Dookiestix wrote: ... I couldn't agree more. The problem is, you have to look outside of this country to read about what is truly going on here in America. Not a lot of freedom in objectivity, if you ask me.
Precisely, and another point of essential agreement. It is however my opinion that the Mainstream Media, foriegn and domestic, press agenda over objective reportage. There, I'm sure, we differ in opinion.
Quote:And I vociferously agree that it is the soldier whose coffin is draped by the flag. So why won't Bush let America honor those soldiers in a due fashion?
Again a split finding ... I vociferously disagree with your contention regarding the honoring of those bravely fallen in the prosecution of The War On Terror. They are exemplified by and are accorded the patriotism, passion for freedom, sense of duty, honor and heroism they so dearly have purchased for themselves and for the rest of humanity and posterity.
Indeed ... but from a somewhat different perspective and, I imagine, a somewhat different experiential reference.