McGentrix whines:
Quote:If the Left wanted to talk about issues, they wouldn't consistantly produce lies like these forgeries from a dead man. You make it appear as though it was the right that produced these forgeries. In fact, in some fevered imaginings, they are BLAMING the right! Get that!
These documents are most likely authentic, as IBM selectric typewriters DID exist back then and WERE being used by the NG back in 1971. They also DID have the proper character balls that were designed with hyperscript text, AND with better spacing.
It was up to the few rightwing screeds like Matt Drudge to once again throw in the right mixture of neoconservative lying and just enough doubt to create this mess were witnessing today.
When all is said and done, what will most likely be the facts will be simple:
Bush avoided Vietnam, thanx to strings pulled by his own daddy, whereas he commenced a military career flying training jets, drinking, doing drugs, and basically embarrasing those in command who pulled the strings to get Dumbya enrolled in the first place.
Then there's Kerry, who DID serve in Vietnam, and who's offical records have been vetted in the general putlic as a man who served his country, fought for his country, saved a man's life for his country, and then came back to tell the truth to this country about a war we were never destined to win. At least Kerry helped in eventually ending a war where roughly 58,000 of our soldiers died.
This is why the Republicans needed to smear Kerry, and at the same time attempt to dissavow Bush's NG documents as complete forgeries, only to find out that the technology DID exist back then for a cleaner, more precise document to be produced.
Wereas there are official records stating Bush being AWOL and getting preferential treatment, the GOP need something like the Swiftboat Vets of Smear to use only heresay in accusing Kerry of doing just about anything OTHER than fighting for his country.
Utterly and truly appalling. But that's how the Republicans play dirty. They do it without even a thought of a conscious and/or integrity.
And Bush insisted on bringing honor and integrity to the White House.