If you wanted insight on my character you could have just asked. I am a capitalist. I believe that there should be a flat tax rate percentage with no bullshit. If you make $10 a year you should pay 30% of $10, or $3. If you make $100000 than you should pay 30% of 100000, or 30000.
I also believe we should have a one person one vote system, without an electoral college or any of that bullshit.
I think that our tax dollars should be categorized into groups, and then each individual decides what group they want to put their tax dollars towards. For example, if you strongly believe we need Obamacare, but don't believe in throwing money at our military, than you should be able to put ALL of your taxes towards Obamacare. That way, if our country gets messed up even worse than it already is, we can at least say we did it ourselves. If we don't have enough money in education, than the people can start putting their tax dollars into educational programs.
I think we should REALLY start paying off our national debt and stop leaving today's problems for tomorrow's generation, and that we should stop spending money unless we have money to spend. I guess you can say I believe in sort of a capitalist democracy. It will never happen, but whoever pushes that agenda the most has my vote.