Rising fascism in the US

Tue 6 Feb, 2024 09:18 am
(sigh of relief) The Zionists don’t win everything


UK tribunal says academic discriminated against due to anti-Zionist beliefs

A professor sacked by the University of Bristol after being accused of anti-Semitic comments says he feels vindicated after a United Kingdom tribunal ruled that he experienced discrimination based on his anti-Zionist beliefs and was wrongfully dismissed.

David Miller had been let go by the institution in late 2021 after a disciplinary hearing concluded that the academic “did not meet the standards of behaviour” expected by university staff.

The professor of political sociology launched employment tribunal proceedings claiming unfair dismissal, breach of contract and discrimination or victimisation on grounds of religion or belief.

At the conclusion of proceedings on Monday, Miller successfully claimed discrimination “based on his philosophical belief that Zionism is inherently racist, imperialist, and colonial, a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010”, said his legal representatives, Rahman Lowe.

“This judgment establishes for the first time ever that anti-Zionist beliefs are protected in the workplace,” the firm said.

Miller, who was also found to have been unfairly and wrongfully dismissed, said he was “very proud” to have established that anti-Zionist views qualify as a protected belief.

“This was the most important reason for taking the case and I hope it will become a touchstone precedent in all the future battles that we face with the racist and genocidal ideology of Zionism and the movement to which it is attached,” Miller said.

“The determination that I was sacked for my anti-Zionist views is a huge vindication of my case all the way through this process,” he said.

“The University of Bristol maintained that I was sacked because Zionist students were offended by my various remarks, but it was plain from the evidence of its own witnesses that this was untrue, and it was the anti-Zionist nature of my comments which was the decisive factor,” he added.

A ‘landmark’ case

Miller drew controversy during a lecture at the university in 2019, when he said the Zionist movement was one of five pillars driving Islamophobia in the UK, the tribunal heard.

The University of Bristol subsequently received a complaint from the Community Security Trust charity, which said his lecture was a “false, vile … antisemitic slur”.

After an investigation of the complaint, no further action was taken against the Scottish-born academic.

But further complaints were made to the university about him after he took part in an event called “Building the campaign for free speech” in February 2021, in which he spoke of being publicly criticised for his views on Palestine and Israel.

This led to the launch of disciplinary proceedings that culminated in his dismissal in October 2021.

Zillur Rahman, who represented Miller, hailed Monday’s “landmark case” saying it “marks a pivotal moment in the history of our country for those who believe in upholding the rights of Palestinians,” Rahman said.

He added that the timing of the ruling will be welcomed by those facing persecution in their workplaces for speaking out against Israel’s war in Gaza.

The University of Bristol said in a statement that it acknowledges the judgement of the tribunal but is “disappointed with its findings”.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 09:42 am
The ruling was by the Bristol Employment Tribunal.
The Employment Tribunals are the judicial body with responsibility for workplace justice. The law they deal with, is the UK employment law.

The case was University of Dr. David Miller vs. University of Bristol (here)
(Notably, it found that David Miler’s “anti-Zionist” beliefs qualified as a “philosophical belief and a protected characteristic” under the Equality Act 2010. And it found that Miller was subject to “direct discrimination” from the university over its decision to sack him – and to reject a subsequent appeal from him against that decision.)

From where did you get that the University of Bristol are Zionists?
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 09:53 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Yes, I know. And that's a good thing, in my opinion. The state of Israel controls speech in far too many countries--and as one goes, others are likely to follow.

I watched what was being done to Jeremy Corbyn and I bitterly disagreed that there was any justification. They needed to bring him down because he was a thorn in the side of neocons and US lapdogs.

It's more than a little scary to me to see Israel call everything they don't like antisemitism or Hamas while they are carrying the worst horror in my lifetime.

I'm glad Corbyn rose up again. Bernie did not.

I'm thrilled that this guy was upheld at his job--and he retains the right not to pay homage to Israel.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 10:03 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
From where did you get that the University of Bristol are Zionists?
I've read the judgement again: there's nowhere mentioned that the respondent (here: University of Bristol) was a Zionist.
Or that Zionists were involved in the case 1400780/2022 or in any of the cases/laws mentioned in the ruling.
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 10:23 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Who do you think drives speech rules around what's antisemitic?
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 10:48 am
I'm pleased these discussions are going so well. It's my hope they continue for a long, long while.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 10:59 am
Lash wrote:
Who do you think drives speech rules around what's antisemitic?
In the UK (that's where the quoted ruling was done) it's the law. (Quoted in the ruling).

A conciliatory proposal: why don't you read the ruling and base your questions/comments/statements on it?

In Germany, Article 5 of the Basic Law guarantees everyone the right to freely express and disseminate their opinions in speech, writing and images. (Freedom of the press is also enshrined in this article.)

Freedom of expression may be restricted by other laws.
Insults, for example, are not covered by the right to freedom of expression. Blatant falsehoods such as Holocaust denial or the spreading of fake news are also not covered by freedom of expression.
The fundamental right to freedom of expression also applies on the internet. However, fake news or hate comments, for example, must be clearly distinguished from this and can be prosecuted under criminal law.
0 Replies
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 11:13 am
So both elections Trump fought were rigged, including the one he won.

No Socialist agrees with Trump, about anything.
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 11:18 am
Lash wrote:
Some very good speech news!!
From a post on Twitter, so use salt. I’ll try to get confirmation elsewhere.
I hope this is accurate.

About four hours after I've mentioned him, on this thread.

I don't follow Twitter, not after it was bought by a sack of ****.
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 11:49 am
Of course you’re right. You mentioned it, but as often happens with both of us, you threw that in while we were discussing Corbyn. I didn’t see it as related, so I dismissed it.

It’s very happy news.
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 11:57 am
If Trump said Clinton’s handling of classified documents was sloppy and careless, he’s correct—and I hope socialists are more concerned with accuracy than falsely maintaining the opposite view of Trump.

He’s wrong often enough to keep them happy.

Tue 6 Feb, 2024 01:09 pm
"Sloppy and careless" handling of documents is not the same as rigging an election.

Lots of American politicians have done the same.

Only Trump committed a crime.

(Ok has been charged with a crime about retaining documents, one of his many court trials.)
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 01:11 pm
If you want to know about Corbyn google Rachel Riley.

She had a lot of **** to say about him.
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 02:19 pm
I read one puff piece about her, but I got sidetracked with Richard Wolffe on Capitalism.

I'm going to follow up on her. Thanks.
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 02:33 pm
There's lots of non Corbyn related stuff about her.

A **** ton in fact.

You need to be more focused on what she did/said re Corbyn.
0 Replies
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 02:36 pm
Well, the fact that the rigging of the Democrat primary of the 2016 election went to court --and it was admitted in open court that it was rigged and further, that the Democrats had the right to rig it--effectively ripped the veil of theater off of American government so to speak--a la Assange.

He made a lot of rich, connected enemies.
Also, I can imagine how Hillary felt knowing the world read her team's interoffice memo showing that she approved their idea for the media to focus on Trump--and how that turned out.

She is guilty of sloppy and rigging.
But, yes, many are guilty of cheating--and many are guilty of crimes--but most of them cover for each other. Trump was an outsider in a few ways and they most definitely didn't cover for him.

I think that is the one thing that's a positive for him.
The media covers for the establishment and they hounded the hell out of him--which is what they should be doing to all of the politicians.
0 Replies
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 03:12 pm
This is a pivotal moment in US history.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything he says in this video.

Tucker Carlson--Why I'm Interviewing Putin

Tue 6 Feb, 2024 06:56 pm
I thought it would be interesting to see David Miller’s reply to a guy (Daniel) who tweaked Corbyn a bit about apologizing rather than fighting his accusations.
(Corbyn did receive many supportive replies.)


I am afraid that Daniel is on point here. The strategy adopted by Corbyn at the behest of his many Zionist and 'soft-on-Zionism' advisers was 'apologise' and move on.

That was a disastrous strategy which ended with Corbyn having no-one left to support him because

1. A system for dealing with (overwhelmingly fake) anti semitism complaints was adopted which centred Zionist assumptions and took on the false idea that there was a specific 'problem' of anti-Semitism on the left. This system was responsible for massively accelerating the witch hunt *after* the left took control of the party machinery under Jennie Formby.

2. one by one his strongest supporters were thrown under the bus (on his watch).

In the end, inexorably, Corbyn had no-one left to support him.

The strategy for the left, the anti-war movement and the Palestine solidarity movement must now be: no apologies, take on the Zionist movement directly.

If my case shows anything, it is that they can be confronted and defeated.


Tue 6 Feb, 2024 08:16 pm
Twitter is blowing up in two directions—influencers, trying to point to Biden’s strengths (the tanking economy and fighting the evil Putin before he rolls into Poland— Rolling Eyes ) Seems obv to most people that Barbra Streisand didn’t write her economic dissertation tweet without the DNC.

Obv, the DNC is reacting with distraction and who can blame them. The impending interview may just land them all at The Hague. Of course, I’ve thought that twice before.

Anyway, the other group is like me—deeply hopeful that the eyes of the people in this country will finally be opened so we can get on with the business of cleaning out our government and starting over.

One such searing voice belongs to Caitlin Johnstone.

Here’s what she said:

Caitlin Johnstone

This entire sick dystopia is held together by psychological compartmentalization. By the fact that it’s more comfortable to avoid looking directly at the horrors of the status quo we live under, even though on some level we all know those horrors are there.

All the shitlibs you see cheering for Biden right now are on some level aware that he’s backing a genocide of unbelievable savagery that is inflicting unfathomable amounts of suffering upon our fellow human beings, but they avoid looking at this reality directly. All the information is right there right out in the open, but they cognitively squirm and twist away from it so that they see only Biden’s acts like slightly reducing America’s student loan debt and not being Donald Trump.

They do this because to really wrap their minds around the depravity of what Biden is doing would shatter their world. It would mean letting in some very scary truths about their nation, their government and their political system that they’d rather avoid noticing. It would mean a crushing deluge of cognitive dissonance until they dramatically revised their worldview into something that could allow for a Democratic president behaving like a complete monster. It would mean having to completely restructure their understanding of the world they live in.

That takes effort. It takes emotional labor. It takes a willingness to experience a high degree of psychological discomfort as you wade into the muck of reality to face the inconvenient facts you’ve been avoiding looking at your entire adult life. It takes a willingness to experience this unpleasantness not just intellectually, but emotionally and viscerally as well. You’ve got to look at it with your eyes and your mind and your heart and your guts. And you have to somehow find the time and psychological spaciousness to do all this in a society that is designed to keep ordinary people busy, tired, dysfunctional, and stressed out.

A vast globe-spanning empire is built on the foundation of how difficult it is to look directly at something that is extremely unpleasant to look at, about which you have been propagandized and indoctrinated your entire life into accepting as normal. In school we’re taught that we live in a democracy and that our government is basically good while other governments are bad and their countries are places you would not want to live in, and then in adulthood this false indoctrination is reinforced and built upon by propaganda from the mass media. Before we have time to learn how to think critically, we are spoon-fed a worldview designed by the powerful for the benefit of the powerful, and we will experience cognitive dissonance if at any time we are presented with information that contradicts it.

That’s the primary job of mass media propaganda: not so much to convince us to believe new stories about weapons of mass destruction or whatever, but to build and reinforce a worldview within us which is fiercely loyal to establishment power structures. That’s why the propaganda is served up in two different ideological flavors: one for the shitlibs and one for the rightists. You’re funneled into whichever mainstream, power-serving echo chamber best suits your conditioning and disposition, and then you are fed a power-serving worldview therein which you will zealously defend as the gospel truth.

It’s a highly effective trap, but it’s not inescapable. Anyone who’s ever escaped from an abusive relationship, a dysfunctional family or a cult knows that it is possible to find your way out of a psychological cage that has been built for you by a skillful manipulator, even if there were times in the past when you hadn’t even known the cage bars were there. The light of truth has a way of finding cracks through which to enter, and all it takes to start things off is a faint little glimmer.

We can fight the machine by creating as many of those cracks as possible, which in practice looks like doing everything we can to wake our fellow humans up to the abusive relationship we are in with the western empire. Finding as many ways as possible to show as many eyes as we can the murder, the injustice, the exploitation and the ecocide, not just intellectually but emotionally as well. Many of the indoctrinated are too far gone to be reached, or are too personally invested in the status quo they defend, but many others are right on the cusp of leaving the cult of the empire, ready to take the leap if they are just given a good enough reason to.

And to be clear, this is already happening. If this wasn’t already clear to you, Gen Z’s ferocious opposition to Biden’s butchery in Gaza should have driven this point home now. It is not a coincidence that the first generation to turn their backs on mass media indoctrination and start creating their own media and their own ideas is by far the best on Israel-Palestine right now. The humans have already begun shaking each other awake, and its happening most among the humans who are furthest from death.

Right now it feels like the empire is leaning very hard on our tendency to dissociate and look away. Their actions in Gaza look like they’re torturing someone to death in the town square and looking us all dead in the eyes while they do it, trusting that we’ll turn our gaze away and submit. But it isn’t working. People are looking more, not less. The western empire has never had more critical attention on it than it has right at this very moment.

Getting people to look at the empire’s real ugly face behind the mask of perception management is difficult to do, but it’s also the only thing we have to do. Once enough people start looking, the game is already over; it has already lost all its power. So please know that everything you do to help push this forward is making a very real difference. And please know that you are not alone.

0 Replies
Tue 6 Feb, 2024 09:25 pm
"Sloppy and careless" handling of documents is not the same as rigging an election.

You were right. You do not know how things work in the U.S. "Sloppy and careless handling" of classified documents is a breach of the Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement that Clinton signed as Secretary of State.

It states:

Clinton received training in proper procedure concerning classified material, and she signed a Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement stating that she did indeed receive this training.

By signing this Agreement, Clinton also acknowledged that she understood that she was legally bound to the details of its content.

Clinton then ignored her legal obligations as stated in the Agreement she signed, and was grossly negligent.

Clinton was aware that the U.S. Code clearly condemns gross negligence, which describes gross negligence as exactly what she did.

Clinton violated the U.S. Code and the Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement she signed.

Here's the classified information nondisclosure agreement she violated after signing.


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