Your new avatar is....ummm....special Snood. Not sure though if it is one of my favorite heart throbs from Star Trek or my former secretary.
snood wrote:
Hey Occum, I concede the fight - You and Lash are 100% correct. So now we can all just move on.
You got me all wrong dude. I was trying to help. If I had thought you two were really fighting I'd have been over at the bookie window putting a couple of Benjamin's on Lash in hopes of winning a couple of Andy's.

Of course we should move on!
so what were we talking about?
Thanks, Fox - yours is "special", too.
snood wrote:so what were we talking about?
Before the
he/she issue? You were accusing us of bigotry for presuming to comment on the fact that statistically speaking the Democratic Party owns the African American Vote and the opinion that they seem to do so with impunity. Is that what you mean?
Quote:Thanks, Lola - maybe I oughta get an "oversexed" avatar like you
Not over-sexed, just sexed up. Laughing
Is this the thread wherein snood and I were discussing why he's a Democrat?
That would be a great discussion. I may even consider behaving for it.
Naw - just be yourself...
Please don't ever go away again, Snood.
Now that everyone's forgotten and moved on, I'll finally be watching the show tonight at 7! :-) (Just remembered, this is a reminder to myself too and if anyone sees me here at 7 EST, tell me to turn on the darn TV.)
Sozlet's been looking forward to the show about how they make maple syrup. Will report if she has any other comments beyond "oooh, maple syrup!"
Well, will report in general, since I said I would back when this was a hot topic.
Look forward to your comments, Soz! And Sozlet's.
annoying start -- talking head looking serious
NO CAPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh now that is royally annoying. The show is ALWAYS captioned!!!!
This is just going to be a report of what I see and how sozlet reacts, looks like.
(Composing a new, very unhappy email.)
Vermont farmland, late winter/ early spring. Some snow. Cows, horses. Silos.
I turned off the talking head by the way, went to another channel until he was done. Whole point is NOT to have it be anything in particular. There are the two moms. Same room. No physical contact. One greets Buster, then introduced kids. So far only comment is the dogs (they're cute.)
Girl is showing off family portaits, including one of the two moms. Lingered for a minute, whadidshesay???!!
Boys being silly and punching punching bag. Girl drawing. (Two boys, two girls.)
The kids are downstairs in basement, mom calls 'em up, is explaining something, looks like setting a task.
Change of scene, outside, girl's wearing bike helmet, biking somewhere. Lots of rustic outdoor scenes.