Ive felt since 2003 that the media had turned from reporting the news to subtle dictating the news and how you should feel about it. When I spoke about this with my older friends they adimately stated its been this way far longer than I have taken note of it.
Ive had to adopt a skeptical of every story stance and read between the lines attitude but eventually had to stop giving any major news outlet my attention.
The government has fully embraced the power media has over highlighting corrupt political actions and how to side step them when its not favorable.
The only real way to know the whole story is to take stories from many sources. But you still never get the full scope. Todays journalists dont care about the details but rather how can the story be used for political leverage.
I dont think there is any way to save american news media. Not from within and it wont fix itself under any pressure. The only real thing you can hope for is to have more insiders reveal the corruption at the risk of being deemed a criminal.