Cycloptichorn wrote: Did you even bother to read the rest of my post?
Yes. I generally read everyone's input on threads I'm active on accept the total whack-jobs.
Explaining your contradiction doesn't erase it, sorry. You're taking steps in reverse now, grasshopper. You are still insisting he did nothing wrong in one breath, while admitting half the country believes otherwise in the next. As Phoenix would say; check your premise.
You supposition that the Republicans have a long history of gay bashing etc. has no bearing whatsoever on this debate. We are talking about a specific John Kerry comment, not Republican history in general. Try to keep your eye on the ball. The only place that history is relevant is when establishing John Kerry's intent... so in this case you are fortifying the case against him... get it?
Cycloptichorn wrote:I'd really like to hear you respond to the comments that Keyes made about Mary Cheney, specifically, and the lack of outcry from the Republican party on that one. I know, I know, I'm not trying to shift blame from what Kerry said, so don't give me that crap; I'd just like to know if your morals are consistent, at all, or if this is more partisanship.
You are indeed trying to shift blame from Kerry, that's not crap, but I don't mind answering anyway... as long as you understand it's an aside.
My opinion of Keys is that he's either a bigot or a poser pandering to bigots.
The lack of Republican outcry is a little more complicated because it's something of an "in the family" issue. For instance: I can speak critically about my family. So can my friends... within reason. My enemies cannot... or at least will be given less rope. Now, I'm usually in the sticks & stones club unless you get too far out of hand, so I'm not perfect for that example... but I'm sure you know someone who is.
If you break it down, the differences are many.
For instance;
1. Team
Keys: Same team creates conflict of interest...
Kerry: opposing team; Crush him!
2. Slamming
Keys: slamming him draws attention to Republican bigotry with no upside.
Kerry: slamming him draws attention to his willingness to use opponent's offspring for political gain. Appears to be a tremendous upside.
3. Two is enough. I'm sure you could expand on the list yourself. :wink:
Now, let's remove some more attention diverting variables, shall we?
1. The Cheney's could be saints, or devils and it would have no bearing on whether Kerry was right or wrong.
2. If a direct link between the Republican's and the KKK could be established, it would have no bearing on whether Kerry was right or wrong.
3. If it could be proven that 1,000,000,000,000,000 wrongs were committed by Republicans, against gays, it would have no bearing on whether Kerry was right or wrong.
Now, about the ignorant masses from both sides you referred to. Since these candidates are lobbying the General Public to represent
them, it doesn't matter if you think
their definition of right and wrong
is right or wrong. President's are elected to represent people... and those people's votes count as much as yours or mine. If a significant number of people think he was wrong, he was wrong, get it?
The only way you could get a feel for what they think is by public response in the polls. Those are pretty clear on this one, wouldn't you say?