Bill W - you do not understand - Bethles is calling me Debbie - she KNOWS I hate it, don't you, Bethie Wethie? She is extracting the Michael.
Who the smeg is that picture of?
How little did I notice, thanks for the claification (as he slowly edges out the door backwards)!
evil woman reporting for duty
Miss Debbie, that is a pic of Miss Debbie that I found through a google image search.
Have a lovely day, Miss Debbie.

You see, people - ehbeth is ACTUALLY the evil wimmin Craven had in mind when he began this thread.
He put MY name to it, because he is so fearful of ehBeth that he dared not say the truth.
He is, of course, not in the least afraid of me.
He has tried to warn you all! Fleeeeee! Fleeeeeeee! Flee the wrath of eh Beth
A sweet looking deer with blue flowers fringing her head or a droopy eyed coney sucking on a fag. Now let me see, eenie, mennie, minnie mo - - - -
Run from the evil wimmin
and watch out for your soul!
Oh - it is WAAAAAAAAAY too late for your souls.......
don't run too fast, might not be able to catch us
<is that really our dlowan?>
I think you protest a little too strongly there, bunny
very suspicious, ain't it? perhaps we can ask differently. say, dlowan, can you play a piano?
paws can't hit the right keys
Paws are capable of faaaar more finesse than you have ever dreamt of...
but you can't play a piano can ya?
No - but not because of the paws - because I never learned.
Ok, I sorry to have to do this*, this is really the bun's
preferred career path...
*like right...