But it only matters if it's a defacto endorsement if it's something wrong/ harmful. Heterosexual couples are shown all the time -- defacto endorsement. Kids are shown sharing all the time -- defacto endorsement. Black kids and white kids are shown playing together all the time -- defacto endorsement.
Bill, what part of "some people are like this, and that's OK" don't you get? It's like, I say "the sky is blue." You say, "You just can't admit that the sky is the primary color that is not red or yellow." I say "uh, yeah, the sky is blue."
"Some people are like this, and that's OK." Defacto endorsement. Same deal. Not ducking -- I said it first!
Defacto endorsement (since that seems to be your preferred term) of the concept "homosexuality is a sin" would be, I dunno, something like NEVER showing homosexuals on TV (ahem). How do you make a defacto endorsement -- not explicit -- that homosexuality is a sin? Because remember, from all accounts and our assumptions here (sure hope I can see it, haven't heard back from PBS yet), no explicit value judgements are made in "Sugartime!". It's not, "this is a good thing to do" or "this is a bad thing to do", it's "this exists, and that's OK."