Some wimmins are more evil that others. I don't think i have met a more evil wimmintype than dlowan. Dag is close though.
Ah! Stab in the back! To I who have supported all your noble endeavors, like shaving the cat and such?!?!
Um, right. i retract that. But dlowan is still very evil. I recall no support for the shaving of cats and she even cheered that my cousin went back on her word.
BTW, I showed the pictures you posted to my cousing and other evil wimmin who were hoping I'd not shave the cat and they laughed. But they still didn't see things my way. Evil wimminfolk!
Thats a "B" word, not a "W" word Dag - "WickedBillW" works though
such dull creatures some wimmins are. i am almost ashamed of my race, or whateezit. gender. still better than being mins though.
No way, how is it better? We can pee standing up and you femfolk get to fret about what bum last sat on the seat.
Errrr, wimin can pee standing up too. There are web pages about it. Try something else!
True, my aunt always wins the family peeing-for-distance contests. I was going to raise facial hair but she wins that contest routinely as well.
hee hee, we are all very proud of her. now i wouldn't raise facial hair as some privilege though - it merely shows you men are slower to develop - you are more ape-like, while we wimin are centurie if not thousands of years ahead in the evolution of our species. it's a miracle we can still breed offsprings with you mins!
Less developed? Pffffffft It can keep us warm.
Collects food scraps.
means you are furry, or you drag dangerous cutting implements over your faces every day.
You give us stubble burn.
hairy backs!!! ewwwwwwwww!
I am EVIL for protecting defenceless innocent pussycats?
I am a SAINT!
pffft, it can keep you warm.... it keeps gorillas warm, too!
In the way society seems to be going today - I think maybe backward is better, let's see; gorilla, that sounds good!
will my distant offsprings be amoebas?
That would be terrible for them, as amoebae cannot reach the keyboard in order to play on a2k!
They would just send electrical impulses - no need for a keyboard.
If we go back to the amoeba, you realise sexual reproduction stops?
Do we really want that?
Now that would be unfortunate. The mins are useful in their own way for certain things, and sexual reproduction is one of them.
Reaching the things on the high shelves and carrying heavy packages are the others.