monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 9 Mar, 2020 08:47 am
TPM reader from Shanghai writes in on the experience there re covid. Well worth your time
0 Replies
Brand X
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 08:48 am
Donald J. Trump
· 10m
Saudi Arabia and Russia are arguing over the price and flow of oil. That, and the Fake News, is the reason for the market drop!
0 Replies
Brand X
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 08:49 am
Andy Slavitt
I talked this afternoon to 2 governors who told me the CDC will not commit to getting them tests.

Whether because they don’t want the numbers known or incompetency, state & local governments feel abandoned
0 Replies
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 08:50 am
izzythepush wrote:
Not disagreeing with anything you said, just adding. It wasn't Islam that threatened Byzantium it was the crusaders.
The siege and sack of Constantinople occurred in April 1204 and marked the culmination of the Fourth Crusade. Crusader armies captured, looted, and destroyed parts of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. After the capture of the city, the Latin Empire (known to the Byzantines as the Frankokratia or the Latin Occupation)[4] was established and Baldwin of Flanders was crowned Emperor Baldwin I of Constantinople in the Hagia Sophia.

After the city's sacking, most of the Byzantine Empire's territories were divided up among the Crusaders. Byzantine aristocrats also established a number of small independent splinter states, one of them being the Empire of Nicaea, which would eventually recapture Constantinople in 1261 and proclaim the reinstatement of the Empire. However, the restored Empire never managed to reclaim its former territorial or economic strength, and eventually fell to the rising Ottoman Sultanate in the 1453 Siege of Constantinople.

The sack of Constantinople is a major turning point in medieval history. The Crusaders' decision to attack the world's largest Christian city was unprecedented and immediately controversial. Reports of Crusader looting and brutality scandalised and horrified the Orthodox world; relations between the Catholic and Orthodox churches were catastrophically wounded for many centuries afterwards, and would not be substantially repaired until modern times.

The Byzantine Empire was left much poorer, smaller, and ultimately less able to defend itself against the Turkish conquests that followed; the actions of the Crusaders thus directly accelerated the collapse of Christendom in the east, and in the long run facilitated the expansion of Islam into Europe.


The Fourth Crusade was indeed shameful. However, the Muslim invasion and conquest of the heart of the Byzantine Empire did quite a bit of damage to the Byzantine Empire first.

Had the Muslims never done that, there never would have been any Crusades to begin with, as the Byzantine Empire would never have requested aid from the west.

Plus, the Byzantine Empire probably would have had the strength to resist the Fourth Crusade had they not already been devastated by the Muslims.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 08:50 am
izzythepush wrote:
It wasn't Islam that threatened Byzantium it was the crusaders.

Yeah, no kiddin' . . .

One of the preludes to the first crusade (c. 1095) was a spate of attacks on Jews n the Rhine River valley. (The Rhineland Massacres From there, the crusaders wreaked depredations throughout the European portion of the Roman Empire. At Zemun on the Danube, they sacked the city after a quarrel in the marketplace. This was followed by quarrels in Belgrade. The residents fled, and the crusaders sacked and burned the city. They then arrived at Niš, where the commander offered to provide food and transport providing the crusaders left at once. Another dispute along the way lead to the burning of a mill, and when the crusaders got out of hand, the commander at Niš lead out his entire garrison and defeated the crusaders. They finally met the Roman escort from Constantinople, and were conveyed to that city without further incident. For these incidents, see the relevant section of Wikipedia's article on the "Peoples' Crusade". The Emperor was alarmed when the crusaders arrived, and ferried them across to Asia as soon as possible. There was continuous looting in Roman territory both before and after they had been ferried over. After that, it went downhill pretty quickly for the Peoples' Crusade. The much smaller but professional Frankish (i.e., French) army which had marched roughly along with the Frankish and German peasants were proof against the Seljuk Turks, who had not come expecting to have a pitched battle. There were anywhere between 20,000 and 40,000 in the Peoples' Crusade--monks are the historians of the period, and they usually didn't know squat about warfare, and tended to be wildly inaccurate about numbers and casualties. About 3000 of the peasant crusaders survived the Suljuk ambush set-up after Turkish spies had spread rumors in the crusaders' camps of plunder awaiting them, just over the next hill. Most of the Frankish professionals managed to march across Anatolia, facing only harassing attacks by the Seljuks.

I highly recommend The Crusades through Arab Eys (translated fairly well from the French) by Amin Maalouf. In it, he recounts such things ad the killing and eating of Turkish prisoners when the Franks' logistical support broke down--using the accounts by Christian monks who accompanied the Franks. No matter what bullsh*t anyone around here comes up with, the Franks came to take land, which they did, and which they held onto until Ayyub, a Kurd, and his son Yusuf overran most of the Frankish baronies and the Kingcom of Jerusalem. Yusuf was known as Salah ad-Din, meaning Righteousness of the Faith. The Franks rendered his honorific as Saladin. Ironically, he was born in Tikrit, then a region of Kurdistan. It would one day be the birthplace and home of Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti, our old buddy in the last century, who didn't live very long in this century.

Scrape all of the bullsh*t off of the accounts others give, and it boils down to Franks hoping to take land and create a kingdom in the middle east. They didn't give a rat's patoot about the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and they feared no Muslim invasion of Europe. They were the invades, and for more than a century, they were very pleased with themselves.

The Arabs called the Franks the Franj, a term used to this day for Europeans from the middle east to India. The Turks called them Ferengi--Star Trek, anyone?
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 08:57 am
Setanta wrote:
Scrape all of the bullsh*t off of the accounts others give, and it boils down to Franks hoping to take land and create a kingdom in the middle east. They didn't give a rat's patoot about the Church of the Holy Sepulcher,

Whether the political leaders cared about the church, I can't say.

But it certainly inflamed the masses and led to popular support for the Crusades.

Setanta wrote:
They were the invades, and for more than a century, they were very pleased with themselves.

The Muslims were also invaders.

Neither party had any business occupying the Jewish homeland.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:01 am
Setanta wrote:
On February 14 th and 15th, 1945, the Eighth United States Army Air Force dropped 1,475.9 tons of incendiary bombs on Dresden.

Yes. Those American bombers that could get an accurate fix dropped their bombs directly on the railyards. Those who couldn't get an accurate fix did their best using radar guidance.

No US bomber was responsible for any firestorm in Dresden.

Setanta wrote:
As for the crusades, you initially claimed they had been necessary to prevent a Muslim invasion of Europe.

No I didn't. I initially claimed that the Crusades were a just war of self defense.

However, I do agree that the Muslims would have been happy to invade Europe. They just couldn't because the Byzantine Empire stood in the way of such an invasion.

Setanta wrote:
The Holy Land (sic) was no part of Europe, and therefore the Seljuk Turks' invasion was no threat to Europeans or Christianity.

It was, however, outrageously unacceptable that the Muslims had conquered the holy land some centuries earlier. And it was outrageously unacceptable that they ravaged the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

I remain outraged about it to this day. The western world really should steal their Stupid Black Rock and not give it back until the Muslims return the Holy Grail to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Setanta wrote:
You originally claimed that the first crusade was launched to prevent a Muslim invasion of Europe. When you saw that wouldn't fly, you changed your tune, and now pretend that you had never said that--which is typical of your rhetorical style.

That is incorrect. I originally claimed that the Crusades were a just war of self defense.

However, I do agree that the Muslims would have been happy to invade Europe had they been able to do so. They just couldn't because the Byzantine Empire stood in their way.

Setanta wrote:
As can be seen from the map above, dated at 1180 CE, the Turks were nowhere near an invasion of Europe.

Yes. The Byzantine Empire stood in their way. Thanks for providing a map that proves that I am correct.

I already know that I am correct, but it's always nice to see it confirmed.

Setanta wrote:
You are, however, completely unable to ever admit that you are wrong, or that you have made a mistake.

That is incorrect. I have a track record of doing just that in the incredibly rare events when it happens.

Setanta wrote:
That's OK, though, the rest of know how often you are full of sh*t.

How do you guys rationalize the fact that you can never point out anything that I am wrong about?
0 Replies
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:06 am
Sturgis wrote:
You know darned well, they'll all disappear for a long while. Those who don't will ignore their previously boasted predictions.

Why do progressives always falsely accuse conservatives of acting like progressives?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:07 am
I notice, you didn't mention Walter Sans-Avoir. Thank you Wink
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:16 am
You certainly don't have any kind of grasp of history. I suspect that your grasp of geography is poor as well. Of course, you don't have a clue about ethnography. The Seljuk were Turks. The so-called homeland of the Jews was invaded by Arabs, long before the Turks showed up. But then, the Romans had kicked the Jews out in the second century CE. Really, you ignorance is pathetic. When you leave, no matter why, and then come back more than 1600 years later, your claim to a "homeland" is just bullshit, and the Zionists are murderous thugs.

In the post I quoted earlier you said that: " It was clear that as soon as the Byzantines fell, Europe was going to be next." As a matter of fact, neither Arabs nor Seljuk Turks invaded Europe. The Osmanli Turks began fighting the Romans (only 19th century historians and idiots call them "Byzantines") in Anatolia in the 13th century, almost 200 years after the first crusade. They invaded Europe in the mid-14th century, long before Constantinople fell to the Turks, a century before the end of the Roman Empire. The end of the Roman Empire came when the Osmali Turks took Constantinople on May 29, 1453, and Constantine XI, the last Emperor, died fighting in the streets.

Muslims are not a monolith. Your grasp of history is pathetic--more like non-existent.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:17 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Family member?
Walter Hinteler
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:27 am
No, our Francisation was 600 years later (but only once).

0 Replies
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:30 am
Setanta wrote:
You certainly don't have any kind of grasp of history. I suspect that your grasp of geography is poor as well. Of course, you don't have a clue about ethnography.

Your inability to provide any examples of anything that I am wrong about is evidence to the contrary.

Setanta wrote:
The so-called homeland of the Jews was invaded by Arabs, long before the Turks showed up. But then, the Romans had kicked the Jews out in the second century CE.

Hardly so-called.

History, archaeology, and DNA all combine to show very clearly that Ashkenazi Jews are part of the original indigenous population of the West Bank area.

Setanta wrote:
Really, you ignorance is pathetic.

I again note your inability to provide any examples of anything that I am wrong about.

Setanta wrote:
When you leave, no matter why, and then come back more than 1600 years later, your claim to a "homeland" is just bullshit,

I strongly disagree. People do not lose their right to property that was stolen from them simply because time has passed.

Setanta wrote:
and the Zionists are murderous thugs.

What murder? Israel is only defending themselves from a race of war criminals who refuse to ever make peace with them.

Setanta wrote:
In the post I quoted earlier you said that: "It was clear that as soon as the Byzantines fell, Europe was going to be next." As a matter of fact, neither Arabs nor Seljuk Turks invaded Europe. The Osmanli Turks began fighting the Romans (only 19th century historians and idiots call them "Byzantines") in Anatolia in the 13th century, almost 200 years after the first crusade. They invaded Europe in the mid-14th century, long before Constantinople fell to the Turks, a century before the end of the Roman Empire. The end of the Roman Empire came when the Osmali Turks took Constantinople on May 29, 1453, and Constantine XI, the last Emperor, died fighting in the streets.

Plenty of modern historians refer to the Byzantine Empire as the Byzantine Empire.

Setanta wrote:
Muslims are not a monolith.

That does not make it OK for Muslims to invade and murder everyone.

Setanta wrote:
Your grasp of history is pathetic--more like non-existent.

Your inability to provide any examples of me being wrong about anything is evidence to the contrary.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:35 am
Setanta wrote:
I still haven't found the original crusades thread,

Here. Let me help.

on October 6, 2010, oralloy wrote:
Although I do recognize the Byzantine Empire's rightful control of Turkey and Syria.

I would love to see the Crusades restarted to drive the Muslims out of both countries, and the reestablishment of the Byzantine Empire on that land.

on October 6, 2010, oralloy wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Well, they never wanted "to re-establish of the Byzantine Empire on that land" - would be contrary to the idea behind the crusades (see vexillum sancti Petri) ...

Yes. "What I want" and "what the Crusaders wanted" are two very different things.

The Crusaders wanted to capture Jerusalem, for Xiantity.

I, on the other hand, think Jerusalem is best left in Jewish hands.

I think it would be nice to see Constantinople back in Xian hands however. Damascus too.

on Sepember 16, 2012, oralloy wrote:
And the notion of Western imperialism is a fallacy. The West was minding its own business and suddenly the Muslims decided to come and conquer us. Then when we try to retake our own lands from the people who stole them, it is somehow illegitimate?


on Sepember 16, 2012, oralloy wrote:
The Muslims invaded the West while we were minding our own business.

The Crusades (Fourth Crusade excepted) were legitimate wars of justified self defense against Islamic aggression, and there was nothing exploitative about them.

on Sepember 16, 2012, oralloy wrote:
Walter Hinteler wrote:
I wonder, why you named explicitly the 4th crusade - the 5th certainly would have been here better for your "ideology".

I was exempting the Fourth from my general praise of the Crusades.

The Fourth Crusade did not go fight the Muslims. Instead they went and killed the Byzantine Empire, paving the way for the Muslims to invade Europe from the east.

Maybe the Byzantine Empire died with the passing of Manuel Komnenos, and the Fourth Crusade merely looted the Empire's corpse before the Muslims could do the same.

But I can't help but wonder, if not for the Fourth Crusade, could the Byzantine Empire have rebounded and persevered?

on August 1, 2014, oralloy wrote:
The Crusades were a just war of self defense against Islamic aggression.

Well, except for the fourth one.

on August 2, 2014, oralloy wrote:
There were two triggers for the Crusades I believe. One was all the Muslims invading the Byzantine Empire, and the other was the destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

on August 4, 2014, oralloy wrote:
The first event that ultimately triggered the Crusades was the destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in 1009. This provoked widespread public outrage that fueled popular support for the Crusades.

Muslims then resumed attacking the Byzantine Empire starting with the Battle of Kapetron in 1048. This was followed by the First Battle of Manzikert in 1054, the Battle of Caesarea in 1067, and the Battle of Iconium in 1069.

After winning the Second Battle of Manzikert in 1071, Muslims flooded in and took over the heartland of the Byzantine Empire.

In 1095, the Byzantine Emperor appealed to the West for aid in driving those Muslims invaders out. This appeal provided the legal justification for the Crusades, and it directly kicked off the First Crusade.

on April 20, 2015, oralloy wrote:
Europe was indeed threatened with invasion. The fact that the Byzantine Empire stood between Europe and Islam only meant that they had to be invaded first. It was clear that as soon as the Byzantines fell, Europe was going to be next.

The excellent Vlad Dracula did manage to check the Islamic advance for awhile after the fall of the Byzantine Empire.

Mr. Dracula knew just what to do with Islamic invaders, and he did it well. But alas, his reign was all too short.

on April 11, 2016, oralloy wrote:
The Crusades were a response to the destruction of the Holy Sepulcher, which greatly inflamed public opinion, and a response to the invasion of the Byzantine Empire, which subsequently requested military help from Western governments.

The Muslims could not invade Europe at the time because the Byzantine Empire still stood in their way. And even after the fall of Byzantium, the excellent Vlad Dracula stood in their way as Prince of Wallachia.

Setanta wrote:
but there is this:
Oralloy wrote:
Setanta wrote:
The last time you brought up this bullshit, those were an afterthought--you initially said that Europe was threatened with invasion; those two points you came up with when i contradicted that claim.

Europe was indeed threatened with invasion. The fact that the Byzantine Empire stood between Europe and Islam only meant that they had to be invaded first. It was clear that as soon as the Byzantines fell, Europe was going to be next.

Hoist on your own petard, Bubba.

I have not been hoisted on anything. Sorry.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:39 am
Dunning-Kruger syndrome in spades here. I've shown and documented your ignorance time and again. Like all ignorant people, you confidence in your knowledge far exceeds your actual grasp of the subject under discussion. I've shown you're wrong again and again. You're just too ignorant to realize it.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:41 am
Yes, you certainly are sorry. That's the first true thing you've said in these entire set of exchanges.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:57 am
That is incorrect. I have said a number of factually true statements in this exchange.

For example, it is factually true that the Crusades (Fourth Crusade excepted) were legitimate wars of justified self defense against Islamic aggression, and there was nothing exploitative about them.

It is factually true that Mr. Dracula did an outstanding job on the invading Muslims. Well done! If only we could have someone like him as our leader today.

It is factually true that history, archaeology, and DNA combine to prove that Ashkenazi Jews are part of the original indigenous population of the West Bank area.

It is factually true that Israel is only defending themselves from a race of war criminals who refuse to ever make peace with them.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:58 am
Setanta wrote:
Dunning-Kruger syndrome in spades here.

Your inability to provide any examples of anything that I am wrong about shows otherwise.

Setanta wrote:
I've shown and documented your ignorance time and again.

Everyone is ignorant about some things. It's impossible for someone to know everything. However, you've certainly not provided any "documentation" of this.

Setanta wrote:
Like all ignorant people, you confidence in your knowledge far exceeds your actual grasp of the subject under discussion.

That is incorrect. I am quite knowledgeable about subjects that I choose to discuss. That's why you can never provide any examples of any errors in my posts.

Setanta wrote:
I've shown you're wrong again and again.

No you haven't.

You cannot provide any examples of a past post where you demonstrated that I was wrong about something.

Neither can you point out anything that I am wrong about even now.

Setanta wrote:
You're just too ignorant to realize it.

Your inability to produce any of my supposed errors speaks for itself.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 10:50 am
Just for the record, Oralloy makes the same inane defense of Donald Trump - that no one “can demonstrate” anything he lies about or is wrong about.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 10:54 am
Yeah, he as some high grade delusions going on. He doesn't communicate, he just spouts polemic--effectively, right good, left evil.

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