Rising fascism in the US

Sun 15 Oct, 2017 10:36 pm
Frankly, I resent your snotty comments. Get down from your high horse, and stop thinking your intellect is superior to everyone else's.
Walter Hinteler
Sun 15 Oct, 2017 11:14 pm
maxdancona wrote:
... ban the Nazi party? Many European countries have done just that.
It's done in Germany due to the Control Council Law No. 2 (as of October 10, 1945). This law was rendered ineffective for the Federal Republic of Germany by Law No. 16 of the Allied High Commission of 16 December 1949 ... because since that time, "parties that, by reason of their aims or the conduct of their adherents, seek to undermine or abolish the free and democratic basic order of Germany or to endanger the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be unconstitutional (Basic Law, Art. 21 sec. 2 sentence 1)
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Sun 15 Oct, 2017 11:37 pm
cameronleon wrote:


Nothing wasteful about that. The ability to remember the past and drawing lessons from it is what makes us human.

Sure, so I want to see you posting messages crying how painful you are now because Mussolini years in power.

I have studied the Mussolini regime to a degree, and yes, Trump looks much like him, in more stupid and less effective. Mussolini was El Duce; Trump is The Douche. What will save America is the incompetence and sheer stupidity of its fascists.
Sun 15 Oct, 2017 11:42 pm
While Trump is busy raping America, Max is very very concerned about the kids in Berkeley.
0 Replies
Mon 16 Oct, 2017 01:05 am
The slight erosion of white privilege has caused some whites to see themselves as victims which is why they think the Nazis might have a point. They might pretend it's about freedom of speech or exaggerate the actions of anti fascists but really they're looking to blame someone else for their lives not turning out the way they wanted.

It's a lot easier to blame a scapegoat instead of taking responsibility.
0 Replies
Mon 16 Oct, 2017 01:23 am
Colin Kaepernick has filed a lawsuit against NFL team owners he believes are conspiring not to hire him because of his protests against racial injustice.

Kaepernick, 29, has been without a team since he opted out of his contract with the San Francisco 49ers in March.

He first protested by sitting during the national anthem in August 2016, before opting to kneel instead.

Other players followed suit, and criticism from President Donald Trump this September saw the protests spread.

In a statement released on Sunday, Kaepernick's lawyers wrote: "We can confirm that this morning we filed a grievance under the CBA on behalf of Colin Kaepernick.

"This was done only after pursuing every possible avenue with all NFL teams and their executives.

"If the NFL (as well as all professional sports leagues) is to remain a meritocracy, then principled and peaceful political protest - which the owners themselves made great theatre imitating weeks ago - should not be punished and athletes should not be denied employment.

"Such a precedent threatens all patriotic Americans and harkens back to our darkest days as a nation. Protecting all athletes from such collusive conduct is what compelled Mr Kaepernick to file his grievance.

"Colin Kaepernick's goal has always been, and remains, to simply be treated fairly by the league he performed at the highest level for and to return to the football playing field."

0 Replies
Mon 16 Oct, 2017 04:12 am
No Wmwcjr. I will not fall into line. You said something that was clearly incorrect. I pointed it out. Now you are telling me to shut up.

This thread is a prime example of group think. There is an ideological bubble here that sees disagreement as fascism. I am simply poking wholes in the narrative... with facts. You are upset because I am not marching in lockstep agreement with Izzy and Setanta. If you have any ability for critical thinking outside of your political side, go back and read this thread objectively. The claims being made here by the liberal in crowd are ridiculous.

I have to admit that you confuse me a little. You posted an article that was saying the same thing that I am saying.... I actually thought that you could see the partisan bubble here. You may have misunderstood your own article.

You are asking me to fall into line, to buy the ideological narrative and to stop challenging the story where it doesn't line up with facts or basic reason. Sorry, I won't do that.

Mon 16 Oct, 2017 05:18 am
Fascism entails banning political opposition (called for by some on the right, and even one member here); purging the party of anyone who does not meet ever more extreme definitions of orthodoxy (called for by some on the right, and one member here); muzzling the press, which President Plump has called for while openly admitting it was for criticism of him; and finally, it entails an alliance with capitalists, in order to fund the party's rise to power, and their maintenance in office. Can anyone here say Koch brothers?

Contrary to the lies by some people here, I do not automatically call those with whom I disagree fascists or Nazis. I have moved toward it since the rise of President Plump, because many on the extreme right are calling for just such an agenda which characterizes fascism. People here who whine about that, who claim that people say this only about the party they don't like, who refer to group think or a clique, are whiners who cannot defend the bullsh*t claims they make. I am reminded of Whackeye, who constantly whined about "the collective," and the infringement of his right of free speech, while puking up his hatefulness on a daily basis. As I used always to point out to him, this site is, in effect and in law, private property--you have no first amendment rights here; nevertheless, the management of this site allows a great deal of latitude in what one can post; and finally, that if there were any genuine curtailment of free speech here, you wouldn't be able to post your complaints here. Of course, for Whatckeye, I used smaller, more easily comprehended terms.

Really, what a pack of whiners. When has the "collective" or the "clique" ever stopped you jokers from posting? When has any Democratic president or candidate called for restrictions on what news media may broadcast, or of the internet, or complained of the restrictive nature of the constitution? Your boy President Plump has done all of those thins, and more than once, and the fat clown hasn't even been in officer for a year.

0 Replies
Mon 16 Oct, 2017 07:47 am

I have studied the Mussolini regime to a degree, and yes, Trump looks much like him, in more stupid and less effective. Mussolini was El Duce; Trump is The Douche. What will save America is the incompetence and sheer stupidity of its fascists.

Oh, yeah?

What books did you read to study Mussolini's regime?

Lets see.

1)- The biggest mistake of Mussolini was to take side with Hitler. Italy wasn't in condition to get into war, because of lack of an efficient war logistics. This is to say, Mussolini had the wrong impression of Italy's capability for a war of such degree.

1 a)- What alliance president Trump has made against someone? We have his alliance and complete support with Israel. And the war is against Muslim extremists. The war machine of the US is extraordinary.

2)- Mussolini didn't understand the production limitations of Italy. He ordered the change of olive grove areas into wheat growing, but those areas were not suitable for wheat and the profit fell miserably.

2a)- President Trump has opened the opportunity to exploit more energy sources when quitting the Climate agreement in Paris. Rather than loss his action has created more jobs and more profit.

3)- Mussolini took the wrong idea of how far Italy can achieve

3a)- President Trump and all Americans know with certainty how far America can achieve. This is for sure.

Some estimate that if Mussolini was in power 40 years after the war, he should have been successful. Everybody recognizes that his big mistake was siding with Hitler against France and England.

And about being a fascist because his personality, Hitler himself says that Mussolini was the "inventor of fascism".

4)- Mussolini had his "Fascist" party created by him in 1919.

4a)- As far as we know, president Trump has not created his own political party, and his is neither a socialist.


Your comparison of Dictator Benito Mussolini with president Donald Trump sucks.

You don't know what are you talking about.

You have come here to talk peanuts.

Go back and study again, and do it right at this time.

Mon 16 Oct, 2017 09:57 am
maxdancona wrote:
I am simply poking wholes in the narrative... with facts.

'cept when you write things that are completely untrue and absolutely NOT facts, and when called out on that, you ignore it and pretend it never happened. Isn't that correct?

0 Replies
Mon 16 Oct, 2017 06:39 pm
I think collusion of owners designed to protect their business is probably legal af, but young Mr. Kaepernick bringing his civil rights-oriented suit may actually impact his cause.


is an admirable thing.

Colin Kaepernick will be a historic figure.
Mon 16 Oct, 2017 07:47 pm
I read Malaparte's Technique of the Coup d'Etat, and a few more banal history books, novels such as the Garden of the Finzi Contini, and a few good movies.

Mussolini was an asshole but not an idiot. He got into power very early 11 years before Hitler) and got corrupted by absolute power very early as well.
Mon 16 Oct, 2017 07:55 pm
Olivier5 wrote:

I read Malaparte's Technique of the Coup d'Etat, and a few more banal history books, novels such as the Garden of the Finzi Contini, and a few good movies.

Mussolini was an asshole but not an idiot. He got into power very early 11 years before Hitler) and got corrupted by absolute power very early as well.

Mussolini founds the Fascist party

newspapers, breaks with the Italian Socialists and establishes the nationalist Fasci di Combattimento, named after the Italian peasant revolutionaries, or “Fighting Bands,” from the 19th century. Commonly known as the Fascist Party, Mussolini’s new right-wing organization advocated Italian nationalism, had black shirts for uniforms, and launched a program of terrorism and intimidation against its leftist opponents.

In October 1922, Mussolini led the Fascists on a march on Rome, and King Emmanuel III, who had little faith in Italy’s parliamentary government, asked Mussolini to form a new government. Initially, Mussolini, who was appointed prime minister at the head of a three-member Fascist cabinet, cooperated with the Italian parliament, but aided by his brutal police organization he soon became the effective dictator of Italy. In 1924, a Socialist backlash was suppressed, and in January 1925 a Fascist state was officially proclaimed, with Mussolini as Il Duce, or “The Leader.”

Mussolini appealed to Italy’s former Western allies for new treaties, but his brutal 1935 invasion of Ethiopia ended all hope of alliance with the Western democracies. In 1936, Mussolini joined Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in his support of Francisco Franco’s Nationalist forces in the Spanish Civil War, prompting the signing of a treaty of cooperation in foreign policy between Italy and Nazi Germany in 1937. Although Adolf Hitler’s Nazi revolution was modeled after the rise of Mussolini and the Italian Fascist Party, Fascist Italy and Il Duce proved overwhelmingly the weaker partner in the Berlin-Rome Axis during World War II.

Tue 17 Oct, 2017 06:26 am
Lash wrote:
I think there are dual moves toward fascism coming from the right and the left.
We need to be cognizant of both and warriors against it as long as we can.

There is no danger. The left are impotent nothings. Perhaps they want to be fascists. I wouldn't be surprised. But they will not amount to anything.

The right is not pursuing fascism. If some impotent liberal jumps up and down screaming "you're all a bunch of fascists" just ignore it.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Oct, 2017 06:28 am
Lash wrote:
I think collusion of owners designed to protect their business is probably legal af, but young Mr. Kaepernick bringing his civil rights-oriented suit may actually impact his cause.
is an admirable thing.
Colin Kaepernick will be a historic figure.

Come on now. This guy is calling for police officers to be murdered. He'll be remembered all right, but not for anything good.
0 Replies
Tue 17 Oct, 2017 08:09 am

The journalist who led the Panama Papers investigation into corruption in Malta was killed on Monday in a car bomb near her home.

Daphne Caruana Galizia died on Monday afternoon when her car, a Peugeot 108, was destroyed by a powerful explosive device which blew the vehicle into several pieces and threw the debris into a nearby field.

Murdered Panama Papers journalist's son attacks Malta's 'crooks'

A blogger whose posts often attracted more readers than the combined circulation of the country’s newspapers, Caruana Galizia was recently described by the Politico website as a “one-woman WikiLeaks”. Her blogs were a thorn in the side of both the establishment and underworld figures that hold sway in Europe’s smallest member state.

Her most recent revelations pointed the finger at Malta’s prime minister, Joseph Muscat, and two of his closest aides, connecting offshore companies linked to the three men with the sale of Maltese passports and payments from the government of Azerbaijan.

No group or individual has come forward to claim responsibility for the attack.

Malta’s president, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, called for calm. “In these moments, when the country is shocked by such a vicious attack, I call on everyone to measure their words, to not pass judgment and to show solidarity,” she said.

After a fraught general election this summer, commentators had been fearing a return to the political violence that scarred Malta during the 1980s.

In a statement, Muscat condemned the “barbaric attack”, saying he had asked police to reach out to other countries’ security services for help identifying the perpetrators.
What do we bet her murderers will never be brought to justice?
Walter Hinteler
Tue 17 Oct, 2017 08:32 am
Since I didn't think that this murder in Malta was related to Fascism (in the USA or to anything else related to the USA), I'd posted that yesterday in the thread about the Panama Papers.
Tue 17 Oct, 2017 08:52 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Thanks. I'll follow it there; however, murdering journalists to chill investigations into governmental corruption is pure fascism.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 17 Oct, 2017 09:04 am
Lash wrote:
murdering journalists to chill investigations into governmental corruption ....
Indeed. We can watch enough terrible examples in Russia, ..., ... and Turkey 'only' sends them to prison. But I have some difficulties with such a broad interpretation of "fascism".
Tue 17 Oct, 2017 09:43 am
@Walter Hinteler,
It is a sign of Totalitarianism - which is a sign of all dictatorial regimes and a practice spoken of favorably by tRump, who is setting into actions attempts to achieve this situation in America; approved of by 32% deplorable, despicable Americans on the extreme fascist right!

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