What about Sikhs? The women dress like everyone else but the men have to wear turbans and grow a beard. Are they being forced to hide their hair? Are they oppressed?
Lash wrote:
Islam should proclaim this to protect women from torture, murder, and a life of oppression.
How do you envisage this happening? Is the Koran going to spout legs and start talking? How ridiculous would it be if someone said the same thing about Christianity? At with Christianity at least you've got the Pope one mouthpiece. Islam doesn't have that. The prophet saw how the church had coopted and controlled faith and he wanted none of it. God has no clergy, each Muslim is his own priest directly connected to God. What that means is there's a huge mass of differing Imams with different interpretations and so on.
And before you ask, shouldn't prominent Muslims condemn such things, well yes, and they have, but it just doesn't get reported.
Lash wrote:
Yes, I’ve taught lovely Muslim girls who had to hide their hair and various parts of their bodies. Muslim boys could wear what they liked. It’s demeaning to women.
What about pornography? Isn't that demeaning? And that is the response many Muslims, both men and women give when the burkha is criticised.
Criticising Islam instead of types of Islam plays right into the hands of Trump/Bush and the Saudi Princes. Wahhabism, the extreme form of Sunni Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia is what inspired IS, Al Qaida, the lot, so why don't we condemn that. We don't because it would single out Saudi Arabia, and Trump wouldn't want to do that. It suits the Saudis too, criticism of Islam can be put down to infidel bigotry and dismissed, unlike something more specific.
Meanwhile Saudi money sends Wahhabist literature to Western mosques all with the blessing of Western governments.