Quote:So, you do acknowledge the Nazi plan for the final solution?
I have not idea who has been brainwashing you, because what you just said sounds peanuts.
We have a Republican man in power, who is white and rich.
Is this the reason why you are throwing all your principles of being a proud American? Because president Donald Trump is white?
If you think so, then I think that electing a black president has been the worst idea ever happening in this country.
Look.. look at this news
Dem Rep. Al Green introduces articles of impeachment against Trump
Quote:Liberal Democratic Rep. Al Green on Wednesday followed through on threats to file articles of impeachment against President Trump, introducing the resolution in the House while delivering an anti-Trump tirade on the floor...
Accusing Trump of betraying “his trust as president” by embracing racism, Green referenced Adolf Hitler and made the point that Trump can still be removed from office even if he didn’t commit a crime....
Green’s resolution covered four articles of impeachment.
One accused the president of “inciting white supremacy, sexism, bigotry, hatred, xenophobia, race-baiting, and racism by demeaning, defaming, disrespecting and disparaging women and certain minorities.” Another alleged Trump brought “shame and dishonor to the office of the presidency by associating the majesty and dignity of the presidency with causes rooted in white supremacy, bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, white nationalism and neo-Nazism.”
Another still condemned Trump for saying “three to five million people voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election.”
The fourth article accused the president of “encouraging law enforcement officials to violate the Constitutional rights of the suspects in their case.”
Now we have that any black supremacist believes that he can impeach the president because the president is white.
Actually, president Donald Trump is not a racist.
This issue of racism is invented by black people to hide that their majority turns their lives to commit crimes instead of looking for prosperity.
President Obama was indeed a racist against his people.
If you disagree, please be free to post here all the actions made by president Obama during the 8 years of his administration favoring black people.
You know that president Obama asked for regulations protecting homosexuals and lesbians when including his "hate crime", also given them more medical care for AIDS and other diseases that they acquire because their negligent sexual behavior. There you have president Obama favoring "his" people.
But, in specific for blacks, what president Obama did for them?
And don't come here with "college funds, university grants" because those are made by elected authorities to gain votes, not so because they really care about those students.
What president Obama did for public schools where the majority are blacks and currently until today have very low rating?
What president Obama did for black youngsters involved in drugs and misdemeanors, reaching the whole nation and really changing their behavior? (because a president can create a program that never works)
What president Obama did to encourage a greater opportunities for blacks in jobs?
Write the specifics.
Compare this web link about president Obama for blacks in specific.
Quote:Under President Obama’s watch there was an emphasis on black males. In February 2014, the president introduced My Brother’s Keeper, to specifically focus on improving the lives of young African American males. The initiative is encouraging nonprofits to raise $200 million in five years for programs focused on young men of color. Though My Brother’s Keeper is not a federally-funded government program, no such effort has existed before under any American president. President Obama is said to be planning to make My Brother’s Keeper a major policy before he leaves office.
As you can read in the whole article, only "My Brother's Keeper" is in specific for blacks. Of course, after creating this program president Obama touched it no more.
That is the only program that you will find in that article in favor specifically on blacks.
Now, read the other side, lets use this web link
Quote: Under the leadership of America’s first black president, black people have been the biggest losers. Here are the numbers:
• 25% of black households live below the poverty line as compared to eight percent for white households.
• One out of three black children lives in poverty.
• Blacks are twice as likely as whites to be unemployed.
• Blacks earn $13,000 less per year than their white counterparts.
• The unemployment rate of African Americans has consistently been twice as high as for whites over the last 50 years.
• For every $100 in wealth of a white household, the black household only has $6 in wealth.
Thanks to Obama, gun violence in America is rising. Blacks are suffering the most because they are six times more likely to commit a homicide than whites and seven times more likely to be a victim of a homicide than whites. Crime has escalated thanks to Obama stoking the race wars in America.
See? who is the racist now?