They have a special ball room - looks very weird - all those hairy li'l fellas on shelves, muttering and grumbling to themselves, yearning to be itched....I hear the stitching back on when you leave the country stings something awful....
LIE! I been there a few times and I still have my...
DAMMIT!!!!! I knew I shoulda checked!
Don't tell me they forgot to sew 'em back on?!
i'm thinking it woulda been better NOT to check them. they're usually best transported as carry-ons.
that was saaaaaad
Give 'em back! I'm told that with proper use they come in handy.
I think some people use handkerchiefs for that.
(Ack. Can I blame ehBeth?)
Do you want me to go and look for them, Craven?
You were really little, right? Why didn't your mummy take care of it!
You musta been waaaaay precocious - usually they leave 'em on the babies.....what CAN you have done at customs to make them worry so?
Craven - in all honesty, they sell the unclaimed ones after a year or so - what if I steal someone else's for you? You got preferences re size, colour, hairiness, shape......?
Well at least ya got it. he he he
As long as they are not blue I'm happy.
I ain't never washing HIS hankies!
...or shakin' his hand - less'n I seen him wash it wiv me own four eyes....
In Oz we got man-size tissues for that...
Well, I'll get 'em - but I am NOT sewing them back on - I failed needlework in the third grade, and things have gone down-hill since them - hows about velcro? Or superglue?
Isn't it a national sport over there?
< and why are we off topic? wimmin is evil wimmin is evil >
Needlework, a national sport???!!!!! HUH?????????
heheheheheehe - talk turned to balls and you forgot everything else, huh?
Hmmmm - not all THAT evil - I try my best not to turn balls blue, you know! One has one's standards!
There is lovely blue masking tape. It might be useful.
(sorry, soz :wink: )
sure, for the re-attachment. or to weave a small basket to carry them around in?
you know, basket weaving is much more difficult than people realize.
You know, there is much talk of what is a good breast etc - but little talk of what makes for attractive balls - what sort should I choose for Craven? You know - colour, size, shape etc.....
I failed basket-weaving too.
Can I turn the re-attachment over to you and your obviously very competent hands?