Well, I ain't going. Unless you got somewhere REALLY good to go to!
i've heard that atlantis is a great place.
Even Paradise, Deb? An endless supply of mins who cater to our every need and want? Without complaint or confusion?
well c.i. is willing to go...........
Nah - Paradise would be dull......and I lile the smeggers ornery...
Wimmin, wine, and song is all c.i. needs or wants.....

c.i. is a wise one.........taken captive by evil wimmins..what better fate?.....now, the question is......what has happened to those other mins who were carryin on not so long ago? Are they afraid of the evilness eminating from this friendly thread? Setanta, are you going to leave Pueo and c.i. alone to have all the fun? Now, what evil things shall we do? How about a good movie? hehehehe
The evil wommin I work with has a sticker on her car that says "girls are evil".
She spends her whole day validating the assertion and I'm the misfortunate fella who has to share an office with her.
Evil smeggers!
<apologies to dab>
Some wimmin aren't good evil, they're evil evil. And the mins should leave evil evil wimmin alone. Don't provoke um because mins who do, will only get hurt.
Hmmm - I wonder if Craven's office mate is a truly evil wimmin - or a fun evil wimmin?
I DO hope the latter!
I shared my office for 3 years with our team psychiatrist at the time, who is still one of my closest min friends, and we teased each other constantly - but loved every minute of it. He is evil, and a pod.
Fun evil, bust still evil. She hit me with a wrist rest on my very first day. She'd wanted to see if it hurt.
Evil I tell ya!
Talk from Ozzieland what is a "pod" - please?
Masked Marvel has met his match!!!!
Bill - "pod" comes from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" - remember that the aliens grew bodies in pods to replace people with, and they looked just like the people they replaced, but acted not human?
Jerry Seinfeld used the term to describe Kramer, because kramer did not get disturbed by the usual social things the others did.
I loved the term so much I use it to describe odd folk- like my psychiatrist friend (whose wife and kids now look at each other, roll their eyes, and say"he's a pod"! when he does something odd) and Craven.
Not when a woman weilds it. :-)
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - see - he IS a pod!