Bush Foresaw 0 war casualties

Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2004 09:36 pm
Armyvet35 wrote:
Yes like I said I dont care if any president serves and since you were in the military for 20 like you said you know what is in a 201 file.. Something embarrasing in his 201 file? oh im surte there is, but thats not what I am worried about, it has all to do with telling the truth about something you are trying to use as an edge to your campaign.

For someone so concerned about veterans reps, you sure seem hell bent to try and destroy one. Bottom line Kerry volunteered for Viet Nam. Bush said I don't want to go.

It costs a fortune to train a pilot. After he is trained Bush says I don't want to fly any more.

Armyvet35 wrote:
If he is this proud here with combat experiance then why not release a 201 file that will have it documented? Im not the only one concerned there are alot of vets and people on active duty that are.
And you Mesquite know better than anyone what happens to people that lie about awards, decorations and most things that deal with your military records... you get caught you are in some trouble...

His records have been vetted by the Navy. Why do you not care that Bush will not answer the question if he used cocaine or not? Same principle of privacy and precedent is involved.

Armyvet35 wrote:
As for bush not showing up? For a physical... I am trying to decide which is worse... Not showing up for a physical, Or coming back from nam and telling the world the US military are a bunch of immoral baby killers... Oh wait ... The physical effected one person... Bush.... Kerrys comments hurt thousands...

A bunch of immoral baby killers? That is quite an imagination you have there, and IMO a bit over the top. Rather than hurt thousands, Kerry's comments more likely contributed towards saving thousands.

Johnson blew it by starting the escalation and did the right thing by not running for another term. Bush should have had the decency to do the same, but he continues to strut like a Banty rooster and refuses to admit to any mistakes.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 05:07 am
You can't get armyvet to face any kind of reality, Mesquite. His partisan nature has him totally blinded.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 05:24 am
This letter was mailed on October 18, 2004.

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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 05:52 am
Admittedly I haven't wasted a great deal of my time on this letter full of poppycock, but as to the allegation that Kerry "met with NVA agents while in Paris" the only person I can find making this allegation is some guy by the name of Steve Nash, who simply makes the claim without any substantiation. If that's your idea of a fact, then I can simply state that Shrub is a draft-dodging, cocaine abusing, drunken moron too incompetent to eat pretzels, let alone lead the country, and trumpet that as "fact."

Or, we could walk away from the endless, mindless character assassinations and actually discuss issues.

Yeah, like THAT'S gonna happen!
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 07:24 am
edgarblythe wrote:
You can't get armyvet to face any kind of reality, Mesquite. His partisan nature has him totally blinded.

I think "he" is a "she", Edgar...but I agree with your analysis!
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 08:09 am
JustWonders wrote:
This letter was mailed on October 18, 2004.


The petitioners are asking that Kerry be investigated for acts of treason? 30 years have passed since the alleged "acts of treason." Treason is a pretty serious offense. Do you honestly think somebody would have let that slide thirty years ago? I can just see it now... "Well, you know, it is treason, but let's put it away for decades on the off chance this guy gets a Presidential nomination someday, shall we?" Don't you think somebody in an official position would've initiated the action already if there were any merit? Helloo! [/i]

Article 3, Section III
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

Discussing peace cannot be placed in the same category as giving them aid and comfort. Although that is probably what Nixon did and is some sort of investigation in the report armyvet is so keen on him disclosing but Carter expunged him of. If it had been any real treason it wouldn't have been forgiven by a sitting president... unless you are saying that Carter was colluding on Kerry's treason? But since he's sat with enemies and discussed peace plans, I guess he could also potentially be guilty of treason... as could Jesse Jackson... Rolling Eyes
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 10:54 am
My 'he' is an all purpose designation.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 12:44 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
You can't get armyvet to face any kind of reality, Mesquite. His partisan nature has him totally blinded.

I think "he" is a "she", Edgar...but I agree with your analysis!

I was under the impression that "Armyvet" was a handle shared by a married couple.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 02:20 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
You can't get armyvet to face any kind of reality, Mesquite. His partisan nature has him totally blinded.

Agreed that ArmyVet35 (one or both) is a lost cause Edgar, but there may still be some fence sitters out there yet , and totally off the wall BS needs to be answered.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 02:31 pm
A loss for what cause? I would be proud to have armyvet35 behind any cause!
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 04:17 pm
Armyvet35 wrote:
and then vote for the guy that dodged the draft.

People voted for clinton based on that info as well...

if you say so. i voted for him for other reasons. and only the second time i voted for a democrat presidential candidate.

but, don't you find it interesting that in clinton's case, conservatives were absolutely outraged that there was a president that "dodged the draft".

in bush's case? well, he served in the guard. sort of.

before people get all uptight about the guard, it is important to note that the role the guard is playing today is a verry, very different one than that of the vietnam era.

as i understand it, of the +/- 2.5 million people that served in vietnam, about 18,000 were national guard and were used for rear line duties such as transportation and warehousing.

in other words, it was a pretty safe bet that, if you joined the guard during the vietnam era, you were not going to see combat.

dan quayle went the same way.

so i'm wondering how republicans or conservatives square the enthusiasm for bush the draft dodger with their hatred of clinton the draft dodger ?

same issue, different political affiliations
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 04:19 pm
Hark a voice from the wilderness. McG has spoken Confused
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 04:27 pm
McGentrix wrote:
A loss for what cause? I would be proud to have armyvet35 behind any cause!

To become a bleeding heart liberal of course McG, and secondary to that to be an all wise knower of the truth. :wink:
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 04:32 pm
True, armyvet35 will most likely never become a bleeding heart liberal. More likely Frank will profess his faith in God first.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 04:41 pm
Clinton openly disagreed with the war in Vietnam and acted accordingly. Bush agreed with the war, but preferred that someone else die in his stead and so hid out.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 04:53 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
Clinton openly disagreed with the war in Vietnam and acted accordingly. Bush agreed with the war, but preferred that someone else die in his stead and so hid out.

hi edgar. as i understand it, clinton was offered the same thing but decided against it.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 05:39 pm
frank bumped his head recently, and is now an atheist.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 05:45 pm
Ooo Frank gonna go after you for that remark, blatham.
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 05:46 pm
Is it true you waylaid him on the streets of Manhattan. :wink:
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Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2004 05:49 pm
McGentrix wrote:
True, armyvet35 will most likely never become a bleeding heart liberal. More likely Frank will profess his faith in God first.

Laughing Laughing Laughing

It must be tough for a guy with a Reagan avitar to have to pretend to be a Bush supporter. Smile
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