What is wrong with your nuts, Bill?
(anxious, worried look)
Nuts. That's what they are!
perchance none of you have noticed the rapid increase in mins use of cosmetic surgery
I thought it was settled pages ago. Wimmins be evil.
I thought so too Craven. Wimmins be evil. And nuts be nice. So who is complaining?
only those without wimmins
It was settled that wimmins be evil? Oh, I missed that....but I think it is mins that are evilly, especially after they get you to luve thim.
In the very first post I think I conceded that mens be eviler. But wimmins still be evil.
Nah. You be wrong. We be all that is wise, witty, wonderful - including just the necessary soupcon of evility to spice the mix.
Ahh, deb makes the best funnies. Wise? LOL Witty? hardy har har wonderful? ok, just thought of boobs so I won't contest that.
Ahh, I wonder if a certain raging feminist (won't mention any names so that dlowan doesn't feel bad) is gonna rile at me scoffing at wise and witty and making wonderful about sexuality. Hmmmm
Whether this certain someone does or not she will probably feign nonchalance.
Dlowan wrote...
"Nah. You be wrong. We be all that is wise, witty, wonderful - including just the necessary soupcon of evility to spice the mix".
typical hippy chik comeback if i do say so myself...
Yawns - whatevah.....
Of course, wisdom is necessary to appreciate wisdom, so 'tis no wonder you missed it - wit requires one attend to the words of the other party...so, well, .....I shall retire in compassionate politeness from the field....
Now Craven, I'll have to disagree with you. No way mins be more evil than wimmins. No contest. Wimmins have mins beat, hands down.
Uh, I don't think so many people of any sexerie are all so evil, at least to start out as wailing babies. Even some of the evil simmin adults who do meanies are getting back at sommin. But I think mins are a bit more prone to be out and out evilly and wimmins are more subtlelly working thins out.
You missed the fourth "W" Deb- wicked!