link:
Sivi kamion crvene boje, recommended. Mind you, I might not have gotten everything, it being in Serb with Hungarian subtitles and all, but it probly doesnt need so many words to understand I think, its really infectious.)
Riyadh <my post from Friday night> 's mom had twins on Saturday night. A boy and a girl.
So I got to take care of Riyadh's cousin on Saturday.
Went to the beach with the dogs.
<clickable thumbnails>
and a little girl who LOVES rocks
a great way to cool off in 30+ celsius temps
I gotta put an oar in here, so it shows up when my Sweetiepie posts pix of our little friends . . .
. . . as you were . . .
Nice shots, Beth, they all look so blue....
Today, my little nephew (1.5 years) learned a couple of words at lunch. He's at that stage. You can see him thinking it through, then he tries a couple of noises, gets closure and then....NAILS it! He got 'boat' down (buft, boopt, boat!) and 'booboo' (my dog). We clapped and he delighted, he tried the words again for more applause (repeatedly).
He still doesn't have a name for me or his sister.
I'm not sorry I have to mention this but Lola talking about her breasts - hot mamma!!!!!!!!!!!!
l'k - the photos were all taken about twilight - it was very blue - you can sorta tell when you look at the pix of Xh - she has regular skin tones - and Cleo is as red as ever.
It was nice to see a post from husker. I hadn't seen him on A2K for awhile.
A lady called my art supply store today. I happened to answer. Did we sell beige-colored paper, she asked. Yes, I replied, in sheets roughly 18x24". I may need quite a few, she said. Well, said johnboy, cost might be an issue since they are artists' quality (ie acid-free, archival). What do you want them for?
Her explanantion, for which I could think of no reply but caused me to think to myself, here is someone with entirely too much time on her hands was:
I have about 500 books in my home library, with covers that are all different colors. I want to make new covers for them all. Beige.
Weird and yucky. And if she has to do it, BEIGE, of all colors?!
The better to disappear against the walls by.
ehbeth wrote : "So I got to take care of Riyadh's cousin on Saturday. "
ehbeth made no postings on able2know between saturday 5:30 om and sunday noon ! a record was broken !
she better tell the whole story; there is something missing here.
we know the whole story and had plenty to smile.hbg
ham - now that sound pretty interesting - is there love in the aire?
I saw a burley looking fellow coming out of a school yesterday wearing a t-shirt. He had that I am king of the road swagger about him and he looked like one tough dude.
I read his t-shirt and immediately burst out laughing. It said, "You can't scare me, I have kids.
sozobe wrote:I must have that shirt!
I didn't take you for the burley, swaggering sort.
Yes, they should be mass produced.
Hey, I useta play a mean game of pick-up basketball -- I can do swaggering and intimidating, if my muscles are no longer quite as impressive as they were.
(Thinking of making one of those for E.G. for father's day... hmmm...)
the pic of dasha and her lovely new fella made me smile.
and <thud>
did she steal Seal from Heidi Klum?
now beth made me smile. despite the dough i had to fork over to the towing company and the bloody bloomberg's money-grabbing machine.