Hmmmmm - never used one for any of that stuff......hmmmmmmmm....not a bad idea, though...
also good for changing tires and moving furniture. if you convince them it makes them look awfully manly, they will do almost anything!
dlowan says:
If we go back to the amoeba, you realise sexual reproduction stops?
Do we really want that?
This isn't exactly ture, reproduction occurs - you just don't need evill wimmin to accomplish it! They become irrelevant.
Bill W - you may note said SEXUAL reproduction - amoeba reproduce ASEXUALLY.
You don't require evil mins, either - and, while I have no reason to dismiss the notion that the amoeba have some frisson in their fission, I have little reason to believe it, either....
Ah, so technical, geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees...............
You don't believe there's a little organism when that split takes place. By the way, if unsexual, then it must be min - hmmmm, maybe I should rephrase that!
yes.......? raised interrogative eyebrow....
oh no, it's been revived!
btw, wimmins are still evil!
wimmin are so evil, we were just having such fun and then they bite into an apple - now all we get is designer clothes and they have to match!
I'm beginning to think that the best solution here would be to pour billions into the biotech industry to produce a human parthenogenesis drug. Then, when men and women are ready to live completely apart, they'll flip for a hemisphere, and everyone moves accordingly.
(Me, i'm gonna strongly look at small, fast cruise boats for upscale people smuggling in the Carribean . . . )
Er - I think this thread is sort of an indication that the sexes enjoy each other, Setanta!
(Psssst . . . that was the point of my reference to fast cruise ships . . . don't interrupt me when i'm sellin' snake oil, 'k?)
Oh, I got that one - but I don't wanna hafta PAY!
Only the min pay and pay and pay and pay..................
hav you ever known well any eastern european min? i paid for one the whole day today, coffee, lunch, beer, cigarettes.... outrageous i tell you!!!!
MY min don't pay - nor do anyone else's that I know....
dagmaraka wrote:hav you ever known well any eastern european min? i paid for one the whole day today, coffee, lunch, beer, cigarettes.... outrageous i tell you!!!!
(SIGH) Tell me all abt it ....
Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Ukranian !!!
but ay, they are worth the $$$$, aren't they?
wimmins pay? errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr NOT