monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 8 Mar, 2020 09:46 pm
Living in alternate reality still, I see.
Sun 8 Mar, 2020 09:53 pm
I still haven't found the original crusades thread, but there is this:

Oralloy wrote:
Setanta wrote:
The last time you brought up this bullshit, those were an afterthought--you initially said that Europe was threatened with invasion; those two points you came up with when i contradicted that claim.

Europe was indeed threatened with invasion. The fact that the Byzantine Empire stood between Europe and Islam only meant that they had to be invaded first. It was clear that as soon as the Byzantines fell, Europe was going to be next.

Hoist on your own petard, Bubba.
Sun 8 Mar, 2020 09:54 pm
That's OK, though, the rest of know how often you are full of sh*t.

I think you mean "the rest of us know.......". I know no such thing. A couple of the "us" are?
0 Replies
Sun 8 Mar, 2020 09:57 pm
Living in alternate reality still,

Not me. Doctors do not make a diagnosis of someone they have never seen in a clinical setting. Quack.
Sun 8 Mar, 2020 10:25 pm
The reason I've sort of lost interest in this particular thread lately.....

Basically, Donald Trump no longer requires any assistance from me. I've never seen anybody have a situation so thoroughly in hand before. The only thing which could keep this from being a fifty state blowout would be if they invent two or three more states to make it a 52 or 53 state blowout.

The stupid demmunists are gonna run the Hildabeast again. You can tell your grandchildren you heard it here first.
Sun 8 Mar, 2020 10:31 pm
Just promise to come back and post here after your bloated bully boy is beaten.
Sun 8 Mar, 2020 10:36 pm
You know darned well, they'll all disappear for a long while. Those who don't will ignore their previously boasted predictions.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 12:50 am
fantasy again.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 04:22 am
Not disagreeing with anything you said, just adding. It wasn't Islam that threatened Byzantium it was the crusaders.

The siege and sack of Constantinople occurred in April 1204 and marked the culmination of the Fourth Crusade. Crusader armies captured, looted, and destroyed parts of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. After the capture of the city, the Latin Empire (known to the Byzantines as the Frankokratia or the Latin Occupation)[4] was established and Baldwin of Flanders was crowned Emperor Baldwin I of Constantinople in the Hagia Sophia.

After the city's sacking, most of the Byzantine Empire's territories were divided up among the Crusaders. Byzantine aristocrats also established a number of small independent splinter states, one of them being the Empire of Nicaea, which would eventually recapture Constantinople in 1261 and proclaim the reinstatement of the Empire. However, the restored Empire never managed to reclaim its former territorial or economic strength, and eventually fell to the rising Ottoman Sultanate in the 1453 Siege of Constantinople.

The sack of Constantinople is a major turning point in medieval history. The Crusaders' decision to attack the world's largest Christian city was unprecedented and immediately controversial. Reports of Crusader looting and brutality scandalised and horrified the Orthodox world; relations between the Catholic and Orthodox churches were catastrophically wounded for many centuries afterwards, and would not be substantially repaired until modern times.

The Byzantine Empire was left much poorer, smaller, and ultimately less able to defend itself against the Turkish conquests that followed; the actions of the Crusaders thus directly accelerated the collapse of Christendom in the east, and in the long run facilitated the expansion of Islam into Europe.

Brand X
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 04:36 am
Kasie Hunt
· 8h
BREAKING from me & @AlexNBCNews : Members of Congress are becoming increasingly anxious about coronavirus and there is growing pressure on leadership to take steps to protect lawmakers — even potentially recessing for a period of weeks, according to two Democratic sources
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 05:15 am
That is not a psychiatrist, that is a quack looking to make money hating Trump.

Actually it's Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins reading a warning from a prominent psychiatrist.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 05:21 am
Nobody is manufacturing opiates. Crystal meth, is not an opiate.

I was referring to narcotic substances in general, among them, methamphetamine.
The problem is legally available opiates.

They're both problems.

In Shadow Of Opioid Crisis, Methamphetamine Use Rising In U.S.

Meth, the Forgotten Killer, Is Back. And It’s Everywhere.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 05:43 am
It's about time Twitter self-regulates Trump's propaganda and lies.

Twitter flags video retweeted by President Trump as ‘manipulated media’
It’s the first time the social network has enforced a new policy to fight doctored videos and photos
By Cat Zakrzewski
March 8, 2020 at 8:10 p.m. EDT

Twitter applied its new “manipulated media” label for the first time on Sunday to a deceptively edited video of former vice president Joe Biden. The video was shared by White House social media director Dan Scavino and retweeted by President Trump.

The video was the first test of a new policy the social media company implemented on March 5 to label tweets that contain manipulated or synthetic media, ranging from edited videos to more sophisticated examples known as “deepfakes” that can fabricate events that never happened.

In this case, the altered video of Biden -- who has surged to the front of the Democratic race to oust Trump in November -- is based on a speech he gave in Kansas City, Mo., on Saturday. It was then shared on Twitter by Scavino, only edited to make it appear as if Biden inadvertently endorsed Trump for reelection.

The version of the video shared by Scavino showed Biden stumbling on a line during a speech, then saying, “Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump.”

But the edited video deleted the second part of the former vice president’s sentence. The whole thing said: “Excuse me. We can only reelect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It’s gotta be a positive campaign.”

Twitter applied the label to Scavino’s tweet at about 5 p.m. on Sunday evening, about 18 hours after Scavino first shared the video. The video had at least 5 million views and more than 21,000 retweets as of Sunday evening.

Twitter’s roll out of the new label was not without technical glitches, however. The label was not showing up when people searched for Scavino’s tweet, though Twitter spokeswoman Katie Rosborough said it was appearing in individuals’ timelines. She added the company is working on a fix.

The “misleading” label is one way social media companies are trying to crack down on false and misleading information in 2020, following a 2016 election in which they were widely blamed for allowing incorrect information to widely circulate on their platforms, influencing the election and providing Russian trolls and bots with entry into the American political system.

But the companies are not acting in tandem and their policies are inconsistent. Facebook, too, has a policy for manipulated video, and says it will remove deepfake videos that meet certain criteria. It also has partnerships with third-party fact checkers, and applies labels to videos those organizations determine are false.

Twitter’s new policy prohibits sharing synthetic or manipulated media that could cause harm. But like in this instance, the company may apply labels to tweets to help people understand their authenticity or to provide additional context.

It’s rare for Twitter to take action against tweets shared by Trump, even though there have previously been complaints that the president’s tweets violate the company’s policy. Twitter has previously taken action against the president’s tweets for copyright violations.

The White House and the Biden campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Brand X
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 07:14 am
Donald J. Trump
· 2m
Great job being done by the @VP and the CoronaVirus Task Force. Thank you!
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 07:17 am
I remember when Obama was blamed for rising oil prices on the world market.

But now, thanks to Trump, oil prices crashed by more than a fifth, the biggest one-day drop since the 1991 Gulf.
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 07:39 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Perhaps Trump can get more favorable oil price figures if he again facilitates the Saudi prince's ability to chop up reporters.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 07:45 am
Trump in the Time of the Coronavirus
By David Remnick

The first official act of the Trump Administration was the Inauguration—and, within hours, a lie delivered from the White House press room about how this had been “the largest audience to ever witness an Inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.” That episode seems so long ago, and many thousands of lies ago. But as the world now faces a pandemic, it has never been more essential to recall that norm-setting performance and to admit what has been demonstrated on a daily basis about the public official who carries ultimate responsibility for the public safety of American citizens: Donald Trump is incapable of truth, heedless of science, and hostage to the demands of his insatiable ego.

Recall, since the start of the coronavirus crisis, the litany of bogus assurances, “hunches,” misinformation, magical thinking, drive-by political shootings, and self-stroking:

“We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

“By April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”

“The Obama Administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be detrimental to what we’re doing . . . ”

“We’re going very substantially down, not up. . . . We have it so well under control. I mean, we really have done a very good job.”

“As of right now and yesterday, anybody that needs a test [can have one], that’s the thing, and the tests are all perfect, like the letter was perfect—the transcription was perfect.”

“They would like to have the people come off [the Grand Princess cruise ship, off the coast of California]. I would like to have the people stay. . . . Because I like the numbers being where they are.”

Physicians and public-health officials told me, as they have told many other journalists, that they are dispirited by the President’s public pronouncements, saying that he has added to the danger of the crisis by minimizing its scale and the need for rigorous precautions. Has there ever been a less serious President?

Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at Harvard’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health and a physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, told me, “We need the President to put the well-being of the American people before his reëlection. And that requires open discussion and accurate information so that we can, along the way, condition people to what’s coming next, not to pretend that this is not a serious threat and they should just continue life as usual. His interest in being reëlected is in conflict with the truth and people’s best interests.”

Trump, Mina went on to say, “sees downplaying the threat as a way to look good. He can say all the words he wants, but that won’t change the biology of this virus, which will spread unabated unless we take the proper steps.”

Marc Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s School of Public Health, told me, “It is just false and unproductive to say that things are under control, and it is false to say that anyone should go to work with a ‘minor’ case of the virus. . . . One thing you can say is that federalism is our friend. There are top-notch people in state and local health departments. They are very capable and put out good information.”

Trump’s misstatements and understatements in recent weeks are consistent with his general attitude toward empiricism. Which is to say, he has never shown much regard for fact. In the past, Trump has said that climate change is a Chinese “hoax” and that “vaccines can be very dangerous.” Disinformation and misinformation are rampant in his mental universe. Trump recently gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh, who said, last month, “The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.” One of Trump’s ardent supporters in the Senate, Tom Cotton, of Arkansas, is among those who have suggested publicly that “we at least need to ask the question” of whether the virus was a bioweapon deliberately created in a Chinese laboratory outside the city of Wuhan–a theory rehashed in places like the Washington Times.

It would be colossally wrong and distracting to blame Donald Trump for too much. No President can single-handedly stave off something of this order, and the instinct to avoid general panic is not without reason. But Trump’s overweening self-confidence, his carelessness with language, and his suspicion of government professionals—another facet of his fear of “the deep state”—exacerbates public anxiety and contributes to the chaotic national response to this crisis. When he has taken the opportunity to speak, he has too often chosen the paths of obfuscation, misdirection, and falsehood. Only Trump would put Mike Pence in charge of the coronavirus crisis when, as the governor of Indiana, Pence initially bungled the public-health response to an outbreak of H.I.V. in his state.

Time and again during this crisis, Trump has questioned the science put in front of him. He has, in his familiar way, contradicted the experts in his Administration. The result is unnerving both for the experts and the public. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is one of the officials who have tried to navigate doing their jobs properly and, at the same time, dealing with a completely unpredictable President. Fauci has openly, if subtly, clashed with Trump, telling him that it will likely take more than a year, not “a few months,” to develop a vaccine. “You should never destroy your own credibility. And you don’t want to go to war with a President,” Fauci told Politico. “But you got to walk the fine balance of making sure you tell the truth.” Fauci, who is seventy-nine, is a veteran of many major public-health challenges: aids, Zika, Ebola, and more. Of the coronavirus, he said, “I think that is going to be one of those things we look back on and say, ‘Boy, that was bad.’ ”

Public-health officials worry that the consequences of living with a President and a general disinformation universe that undermine facts and science could have increasingly dire consequences. He is serving no one well. When you see a Trump supporter at a rally telling a reporter for CNN that she doesn’t believe that coronavirus exists, that it is an invention of the political opposition, there are reasons for that thinking. And such disbelief in the facts might well lead such a person to inadvertently make bad decisions about her health and her family’s health.

Though there was much to criticize about China’s initial reaction to the outbreak of the virus, in Wuhan, Michael Mina, of Harvard, said that China has succeeded in slowing the spread by taking extraordinary measures, including travel shutdowns and quarantines of whole cities. “Without a clear signal of concern from the White House, people will continue going to big events and say to themselves that this virus might only hurt people over the age of eighty, not me and my family,” Mina said. “They won’t change their behavior in a way to help slow down this virus.”

Lipsitch, who also runs Harvard’s Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, said that twenty to sixty per cent of adults will “eventually get this before it’s all over, but they won’t necessarily be symptomatic.” The strain on hospitals and public-health workers is bound to be tremendous. My colleague Ben Wallace-Wells attended a conference last week at Harvard’s School of Public Health and said that the capacity of even the best hospitals to deal with a pandemic was a matter of central concern to everyone there.

When I asked Lipsitch what would end the crisis, he said, “You mean beyond a deus ex machina?” Lipsitch said he wasn’t being facetious. He said that there was a ten or twenty per cent chance that “everyone’s calculations are wrong because of some unknown factor.” But, short of that, what would put an end to it is either a vaccine, which is at least a year or more away, or natural immunity from having had the infection. “That’s the way widespread epidemics get controlled,” Lipsitch said. “It doesn’t mean that everyone has to get it, but enough so that new cases can no longer lead to long chains of transmission.”

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bobsal u1553115
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 08:04 am
We don't need to monitor him. All we need to do is find the closest Trumplinski gplf course or Fox film crew. If we can't find him, he's either on the phone to Putin or secretly meeting Russians in the Oval Office with no records,

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 08:21 am
0 Replies
Brand X
Mon 9 Mar, 2020 08:41 am
Sam Sweeney
BREAKING: A D.C. priest has Coronavirus. He offered communion and shook hands with more than 500 worshippers last week and on February 24th. All worshippers who visited the Christ Church in Georgetown must self-quarantine. Church is cancelled for the first time since the 1800's
0 Replies

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