Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Tue 5 Oct, 2010 02:18 pm
Setanta wrote:

You get out of situations what you put in to them. The European Jews were running around murdering people before 1947 themselves--including members of the British army who were in legal occupation of their mandate.

Legal by virtue of winning WWI, I believe. To the victors go the spoils.
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 02:26 pm
I suppose you would have preferred Palestine to have been left to the Turks? Putz.
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 02:41 pm
Setanta wrote:

Foofie wrote:
However, let us admit that only a smaller percentage of Europeans felt guilt over the Final Solution. It was really NJIMBY (No Jews In My Backyard), that I believe motivated more Europeans to want Israel to become a state, and be the enclave for those that managed to not be murdered by German efficiency.

That is very likely a motivating factor for some Europeans and Americans. However, although the United States like many nations would not take in European Jews, there was already a considerable Jewish population here. Large enough that in 1864, Lee issued a general order to the Army of Northen Virginia to explain to the Jewish members of the Confederate forces that they would be obliged to serve in the lines over the high holidays, and to assure them that Christian soldiers would be in the lines for their religious holidays. European nations were shipping their Jewish problem off to Palestine, the United States was not.

The Jews have no basis upon which to claim that they initiated monotheism. Early portions of the Pentateuch read as though the Jews at one time acknowledged the existence of more than one god, and monotheism appeared in Egypt long ago, in the fourteenth century before the common era , when Akhenaten (means "Servant of Aten") made the state religion monotheistic. Additionally, the Jews were much influenced by the new things they learned during the Babylonian captivity, including the monotheism of the Medes and Persians who eventually liberated them and sent them back to Palestine.

As for their relative success, thanks to the Aramaeans, confessional Judaism spread right across the middle east, over central Asia and reached China. It was replaced in the Hellenistic world to a large extent by Christianity, and late in Arabia and central Asia by Islam. But it was at one time the most successful proselytizing religion.

Your paranoias about antisemitism are of no interest to me, and have no bearing on this thread. I am equally unimpressed by your silly, tortured arguments about hypocrisy.

I am thoroughly disgusted by your racist comments about what you call "eminent domain," a thinly-veiled apologetic for stealing land from the Palestinians.

Your analysis above could give one the impression that Jews were great proselytizers. So how come Rabbis are told to dissuade a potential convert from adopting Judaism? Sounds like incorrect history, to everything I have learned about the faith I was raised in. Jews were not proselytizers. And, Christianity spread through conversion of pagans, not ex-Jews. Jews were always in a minority.

And, yes, there was a greater Jewish population in the ante-Bellum South than in the North. Mostly German-Jewish merchants in the cotton trade. But, it is nice of you to phrase "their Jewish 'problem'," in describing what European countries did with its Jews.

But, you are not addressing the basic thought that this planet should be past the belief that land belongs to those ethnocentric groups that have found themselves sitting now, and historically, on a piece of land. Those who use the land to maintain the civilization into the future should have the land, I believe. You sort of made this argument when you said that there are groups that cannot claim a land that is now inhabited by others.

So, I am not racist in my offering "eminent domain" as a paradigm to land usage. I am just not going to accept "ethnocentricity" as a basis for claiming a land. In that regards, Germany, based on it culture of industriousness, should have more land to spread its culture. Perhaps, Israel should have more land to spread it culture of modernity.

What you might be thinking of as racist is, I believe, just not accepting that we all turn out equal, even though we may have been created equal, or are equal in any God's eyes. I see no reason to accept ethnocentricity as a basis for land ownership. The fact that certain positive traits (i.e., industriousness) correlates with a nationality (i.e., Germans) is really just a non-sequitor to the paradigm of allocating land based on better use of the land.

Tue 5 Oct, 2010 02:44 pm
Setanta wrote:

I suppose you would have preferred Palestine to have been left to the Turks? Putz.

I would have preferred that the Turks still be the seat of a Caliphate, and then we might not have Muslim terrorists today. I sort of like the Turks, since the Khazars were Turkish, I thought. Better the Turks than the Celts (no written language).
0 Replies
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:05 pm
Egyptians mentioned the Habiru as bandits.

Habiru (Ha biru) or Apiru or pr.w (Egyptian)[1] was the name given by various Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Hittite, Mitanni, and Ugaritic sources (dated, roughly, between 1800 BC and 1100 BC) to a group of people living as nomadic invaders in areas of the Fertile Crescent from Northeastern Mesopotamia and Iran to the borders of Egypt in Canaan.[2] Depending on the source and epoch, these Habiru are variously described as nomadic or semi-nomadic, rebels, outlaws, raiders, mercenaries, and bowmen, servants, slaves, migrant laborers, etc.

When the Amarna letters were translated, some scholars equated these Apiru with the Biblical Hebrews (Hebrew: עברים or עבריים, ʿIvrim, ʿIvriyyim). Besides the similarity of their spellings, the description of the Apiru attacking cities in Canaan seems to fit the Biblical account of the conquest of that land by Israelites under Joshua.

From accounts of the Bible Abraham was a pastoral nomad. They had meat, goat skin, goat hair and goat milk to trade. They often exhausted the grasslands denuding the hills of any vegetation so they had to move. If the settled communitites did not want their products they often raided the towns thus the Hebrews besides being herdsmen were often thieves and raiders thus the Egyptian description of "bandits". But the Hebrews were clever writing in their books that "God" gave the lands to them when they were actually thieves.


Pastoralists raise herds, driving them or moving with them, in patterns that normally avoid depleting pastures beyond their ability to recover.


The nomadic horsemen such as the Mongols were typical bandits who raided China thus the Great wall of China was built to keep them out.

Since the Ashkanazi Jews are of Khazar origin they too would have that nomadic impulses.

Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:11 pm
The proselytizers, as would be evident to anyone with ordinary reading skills, were the Aramaeans, not the Jews. Your comment about Christians is a straw man, i made no comment on how the Christians proselytized. I call your attitude about land use racist because it is the classic Israeli argument for dispossessing Palestinians. Additionally, the claim that "industriousness" can be described as an ethnic trait is racist.

None of this surprises me coming from you.
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:13 pm
talk72000 wrote:
If the settled communitites did not want their products they often raided the towns thus the Hebrews besides being herdsmen were often thieves and raiders thus the Egyptian description of "bandits". But the Hebrews were clever writing in their books that "God" gave the lands to them when they were actually thieves.

I can hardly think of a better description of that Arch-bandit, David, who called himself a "king."
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:16 pm
You must admit they were clever bandits. Wink
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:25 pm
Setanta wrote:

You get out of situations what you put in to them. The European Jews were running around murdering people before 1947 themselves--including members of the British army who were in legal occupation of their mandate.

"The European Jews" were all European Jews? Similar to the thinking that "the Jews killed Christ," implying that what a few Jews could have done reflects a sin for all Jews.

And you think my concerns about White anti-Semitism is paranoia, when the phraseology that people are comfortable to use is the phraseology that bigots would use? You really do have the intelligence to make more nuanced statements that does not put everyone in the same category.

Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:27 pm
McTag wrote:

if the Palestinians wouldn't insist on trying to murder Israelis, then they wouldn't have to suffer the results of Israel defending themselves.

It's true that Israel is surrounded by arabs, many or most of whom would like to do them serious harm.

It's also true that since 1947 and at an increasing pace, Israel has murdered and dispossessed its neighbours, robbing them of their land and their water rights, their livelihood, their means of existence; robbing them of their future.

Now, it doesn't take an Einstein to spot the correlation there. Why, even Oralloy could do it.

Oy gevalt. "Einstein" might just be a poor metaphor for this topic, and your specific point. I believe Einstein believed in the existence of a Jewish state, having had to get out of Germany.
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:35 pm
Setanta wrote:

The proselytizers, as would be evident to anyone with ordinary reading skills, were the Aramaeans, not the Jews. Your comment about Christians is a straw man, i made no comment on how the Christians proselytized. I call your attitude about land use racist because it is the classic Israeli argument for dispossessing Palestinians. Additionally, the claim that "industriousness" can be described as an ethnic trait is racist.

None of this surprises me coming from you.

No. I said that industriousness might correlate to certain national/cultural traits, since we do not all exist in equal cultures. Some are more modern, industrious than others. That is the reality, and is not racist. No genocide implied. However, why should an industrious culture, such as the German culture not make this planet more advanced by making Germans live in the confined space of Germany? Germans would make this planet more advanced in they had lebensraum. In my opinion that would not be so for all other cultures, and specially not so for some other cultures. That is not racist, since we are all not equal. I have superiors. You do not?
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:36 pm
talk72000 wrote:

You must admit they were clever bandits. Wink

Did they go to Bandit University? Did they aspire to getting high marks at Bandit University. Did their mothers puff up with pride (kvell) when telling of their sons' bandit exploits?
0 Replies
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:42 pm
talk72000 wrote:

Egyptians mentioned the Habiru as bandits.

I read that they had the annoying habit of coming out of the desert when they could find no water for their flocks. Therefore, they were looked upon as of no use to the small oasis cities, since they soon left when a drought ended.

But, if you think the bandit image is more Hollywood, go with it.

Did the non-Habiru women find the Habiru men interesting, since the Habiru men were not often macho a-holes like many a non-Habiru father?
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 03:58 pm
talk72000 wrote:

Since the Ashkanazi Jews are of Khazar origin they too would have that nomadic impulses.

No. Ashkanazi Jews are a mix of Khazar, local women, and original Middle Eastern Jewish traders. Ashkanazim are just a hybrid. No pedigree like the Germanic tribes that plotzed down in different European locales during the early Middle Ages. Let us be correct.

And, since you bring up Khazars, they plundered the caravan routes, and were told they had to become monotheistic and pay taxes to the Vatican or the Caliph. At that point they imported some Polish Rabbis and became Jewish to avoid being taxed, but were monotheistic - so the legend goes.
0 Replies
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 04:07 pm

"Einstein" might just be a poor metaphor for this topic, and your specific point. I believe Einstein believed in the existence of a Jewish state

A good metaphor for a clever man. But you deliberately avoid my point.
I, by the way, believe in the existence of a Jewish state. It is not the state's existence which is the question here, but its actions.
0 Replies
Merry Andrew
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 04:49 pm
Not to quibble, but the Delawares were part of the great linguistic group we refer to as Algonquins.
0 Replies
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 06:44 pm
The Habirus were not necessarily peaceful people. Look at the Essenes who outwardly appeared peaceful but were raging fanatics once they got their messages from their leader. The revolt that led to the Massada suicide were led by messianists ( religious fanatics).
0 Replies
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:20 pm
Setanta wrote:
If the Brits pull out of Ulster any time soon, there will be a blood bath, and it will likely be perpetrated on the Catholic minority by the Protestant majority, who rabidly fear the higher birth rate of those whom they see as their enemies.

Hopefully the Irish government would be able to crack down on any Protestants that insist on violence.

Setanta wrote:
Kosovo has not been a part of Serbia since the late 14th century, and even then their claim was dubious. Kosovo only became a part of Yugoslavia in 1919, and that is the sole basis for the Serb claim.

Kosovo was made part of Serbia in 1913: LINK.

It remained part of Serbia until NATO ignored international law and made them independent.

Setanta wrote:
I wish any of the people of the former Yugoslavia well whenever they decide to kill the vicious Serb bastards who have been raping and murdering in their homes for decades now.

There are at least as many Serb victims of such atrocities, many perpetrated by Kosovar terrorists, as there are such atrocities perpetrated by Serbs.

Your hate seems little different from that of the people who heaped abuse on the Germans until the abuse finally resulted in the Nazis taking power.

So far, the Serbs are taking all the unfair abuse being heaped on them, because they want to become part of the EU. But everyone has a breaking point somewhere. If people keep pushing, we just might find out where the Serbs' breaking point is.

Setanta wrote:
That you only acknowledge the West Bank as some kind of alleged homeland for the Jews is meaningless--this is all predicated on the map that i posted which was presented to the Allied powes in Paris early in 1919, before the British mandate existed and nearly 30 years before the Jews created the rogue state of Israel.

Israel is hardly a rogue state. The only rogue states in the region are Iran, Syria, and Lebanon.

Setanta wrote:
Therefore, all references to the south of the Lebanon, the Golan Heights and the other territories are pertinent, without regard to what land you think the Israeli government should be welcomed to shamelessly steal.

Repossession of stolen property is not theft.

And the fact that some guy wanted to capture a certain area of land a hundred years ago might have pertinence to some parts of this issue. However, it has no connection to the fact that the West Bank is the Jewish homeland. And there are many other Israeli views that are quite unrelated to that guy's goals.
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:22 pm
Setanta wrote:
Your view is unrealistic, and i suspect it is largely conditioned by your right-wing thrill at seeing a militarily successful state for which you can cobble together an excuse for support. The Jews were run out by the Romans, and the beneficiaries were Hellenistic Greeks. They in their turn were replaced by Arabian Muslims. The Bedu have been there as long as the Jews, they converted to Islam, not having been run off by the Romans. They constitute the majority of the ancestors of the current Palestinians. Three thousand years ago, Gaul (France) was inhabited by Kelts, whom the Romans called Gauls. Should we insist that all of the French who have Frankish ancestors should clear out and turn the land over to those who ancestors were peasants in the days of the Frankish invasion? Your remarks about the claims of the Jews are ludicrous.

If any Celts show up and want to make a claim, I think there should be some effort to accommodate them.

Setanta wrote:
There is no crap to cut. You make **** up all the time,

Nope. That is just an attempt to distract from the truth by making an untrue ad hominem attack.

Setanta wrote:
After the defeat of the Persians by the Greco-Macedonians, during the Hellenistic period, the region was claimed by the "Persians" which is to say the Greco-Macedonian kingdom of the Seleucids. Judas Maccabeus lead a successful rebellion, successful to the extent that the Seleucids allowed the Jews to operate a satapy. But they were overrun by the Romans. In 70 CE, the Romans ran the Jews out after their failed rebellion. The Bedu remained. Then the Sassanids overran the region after the collapse of Roman imperial authority. They were overrun by the Arabian Muslims (that's your "1300 years ago"). They were overrun by the Seljuq Turks. The entire region was conquered by the Ayyubids, basically Ayyub and his nephew Yusuf, who is known to the Europeans as Saladind. They were Kurds. They were overrun as far as the Sinai by the Mongols. In the power vacuum, the Mamluks of Egypt briefly took over, but were driven out my the Osmali Turks (known from Osman's Arab name as the Ottoman Empire). The Mamluks, by the way, were military slaves, and the preferred source were Caucasian tribesmen. Palestine has been claimed by many people many times.

The Osmali Turks held sway until 1917, and the rest is a fairly well known history--except to right-wing fanatical supporters of Israel. So, when out of the depths of your ignorance of the history of the region, you tell me the Palestinians only showed up 1300 years ago--as though that would invalidate their claim even if it were true, which it is not--you are making **** up.

That does not count as me making anything up.

The fact that the area was overrun by a bunch of other Muslim invaders after the first wave of Muslim invaders does not give *any* of the Muslim invaders any legitimacy.

They are *all* invaders of Israel's homeland.

If there were still a Roman/Byzantine Empire around, and they still controlled Israel's homeland, I'd be denouncing them as illegitimate invaders too.

(Although I do recognize the Byzantine Empire's rightful control of Turkey and Syria. I would love to see the Crusades restarted to drive the Muslims out of both countries, and the reestablishment of the Byzantine Empire on that land.)
Tue 5 Oct, 2010 10:23 pm
McTag wrote:
It's true that Israel is surrounded by arabs, many or most of whom would like to do them serious harm.

It's also true that since 1947 and at an increasing pace, Israel has murdered and dispossessed its neighbours, robbing them of their land and their water rights, their livelihood, their means of existence; robbing them of their future.

Now, it doesn't take an Einstein to spot the correlation there. Why, even Oralloy could do it.

Pretending that you aren't a monstrous cesspit of evil, and addressing your hate speech in a civilized manner as if I were conversing with something that counts as human, is a bit more than my stomach can take.

Maybe if I ever get really drunk.....

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