See? It is a great word, isn't it?
Yeap-liked it from the beginning, out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom, or some such thing!
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh craven's been attacked by a fun evil wimmins. hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
he is sooooooooooo a minion
Now he has all of us online fun evil wimmins, and at least one real life one!
What is the betting he falls in lerve with the flesh one?
Poor Masked Marvel - I suspect he will soon be a shadow of his former self!
I was going to say 'sounds like a keeper' when he was griping about her.
being hit with a wrist support is a definite sign
NOW we know what makes a dream job a dream job...
Well East coast girls are hip
I really dig those styles they wear
And the Southern girls with the way they talk
They knock me out when I'm down there
The Mid-West farmer's daughters really make you feel alright
And the Northern girls with the way they kiss
They keep their boyfriends warm at night
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California girls
The West coast has the sunshine
And the girls all get so tanned
I dig a french bikini on Hawaii island
Dolls by a palm tree in the sand
I been all around this great big world
And I seen all kinds of girls
Yeah, but I couldn't wait to get back in the states
Back to the cutest girls in the world
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California girls
I wish they all could be California
(Girls, girls, girls yeah I dig the)
I wish they all could be California
(Girls, girls, girls yeah I dig the)
I wish they all could be California
(Girls, girls, girls yeah I dig the)
I wish they all could be California
(Girls, girls, girls yeah I dig the)
Yep - the griping, the moaning, the kidding - she is a keeper all right!
Big loud grrrrrrr! She's fun but not that kind of fun. She's "fun because the bossman doesn't know what fun is" fun. Not "let's make woopie" fun.
Hey! We made Craven growl like a Bunny!
Denial - a sure sign.........
Steamed denial usually turns up as gator soup!
Craven's bark is harmless. I think. c.i.
Yeah - but we got the evil min poster of this thread GROWLING LIKE A BUNNY!!!!!!!!
We have VICTORY here! Wimmin rule!!!!
dlowan says:
dlowan, we never said we didn't let you do that!
See, makes you feel so good (hee hee hee)?
Rule on rabbit!
Gnashing fangs.....slavering....eyes turning blood red.....eyeing off softer, more vulnerable parts.....deciding on target.......
Gosh, I've been mistaking that pink eye for "blood red."
