Never mind me, I was ambling through town this afternoon - it was hot - I'd spent the early afternoon at Aztek Chocolat, a delightful little coffeeplace in one of the most beautiful (in this gritty Budapest way) courtyards of town, reading the Guardian and occasionally grinning about something clever they wrote, and then I went back up to the app and out again to scan those cartoons and spend too much time on a2k in the internetcafe when I had really been planning to go there to do some work on my old work's website instead (they dont yet seem to have picked up much where I left off), so I left again and decided to go to another webcafe, a very pleasant one up in Ujlipotvaros, and start again -- but -- and -- anyway, I ended up ambling through town because the place was closed, and thats how I got myself on the other end of town on Raday utca, the cute backstreet that turns out to have all grown up now, where I read and had dinner in newly discovered, cosy cafe Castro and it turned out that down in that part of Raday utca, there was a festival going on. So I listened for a fair while to a band, cheesily called the Afro Magic Band, a Senegalese singer with Hungarian musicians, and they played pleasant West-African jazz that was only subtly danceable, and it was only when they came back for two more songs and switched to more upbeat African music that suddenly the one woman who had been dancing out in front, all the rest sitting at beergarden benches or standing around, was joined by this young crusty couple, and an older couple, and within literally seconds suddenly a dancing mass materialised after all, just like that, and I find something oddly moving about that very moment when suddenly people give in after all and surrender, fck it, and all ebulliently enjoy themselves in their individual way. An (I'm guessing) American girl sensually and enthusiastically dancing (her boyfriend well-meaningly bouncing along), an older man spiritedly hopping about, a twenty-something couple smoothely swinging, and the more the girls danced the more they spontaneously hugged their boyfriend or husband, and on my side there was this bunchy group of manly guys at their beergarden table slapping each others back and headbanging along, a Roma girl dancing in the back with her kid sister, kids running through it all with one (I think) retarded kid running up and down to the podium all the time, while a woman who just wanted to get home and whose big black dog thrusted and yapped against the sound ended up just picking him up and carrying him out, smiled at by everyone perhaps even the woman up on the fourth floor leaning out her window - with above it all in the now-dark sky an aeroplane blinking past. I'm a sucker for that all-together-now open-air concert group thing experience, it gives me a vicarious sense of belonging and watching everyone be together and themselves like that it's easy to love everyone again as well.
sozobe wrote:Minor smile just now, though -- we were at the playground for a while, I was swinging
Wow, playgrounds are the place to be, eh? I'm so looking forward to being a parent too and finally get some of the action as well...