snookered wrote:plainoldme wrote:Yeah, the only reason women keep men around is dildoes can't mow the lawn.
It looks like you eat grass.
Hey! It keeps the place looking nice and saves a bundle on groceries.
Squinney hog tied me and montana gagged me on the men suck thread.
I am now finally free of the clutches of the nasty evil A2K wimmens. Someone is gonna pay for this. ITS RETRIBUTION TIME.
When you least expect it!
dlowan, do you need a hanky?
You never did thank me for removing the gag and now you're goin down!
Montana wrote:You never did thank me for removing the gag and now you're goin down! that true, dadpad? (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) You and Montana, huh?
Yeah, he's goin way down and I think I'm gonna keep him there a while
It seems, Montana, that you're not familiar with the popular colloquialism "going down." I was just wondering whether you're making a request or commenting on dadpad's current activities.

Oh, I'm familiar with it ;-)
It was actually meant as in a duel, but you've got me thinking of the other meaning at the moment
women are evil!
very true, good humourous posting.
how to control women is quite easy really!
1) be a little unpredictable ( since they are the weaker sex they like the stronger to be predictable!)
2) when you are talking, just subtely doubt anything she says!
3) slap there arse now and again, of course when they dont want!
4) never be violent at all, because this can be used by the evil ones
as a weapon in peaceful discussion
If you can do these i may let you into the more acute ways of controlling
these creatures!
Hercules, I'm a boxer. I assure you you'd only try to slap my ass once in your lifetime.
lol.. i was appalled that "a man" has realised what we do. !. But no need for war - it is already won~!!By us woman of course x
So, you made war, not love?
What a pity!
This is a funny post. I ignored it until nowand it gave me a good chuckle.
I don't know if craven is still around but he might want to read Camille Paglia's book Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (1990). I read it a long time ago but I remember her saying something along the lines of how inappreciative women are of men.
If a man is ever to win this war he must FIRST learn himself to deny this loathsome wench his barren attentions. We are so insidiously distracted by every notion of her, let alone her viperine twine as she gates by; There! I tell you she is a master of the casting of allusion (not illusion) that a man cannot resist such allurement that for anything between him and her damning glances and pouts, her toxic powders and incenses, her tricks of color and curve be vanquished not him alone withstanding!
It is better to know well that her arts of physical decandence are but the play of his own phantasy withal she has been draped, in the bloody garment of grey matter so subtley stimulated but with the slighest whispers of her cloak beside his own flesh, stirring up the souls of his loin, what she suits herself with in the end by her dasterdly betrayals and trickeries and deceits-what more could drive any man mad!
But know good brothers, the penetrating secret to hold her areighn, so as to stifle her to silence, to obedience and peacful subservience to her master Adam, is simply to deny her, even as you would the Devil himself.
For she is so hellishly miserable do keep to mind, with that she can only mimick with Circe's sorceries, no more than the ideas that possess men to covet her. And without ever entering the sanctuary of his heart, hardened against her for the sake of his keeping the Kingdom of this Earth as God did command him, she is limited to man's decree, that he shall till the Earth and command the beasts of the field, the fish of the Sea, the Air and creeping things, the plants and trees and all things good that benefit him that God giveth, before the articles of her attraction and envy, before precious gems and properties, and minted stones and fine cloths, that he may fashion by his own ingenium, with her as no more than a helper of man-
and besides which a woman's only glory is to make more men and to bear the eternal presence of he as her master, even as God is theirs.
And on that day when her illusions dissolve, and his songs to her fall silent, his chivalries become commands, his wooing not less than the dismissive regard for what is genuine, to Hell with her! And he will take as many sows as he likes to foster his creed and kind, and leave her with not one more pleasure than his thrashes and thrusts deserve, before he is off to conquer the World again.