It looks like he may have upgraded his equipment since then. He's got a pretty compact rig, and he's plugged into headphones, so you can't hear what he does. 99% it was he, though.
Glasses? Shortish? Stubblish? Very focused -- unless a frosh girl comes into his orbit?
Glasses and shortish. White beard, though.
I swear the thing I could not hear was a scanner. Very industrial looking, black casing, and he very intent on it, standing on a corner, waiting for a bus. He was wearing some sort of jumpsuit.
Uh oh -- maybe there's a Scanner Jim now...
Well the stubble has had 8 years to grow into a beard. Gotta be him.
Oh just saw "jumpsuit"! <annoying game show noises> We have a winner! Forgot about that part, but that's him for sure.
Good news. Local legend lives on.
Lipotvaros is an unpleasantly conceited posh/yuppie neighbourhood, but on Szabadsag Ter the children are out in the playground and in the field, playing soccer, and summer sounds evoke languid holidays. I pass by a group of kids, just seven, eight or nine years old, I suppose, whole group of 'em, lobbing a small, rubbery-looking ball around, pass, kick, pass along, missed it, run back, tackle, cheer. Two new kids just jumping in and playing along - kids dont need words of approval or polite intros for that. I'm looking at 'em eviously, it can be so cool being nine, and I can almost feel the touch of the ball against side of foot, the gratfiying sweep with which it's kicked in a curve - and as I'm thinking about it, a football - a real one, big and proper - comes sailing down the path. I kick it back to the teen who's running after it, a neat pass if I say so myself.
A Madison, Wisconsin legend. We've got some sort of program here where the, um, mentally and emotionally fragile ride public transportation for free (or very near free, I'm not sure which). Scanner Dan has a police radio scanner thingy, and he's always tuned into it while riding the buses all day long. I've only recently had the pleasure of running acros him, but he was distracted in his work and I was late for an appointment, so I didn't stick around.
I didn't realize until i saw him that he's actually trying to get to the crime/accident/whatever scenes that he hears about on the scanner -- but, since he's limited to public transportation or getting about on foot, it must be quite a project for him.
Thanks for the explanation of Scanner Dan. I didn't know that story.
Andy, one of my employees, is in a Goth/Industrial band as the singer. They did a a mini-tour during the last couple of weeks: NYC, Philly, DC and Jacksonville NC, Jacksonville NC? Where is that? "Don't know," said Andy, "Someone else was driving...but what a wierd show."
Bella Morte puts on a loud, high energy show and the crowd dances and screams but in Jacksonville, NC, the crowd just stood there gaping slack-jawed. "We're dying up here," Andy thought but afterwards, when they mingled with the crowd, the folks were incredibly enthusiastic and bought lots of the band's t-shirts and stuff. So it turned out well except for the getting arrested part.
Having our weekly work update meeting in a Cukrazda (cake shop)..
going to work w/o a jacket today...
sorry pragmatic -- don't mean to rub it in!
we just had a particularly miserable winter, so 70 feels awesome
running away from work early, going for a bikeride, then celebrating multiple birthdays, including mine. yay, go me!
DAG! It's your BIRTHDAY!!!
Great! I've been waiting for just the right opportunity to give you this. I had a special portrait of you commissioned. On black velvet, of course.
Dag !! Happy bday !! Now that is a reason to smile !!
Being called a "babe magnet" but a slightly tipsy member of my staff last night !!
Hey Dag, congratulations! May you still sparkle through many years to come!
oooh, thankee. i'll drape myself in black velvet and await the frontal attack of THE year to come.