Lash wrote:
When I started reading about the Alt Right, I immediately thought of Tyler Durden--(Fight Club) the angry millennial males who wake up into a world where feminism and political correctness have a big angry finger pointed at them for being white and having a penis.
I've never seen that flick, but from what you're describing, I think you have certainly identified what seems to an important element of the "alt.right," whatever it really is.
As the other blogger I quoted said, I think the term is just too nebulous to define in any objective manner. But one thing is quite certain (see, just for example, the excerpt I posted from Brietbart in response to NPR), Bannon was NOT referring to Robert Spencer and his ilk when he (Bannon) used the term.
If the media and/or everyone else wants to get together and that the term "alt.right" means "white supremacy advocates," I don't care. Just don't try to retroactively impute that meaning to what Bannon said.