Crikey, it is late, woman turns to pumpkin, g'night all.
Er - I don't think the evil embracers meant THAT - but I am sure they shall speak for themselves...
Sit back and enjoy the show, BillW.
Yes, oh yes, oh yes yes yes, oh don't ever stop
Women may be evil, but men are happy to accommodate them. c.i.
re: women are evil
i'm new to able2know, so i'm regretfully late in responding to this argument. I must agree that women are indeed evil. Being that I am a woman, i don't feel like my opinion is biased. But, for all the men reading this, please take note that depending on your beliefs, or the general belief of the Christian masses (no disrespect intended, at all) women came from the rib of Adam. That having been said, we follow your lead.
If women originally came from man and women are evil, it is because men are evil. How 'bout that?
Ahhh. She makes a good point. And, she's from New Orleans, which means she has insider info on evil.
I never unstood the import of this thread, we all know the wimmins be evil, the wimmins admit to bein' evil . . . what's the point here . . . better we discuss terms and behavior, for the safety of the mins . . .
There IS no safety for mins.....
'Specially with evil bunny wimmins about . . .
Heh heh heh...............pounce........
hoomans life on this planet is just an experiment to determine how far wimmins can push mins until they capitulate back into the safety of primordial ooze.
The purpose of this thread was initially to puruade the men to rise up and join my insurgency. There was to be solidarity in our movement in which all men boycotted the wimmin with the exception of myself (we needed a man inside, just for intel).
This proved to be a highly unpopular movement, every recruit wanted to worm his way into intelligence and the boycott never took.
i've always shunned intelligence
You show me your guide book, and I'll decide if it's worth showing you mine.
A wimmin slipped in, keep it down . . .
So, Craven, for a min, worming one's way into the ranks of the wimmin means worming one's way into intelligence?
How awfully apt....
Take your victories where you can deb...