CoastalRat opines:
Quote:They should have just kept quiet and allowed CBS, Dan Rather and whoever passed these fakes to CBS to report whatever, since the object is not truth but getting rid of Bush any way possible.
If the object was truth, than why did the rightwing media lie through their teeth in initially explaining why they thought these documents were fake?
And perhaps you missed my suggestion that in order to remove any doubt on the authenticity of these documents, that CBS SHOULD get an objectionable and expert point of view to review these documents. I also referred to the Washington Post's article.
And further evidence that the initial reasons of forgery given by the rightwing media have all be disproven:,1759,1644869,00.asp
Quote:A great deal has been made of the fact that some documents that are claimed to have been typed in the early 1970s look very much like
documents prepared in Microsoft Word in 2004. This fact proves nothing, because (1) a document may well have been typed on a typewriter in the 1970s and (2) virtually the same document can be prepared on a computer in 2004. (Some other comments on this issue, from a notably better-informed perspective, may be found
And keep in mind that this is from a non-partisan technogeek from PC magazine who is mearly pointing out the obvious. By no means does he attempt to explain away the political INTENT behind these forgeries, as we all are doing here.
It is the actions that speak much louder than words. So far, I haven't heard a single rightwinger now refute ANY of these expert comparisons between Microsoft and the IBM Selectric typewriter suspected in the creation of these documents.
But that's just an observation...