blatham wrote: bill:
Quote:A bit over the top aintcha there, Blatham (though quite moderate compared to Dys's most recent idiotic outburst). At no point did I condone racism in any way shape or form. I suggested that you don't have a right to decide when my child learns some of the uglier facts of life. I'm probably as disgusted by racism as you are but that doesn't mean I want my children taught, rightly or wrongly, about it at 3 or 5 years old if it isn't necessary. Consider the open casket wake example. Some parents will take their 3 year old in to say goodbye and some will shield their 9 year old from it. While we all, presumably, have opinions on when it's appropriate to discuss death, it is none of our business how and when the individual parent decides to do it.
Racism. I was raised in a town so ethnically un-diverse that I didn't know racism existed. In retrospect, I recall one incident of dislike for my black fourth grade teacher (the first black person I had ever seen) from a kid who transferred in from Chicago that could probably be explained by racism. I was out of high school before I ever realized that racism was still an issue. When I learned it was, I was appalled by it. I didn't need to be told to be appalled by such a thing when I was 3 or 5 to know it was wrong when I did see it. Contrary to some of the overly judgmental fools on this site's opinion, my moral compass operates just fine. (Better than most IMHO )
We comprehend the confidence you place in your personal moral compass.
You insist upon a 'right' to determine what inputs your 3 year old might encounter. You hold this 'right' trumps all other considerations.
Stop right there (you should have :wink: ). "Right" implies that I favor some law or legal restriction, which is untrue and a total contradiction to what I said. Preference would be infinitely more accurate. Next I guess you wanted to show some solidarity with your pals, so you decided to dive deep into the idiotic-overreaction pool.
blatham wrote: You consequently end up in that place where you'd side with a 1930 German mother insisting any portrayal of Jews as normal (rather than as rat-like) is an unwarranted and egregious infringement on her rights to teach her kids proper values. Odd company to find oneself in, but that's not all you are insisting.
No, consequently, I'd end up in that place where I'd side with a 1930 American mother insisting that her right to raise her child as her parents, preacher and the good book itself tells her too, shouldn't be interfered with by public television promoting sinful behavior. She's no more or less upset about the television stations decision than she would be if it decided to promote any other sin, either. She has paintings of her family dating back to the early 15th century, always carrying wearing crosses and carrying the same King James Bible.
Now, suddenly that same group of hippies that that was smoking dope, doing acid and encouraging people to make 'free love'

is trying to say that
her family has always been immoral, that
they know better what to teach
her children... and some of the really screwy hippies have even suggested that her proud 500 year tradition of bible thumping is the equivalent of supporting a mass-murderer who executed innocents by the millions.
Ya, she'll probably buy that.

From them.

I don't know what you were thinking Blatham but you just raised the bar on the over-reaction meter to hyper-foolish.
(I'm going to do you a favor and skip the next two paragraphs of idiotic, offensive, accusatory blathering.)
blatham wrote:You are also insisting that it would be quite proper for an Education Minister to threaten state funding provided to a TV show/station which portrayed Jews as normal.
If you read what I've said all along you'll see language that states the opposite. While I do hope that stations exhibit common sense and decency consistent with the collective morality of their audience, I do not condone censorship to enforce it. Besides, my television has no shortage of homosexual programming these days and I challenge you to find one instance where I've commented on it at all, let alone suggested censorship. Your making this foolishness up as you go along, because you want to believe that's who the opposition is. Sorry, my friend, it isn't that
black and
white. :wink:
I could list off a dozen different lessons that children need to learn that have no business being debated on PBS. If my mother questioned what my sister and I were watching as kids; we may very well have responded PBS (with eyes a rolling)... and that in and of itself would be a satisfactory enough answer to end the discussion. Now, she's no longer around so I can't ask her how she'd have felt about two moms making pancakes. Frankly, I doubt it would have registered any alarm... but it might have... and it wouldn't mean she was a friggin Nazi if it did. You really need to get yourself a grip.