goa sunset wrote:Pueo are you really a fan on the Indian cricket team? If you are then it's pretty funny.
oh no, another cricketeer. i have'nt figured out cricket even with wilso's help.
this is a no cricket zone
Rae wrote:I'll be happy to put Roger on the phone with you, pueo.....he's a bit tied up at the moment though.
Maybe later.
torture is against the geneva convention! <pssst george, can we make a pre-emptive strike on cocoa beach?>
Roger is tied up? Hmmmmmm - think of all the fun you could have tied up too, Pueo! Reeeeeelaaaaaaaaaaaax, let your eyelids close...... let me whisper sweet nothings in your ear....... reeeeelaaaaaaax, sleeeeeeeeeeep.......
Do need any more proof that wimmin are so so evil - I think not!
can you prove that men are NOT just as evil?
Unfair question, off topic, digressive manuver to obfuscate from the point at hand -
Might I add, that's a mighty lovely "hmph"!
Just look at that - the digressive efforts of an evil minion. Sadly lacking in finesse.
true evilness requires cunning not typically found in the male.
true, dys, men are not know to be cleverly cunning. just plain evil. evil can be dumb as a boot. i, for example, know a man who intends to flush a goldfish down the toilet. cunning? not much, no. evil? hell yes! that is the malekind in action, there.
pfffffffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttt goldfish are for swallowing

(my boots are not so dumb)
So that's the way the killer sewer goldfish breed was started!
so dys is gonna eat goldfish and then they're in the sewer?
i don't think i needed to know that!
traumatized. i've been traumatized by the evil minion.
Mornin' all. Any more mins to destr....I mean delight this morning, fair wimmins?
G'day, Miss Debbie.
How are you doin'?
Et tu BethIE - again?
Did we get up on the wrong side of the bed Debs dear?