~;> P ~:> P
(goddess, I am mature!)
goddess - is that what they call it now?
dlowan is the wordsmith on A2K. c.i.
would that be the "twistsmith", c.i.?
Or the twistedlingomaestratta?
what the smeg was twisted?
smeg backwards is gems ... but then I digress .....
wrong thread! heeeeheeeee
Not really twisted as much as 'expanded.'

To quote the bunny, "Grrrrrrrrr-rrrrrrrrr-rrrrrrrrr"
not to digress into mature seriousness for too long.......but Deb, by evil, I was referring to whatever Setanta and the other mins were meaning by the use of the word........which is actually representational of something, unnamed and best left that way, I think. I just think, why deny it? We're all in this boat together. Why not enjoy it? Soooooooooo, if what wimmins are is evil and I be a wimmin, then what I be evil.......and since what I am is what I like, then evil must be fun..........wow! that was circular.........
anyway, enjoy us for what we are and we'll do the same, mins........it's what makes the world keep goin round. Love you guys lots and lots.........
the wimmins is speaking in riddles.............
No we isn't.
was that clear?
i think they're casting spells of confusion on us mins.
Hmmmmmm....damn fine idea.....
pueo, We is already confused. Those wimmin can confuse me all they want..... chuckle, chuckle.... c.i.
alas, c.i., they have taken you captive.
Yes, but his captivity shall be a joy unto him.....we is GOOD to our captives....
Okayfinewhatever.....I am evil.
So there.
I'll take all women away from this earth if that will please you mins.