OK, let's see if we're capable of intelligently discussing what the real issues are here:
1. Bush got a
direct order to get a physical and then called up his commanding officer and questioned the order, trying to wriggle out of it.
Who is entitled to question a superior officer's direct orders?
2. Bush disobeyed that direct order, and his failure to get the physical is one of the reasons he was grounded -- so White House spokesman Dan Bartlett
lied when he said that Bush got permission not to take his physical.
Bush clearly did
not get permission, as that's one of the reasons he was grounded.
3. Bush wasn't just grounded for failing to take his physical, which is what we were always told previously, but he ALSO was grounded for failing to uphold US Air Force/Air National Guard standards. According to the memo, the other reason Bush was grounded was because "the officer has made no attempt to meet his training certification..."
4. I'm still blown away by the fact that Bush approached his superior officer, Lt. Col. Killian, and "discussed options of how (he) can get out of coming to drill from now through November."
Imagine approaching your commanding officer and discussing how you can get out of your required military service! Even better, Bush said he was working on a political campaign in Alabama for his father and may not have time -- MAY NOT FREAKING HAVE TIME! -- to take his physical.
The guy actually invoked the name of his father to get out of his already-watered-down military service and out of a direct order.
And the conservatives' best response so far is "they're forgeries"?!?