Bush Foresaw 0 war casualties

Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:35 am
Armyvet35 wrote:
Actually free... there are people on both sides that served with kerry, but only the democrats believe kerry supports not the others....

FreeDuck wrote:
The people who served closest to Kerry, the ones who would know best what he was like when the sh** went down, admire and respect him.

Of all the swiftvets, how many actually knew Kerry personally. There are vets on all sides that question his antiwar activities, but that's not the same as his service.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:41 am
CYC will his 201 file discredit him?

I believe it will discredit him, just because of the way he has refused to release him yet constantly ask for bushs

Im sure theres not much to bush's record for the fact he did nothing and went no where...

I dont care if people serve, but its the agendas the run on for politics... His agenda should have never used his military service as a cornerstone to make him more qualified if he wasnt willing to prove it especially after his return home from nam... War heros dont throw generalized statements around like he did, nor do they admit to seeing things done and not report it.

Really I guess it doesnt matter... one day his time will come and we will know the truth about it...
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:44 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Who is right? just the people that support kerry of course because everyone else that does question it is a bunch of traitorus liars

You have to realize that many of those who are questioning Kerry, ArmyVet, have a <gasp> hidden agenda!

I wish people would just be straight up and say that they don't like the fact that he was actually willing to imply that American soldiers perpetrated atrocities, and that this was well known by the higher-ups. Unfortunately, there is a large amount of evidence showing this to be true... yet there are those who would silence the voice of truth in the name of patriotism...

I don't blame them; I just think that going after Kerry's record in an effort to discredit him is disingenuous, when their true problem is with what he did AFTER the war.


Their "hidden agenda" is they don't want to see Kerry elected. If you're suggesting they might be biased, they may be. But as we all know, bias alone does not render your position incorrect. I think most of the vets that have come out against Kerry have taken issue with what he said after he returned. I think that is the biggest problem Kerry has -- not what happened in Vietnam, but what happened when he came back.

Of those that served with Kerry, there are those who question his account of his service in Vietnam. They should be free to state their opinions on the subject. They've earned that right.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:47 am
Panz BTW the source of your UN mission thing... it came from national geographic, my husband came home from lunch today and was discussing something he read today and he was pretty hot about it.... it just so happened to be the 430 US peacekeeping force around the world.... his response?

What a bunch of out right politically motivated bull shite....he is going back to the place to see what issue that article was in with the piechart... he was surprised to see places listed that we do have troops in but that article said we didnt... DOH
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 11:54 am
I'm not so sure there's anything in Kerry's military record that would raise eyebrows. I wondered about it for a long time, then forgot about it, then started wondering again.

Although I do think he has a strange and downright odd relationship with the truth, it would be truly foolish for him to have started his campaign the way he did, knowing all the while there was something detrimental and not yet revealed lurking in his records.

So the mystery will remain. That there's something he may not want seen - could be. My bet is it's something not so significant (but I still wish he'd release them.)
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:17 pm
This thread has gotten too looney for me. Adios, y'all.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:18 pm
I didn't see any connection with NG when I surfed, but any corrections will be appreciated AV
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:27 pm
Having a hard time pulling anything up... the husband said he would try to ask the people at JAG if he can "borrow" the issue and I can scan it if you would like to see it...
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:30 pm
It kills me his soldier got 6 months in Leavenworth this morning for positive cocaine usage at a urinalisys... that kids life is ruined... Sad

Yet those prison guards in iraq... well you know
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 12:31 pm
Of course I would
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 01:00 pm
just wonders wrote:

Speaking of commitment...you'll never see this story in the NYTimes. To me, it gives a new meaning to "Profiles in Courage".

So are saying that we shouldn't get any bad news of Iraq?

The article I posted is important. Iraq was more contained before we went into it than after we went into it because all the administration cared about guarding was/is the oil wells and as a result of that insurgents have gotten their hands on weapons that they otherwise wouldn't have gotten had the administration done their jobs right.

If the NYT and other news organizations only print bad news from Iraq it is because we don't hear about news from the administration other than things are going along good.

The TV media is only interested in having entertainment news so if we want to get some real news we have to search it out in the newspapers and the internet ourselves.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 01:24 pm
And, Bush said there wouldn't be any casualties?

I'm seeing casualties right here on this thread!
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 01:28 pm
This entire thread is a casualty.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 01:36 pm
and when the president of faith is contradicted by a preacher? well, then i guess the preacher man, he mus' be a liar.

not that i hold robertson or his "theocratic america" brigades in much esteem.

i wonder what that's going to do to the blind support of bush by the hyper-evangelicals?
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 02:39 pm
Bush was correct there would be no casualties. He of course was speaking of those that count. Not the peasants.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 05:34 pm
Armyvet35 wrote:
CYC will his 201 file discredit him?

What is with this obsession for his 201 file?

Armyvet35 wrote:
I alone got over 10,000 signatures here at Fort campbell for the petition. Why are you assuming we are the swift boat vets.. 50 of us went door to door here as well as at other posts across the nation...We want to know the truth

Wow, 10,000 signatures all by yourself? That is quite an effort. It must be very important to you.

It is well known that Nixon had it in for Kerry after his testimony, and even had a meeting with John O'neil who told Nixon that yes, he himself was in Cambodia on a swift boat. Are you hoping to find that Tricky Dick had some success the dirty tricks dept? Even if you did why would it be relevant?
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 06:07 pm
JustWonders wrote:
panzade wrote:
I understand that what's inspirational to me could be seen as patriotic kitsch to others. Knowing that, I continue to be in awe of the sacrifice of these men and their families. Their's is but one story in a virtual sea of such stories. You won't see any of them in the NYTimes.

There are lot's of stories. Another from Tucson is Kim Bahti's.


Growing up in Tucson, Marine Sgt. Kim H. Bahti learned plenty about life in the desert.

But now she finds herself in another desert - a harsher desert - thousands of miles from home. Bahti, 31, is serving in Iraq with a military police unit based in Pittsburgh.

Her assignment is to help train Iraqi police officers - a dangerous task because such officers are frequent targets of attacks by insurgents. More than 700 have been killed in the past year, the Interior Ministry reports.

Bahti was born in Vietnam to a Vietnamese mother and an Army sergeant father. She was adopted when she was 20 months old by Mark Bahti of Tucson and Kekku Lehtonen. Lehtonen now lives in Olney, Md., and is married to David Lovinger.

She graduated from boot camp on Aug. 13, 1999, and served four years in the U.S. Marine Corps, with stints at Camp Pendleton, Calif.; Camp Lejeune, N.C.; and Newport, R.I. Her last tour of duty was as a legal instructor at the Naval Justice School in Newport.

After leaving active service in January, Bahti joined the Marine reserves and volunteered in April for deployment in Operation Iraqi Freedom II.

"I knew Marines were being extended and I thought that I could let some Marine come home and be with his family if I volunteered," she wrote. "So that's what I did, because this is what Marines do."

Starting today, Bahti will write weekly dispatches for the Star. Future installments will run Sunday, starting Sept. 26, in the Tucson/Region section.

The series ran for four weeks. The last one contained info that the military evidently did not like because rather than the next installment we got this.
Editor's note: Due to military restrictions, Marine Sgt. Kim Bahti is no longer able to write her e-mails from Iraq.

My Guess is that this is the part that caused the halt.

Our first Iraqi police class is graduating tomorrow.

They are going to be issued Glock 9 mm pistols. It's sad to think that after tomorrow, half of them will have sold their weapons.

And Marines and soldiers who are in the thick of things might get shot with weapons we've provided. It's backwards to me. And that's all I have to say about that.

I started a thread that has all of her letters here.

E-mails from Iraq
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 06:13 pm
What is with this obsession for his 201 file?

It is yet another deceptive tactic designed to distract the American voter from the abject failures and complete incompetence of the Bush administration.

Plain and simple.

Perhaps better time would be spent collecting signatures to demand an investigation into the outing of a C.I.A. agent from inside the White House, which is a criminal felony and an act of treason according to George H.W. Bush.

But I doubt it.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 06:13 pm
Our present administration only has a passing aquaintance with the truth. And does not have much use for it.
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Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2004 06:14 pm
Mesquite... Other people were involved getting the petions signed and yes it is important to me and alot of ther vets for the simple fact that we care...

Dontreadonme: I am not a person of the "faith" There were people in that room and they are the only ones that know what was said... we all know preachers or men of the cloth are always moral and upstanding citizens...just look to the Catholic alterboy scandals to see that...

It may not matter to alot of people about john kerrys record, but there are quite a few people it does matter to...
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