Rising fascism in the US

Wed 28 Dec, 2022 09:37 am
hightor wrote:

This really doesn't make any sense. The post is a nothing burger.

revelette1 wrote:

This post is a nothing burger.

In other words:

I'm better than you,
na-na, na-na, boo-boo,
stick your head in doo-doo.

Absolutely agree. Same when the Democrat party does it!
Wed 28 Dec, 2022 09:58 am
What democrat party are speaking of? I am speaking to you personally, not a whole party of whatever kind of political view you represent. You have a huge hang-up with the "DNC" ever since your big change from the Republican Party. It is like you changed some of your political views but kept all rancor and hatred for the DNC and the Clinton and surrounding allies and amped it up a thousand degrees.

You seemingly can't just express your disagreements without insults to every single left poster except yourself for expressing leftward views you claim to represent and act as though you are the only enlightening intelligent progressive on this platform. It's in every single post you post and of course it gets people's back up. The only time it seems you agree with the leftist progressives is if it is against what main democrats want or espouse. Most of your posts are always filled with negatives articles about the DNC or Biden and/or some particular high ranking democrat in congress.

If you do bring an article about you believe in, you preface and or add commentary at the end with insults to leftist here on this platform and all the above I already mentioned. If posters on all sides (it takes all sides, not just one side so that includes you, and it includes me) would just debate the issues...but that is not politics in this age if it ever was. You are just like the rest of us. No better.
Wed 28 Dec, 2022 04:12 pm
You mean the 45 Billion he gave to them? Oh right that was Biden and Co. To Ukraine. Blackrock already meeting with Zelensky to redistribute some of our$ back to the Dems.

Wed 28 Dec, 2022 10:27 pm
the usual bullshit.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 01:29 am
George Santos
Aug 30, 2021
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 07:12 am
I see that Tulsi Gabbard filled in again on Tuesday night for non-conformist reportorial hero and passionate defender of the real truths Tucker Carlson.
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 12:29 pm
Santos is a ridiculous liar.
Biden, much worse.
Santos’ lies didn’t kill anybody.
Biden’s have killed, imprisoned, ruined families, and was before he signed on to administer this war.
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 12:30 pm
Perhaps you should watch something else.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 01:09 pm
Lash wrote:

The Rand Corporation: Extending Russia


Extending Russia
Competing from Advantageous Ground

This report examines a range of possible means to extend Russia. As the 2018 National Defense Strategy recognized, the United States is currently locked in a great-power competition with Russia. This report seeks to define areas where the United States can compete to its own advantage. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative data from Western and Russian sources, this report examines Russia's economic, political, and military vulnerabilities and anxieties. It then analyzes potential policy options to exploit them — ideologically, economically, geopolitically, and militarily (including air and space, maritime, land, and multidomain options). After describing each measure, this report assesses the associated benefits, costs, and risks, as well as the likelihood that measure could be successfully implemented and actually extend Russia. Most of the steps covered in this report are in some sense escalatory, and most would likely prompt some Russian counter-escalation. Some of these policies, however, also might prompt adverse reactions from other U.S. adversaries — most notably, China — that could, in turn, stress the United States. Ultimately, this report concludes that the most attractive U.S. policy options to extend Russia — with the greatest benefits, highest likelihood of success, and least risk — are in the economic domain, featuring a combination of boosting U.S. energy production and sanctions, providing the latter are multilateral. In contrast, geopolitical measures to bait Russia into overextending itself and ideological measures to undermine the regime's stability carry significant risks. Finally, many military options — including force posture changes and development of new capabilities — could enhance U.S. deterrence and reassure U.S. allies, but only a few are likely to extend Russia, as Moscow is not seeking parity with the United States in most domains.
Gee, I wonder if the BLUE NO MATTER WHO crowd will admit Biden is running a proxy war with Russia while laundering billions for himself and his criminal buddies while Americans, Ukrainians, and Europeans starve, freeze, and die.

Biden, or the MIC power behind him, and the presidents who go along with them follow the Wolfowitz Doctrine, which operates under the premise that all other countries are as craven and evil as they are and we cannot allow them to strengthen. This is why our CIA foments coups all over the world when other people elect more socialist governments or when they begin doing too well under some CIA rubric.

The Rand Corporation’s plans on ‘extending Russia’ are still (12/29/22) available to read. Check out the following excerpt to compare the language.

Former President Trump, and others in the US including some Democrats as well as Republicans, have criticized continued US support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. They have called for military and financial support to Ukraine to be cut, even ended. They downplay the risk from Russia and argue that the money should be spent at home.

Yet from numerous perspectives, when viewed from a bang-per-buck perspective, US and Western support for Ukraine is an incredibly cost-effective investment. 

Altogether, the Biden administration received Congressional approval for $40bn in aid for Ukraine for 2022 and has requested an additional $37.7bn for 2022. More than half of this aid has been earmarked for defense. 

These sums pale into insignificance when set against a total US defense budget of $715bn for 2022. The assistance represents 5.6% of total US defense spending. But Russia is a primary adversary of the US, a top tier rival not too far behind China, its number one strategic challenger. In cold, geopolitical terms, this war provides a prime opportunity for the US to erode and degrade Russia’s conventional defense capability, with no boots on the ground and little risk to US lives.


Of course, this wouldn’t have worked without a well-planned massive propaganda machine demonizing Russia for the last decade as plans were finalized and financed. Hunter Biden’s laptop was only important because of his connection to preparation for the war in Ukraine.

Ukrainians are considered cannon fodder, as well as a lot of Europe. Stop helping wreck the world. Think.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 01:10 pm
Lash wrote:

Nice try, no dice.

He wasn’t talking about me, your excuse for his hatred.

What I most like about this sentence you've quoted is the final portion...
"Trumpsters and other non conformists".

Indeed. Whenever I think of neo-Nazis, coup plotters, religious bigots, book banners, gay bashers, anti-Semites, serial liars, pushers of fake health remedies, racists, Jewish space laser theorists and the 'lock her up' screamers the very first descriptive term that comes to mind for this set of people is "non conformists".


Set. Of. People.

Nice to see your comfort level lying, though.

You can tell what gets under Blatham’s skin.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 01:17 pm
Lev Gudkov is a Russian sociologist, director of the analytical Levada Center (which is the only independently operating Russian polling institute) and editor-in-chief of the journal The Russian Public Opinion Herald.

He explained his research and latest poll in an interview published today in Der Spiegel.
When Gudkov surveyed the mood among the people of Russia shortly after the war began, it was a snap, he says. 68 percent of those polled supported the attack on Ukraine. After almost ten months, the picture he paints is even bleaker.

Gudkov: State propaganda still succeeds in creating a broad consensus. Most recently, a majority of 53 per cent of respondents thought that the military operation in Ukraine was successful. These are mainly people who watch state television, have hardly any access to the internet, older Russians. But there is also the other, smaller part of society, a third of those surveyed, who say that the operation is unsuccessful.
SPIEGEL: The war itself is not questioned.

Gudkov: No, the attacks on Ukraine and the massacres do not play a role. The Russians have hardly any sympathy for the Ukrainians. Almost no one here talks about the fact that people are being killed in Ukraine.

SPIEGEL: Please put a figure on that.

Gudkov: The percentage is just 1.5 to 2 per cent of those surveyed. And only an average of ten per cent of the population feels guilt and shows empathy - so Russian society is amoral. Of course, it does not want war, but people behave submissively, passively, do not want to enter into open conflict with the state.
SPIEGEL: Young people are more critical.

Gudkow: You have to look at the ratio: Among 18- to 24-year-olds, 59 per cent recently supported the war, 34 per cent opposed it. In comparison, among Russians of retirement age, 79 per cent were in favour of the war, 16 per cent were against it. At the same time, however, 65 percent of young people thought that the attacks in Ukraine should be stopped in order to start negotiations. This shows the contradiction in people's minds, their double thinking: on the one hand, there is their identification with the state, on the other hand, there is the personal level, the concern for their own lives. They are potentially liable to military service and can be drafted. They cannot like the war. They are not clear about the aims of the war, which are constantly changing, sometimes fighting against the fascists in Ukraine, then against Nato. Added to this is the growing anti-Putin sentiment. Only five years ago, most Putin supporters were found in this age group. I was talking about the Putin youth back then, but now it no longer exists. And the negative attitude is also growing among the somewhat older, up to the 30-year-olds.
SPIEGEL: What is the prevailing mood in society?

Gudkov: Uncertainty. People are very afraid that the economic situation could deteriorate further, that this war could escalate into an all-out war with the entire West. This is a very painful reaction to Putin's threat to possibly use nuclear weapons.

SPIEGEL: That means this fear also has a strong internal impact? Not only towards Western countries like Germany?

Gudkov: The war was feared here even before it began. In the collective consciousness it was there for a long time. People were prepared for it: All the talk about blowing up America and turning it into nuclear dust if something happened was there years before. The fear of nuclear war has been built up here since the annexation of Crimea. Soviet stereotypes were served, such as the complex of Russians supposedly living in a besieged fortress, being victims and not being liked by anyone. These are deep-seated mechanisms based on a militaristic and anti-Western ideology. They are taken for granted, especially by older people, and do not need any confirmation or argumentation. According to the motto: We have always known how it is.
SPIEGEL: So the real enemy was always the West, not Ukraine.

Gudkov: The responsibility is seen as lying with the USA, NATO and Europe. Ukraine is not seen as a sovereign state.

SPIEGEL: This anti-Ukrainian sentiment has been fuelled for years.

Gudkov: Even at the end of 2013, when the Maidan began in Kiev, an absolute majority of 75 per cent said it was not necessary to interfere in Ukraine's internal affairs. The question of integration into the EU was their business. Only 22 percent thought that this should be prevented by all means, including the military. With the flight of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who was loyal to the Kremlin, the tone changed drastically. The propaganda spoke of a coup d'état initiated by the USA. There was talk of fascists coming to power. A label that absolutely dehumanises the enemy.
[... ... ...]

Thu 29 Dec, 2022 02:14 pm
revelette1 wrote:

What democrat party are speaking of? I am speaking to you personally, not a whole party of whatever kind of political view you represent. You have a huge hang-up with the "DNC" ever since your big change from the Republican Party. It is like you changed some of your political views but kept all rancor and hatred for the DNC and the Clinton and surrounding allies and amped it up a thousand degrees.
Lash wrote:
Your reading comprehension continues to be a barrier, but I decided to address this. I only really changed one important belief: I realized that war is evil and it should be avoided whenever possible. I already had a deep distrust of politicians in general and Clintons specifically. That hasn’t changed. I was already ‘socially liberal,’ I already espoused a lot of ‘liberal’ views, but my foreign policy was arguably fear-based and I thought military might was a good deterrent to aggression. Continued curiosity and reading informed me that I don’t need to look outside the US to find the global villain. My opinions are supported by the smartest, most authentic public policy critics and best investigative journalists living.

You seemingly can't just express your disagreements without insults to every single left poster except yourself for expressing leftward views you claim to represent and act as though you are the only enlightening intelligent progressive on this platform.
Lash wrote:
What an incredibly dishonest word salad. You describe your friends, not me, though recently, I care much less about the etiquette sensibilities of those who I’ve encountered here. I can bring hundreds of personal attacks against me by your chums, most of which were in response to posts by me, containing no such insults. Of course, sometimes I gave as good as I got—and good for me.

It's in every single post you post and of course it gets people's back up.
Lash wrote:
Most insults are by them—not to them.

The only time it seems you agree with the leftist progressives is if it is against what main democrats want or espouse.
Lash wrote:
Now that Edgar is gone, I am the sole ‘leftist’ here.

Most of your posts are always filled with negatives articles about the DNC or Biden and/or some particular high ranking democrat in congress.
Lash wrote:
You’ll find that’s true of all ‘leftists’. You’ll know that if you ever educate yourself to what an American Lefty (or leftist) actually is. You talk so much for someone who knows so little.

If you do bring an article about you believe in, you preface and or add commentary at the end with insults to leftist here on this platform and all the above I already mentioned.
Lash wrote:
Again, no leftists here but me.

You are just like the rest of us.
Lash wrote:
I’m nothing like you and them. I have no sacred politicians. I follow facts where they lead. If a person says something true or lies, I don’t adjust my response based on their political affiliation—and in that way, I am better than you and the Blatham crew.

Thu 29 Dec, 2022 07:22 pm
I have no sacred politicians.
This is not evidenced in this thread, where you only (almost always) attack democrats and almost never republicans.

I follow facts where they lead.
This is not born out in this thread. You read biased interpretations of facts, and appear to think they are fact (or you don't bother to clarify/explain the rationale behind your position when others challenge those biased interpretations).
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 07:57 pm
It is evidenced in this thread. I have no sacred politicians.

I follow facts where they lead.
Facts lead to the US forcing Russia into protective mode due to encroachments close to Russian territory despite specific promises not to during Gorbachev’s presidency.

I’ve found plenty of supporting facts, enumerated on this thread for anyone honest enough to read.

Thu 29 Dec, 2022 08:11 pm
Hardly. The amount you harp on against the democrats I can link to page after page. Happy to do so from just the last 4 pages if you want. You can't do the same for the how much you criticise the republicans (read, virtually non-existant)

And you may follow some facts...but you still read biased reporting without asking the right questions of same...and come to wrong conclusions because of this...which is not dealing honestly with facts.
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 08:13 pm
Look up the meaning of sacred. I have none.

…the ‘right’ questions?
…the ‘wrong’ conclusions?

This proves your bias, not mine.
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 08:17 pm
Look up the meaning of sacred
Quite aware of what it means. you have sacred politicians, as implied by your lack of criticism of said group of politicans...while solely criticising the other group.

Humanity means all people share the same weaknesses. to think one group doesn't share them, and to refuse to even look at them for critique, is akin to treating them as sacred (which is how you use the term - as a defacto religious treatment of politicians)

This proves your bias, not mine.
Asking testing questions to check your interpretation matches all the known variables shows bias? ummmm,....wow

Of course pointless questions are meaningless, so the right questions need to be asked

Thu 29 Dec, 2022 08:40 pm
Your assumptions are incorrect.

Your ‘reasoning’ is grossly flawed.

“She didn’t say the thing I wanted her to say, therefore, she’s biased.”
Your bias is all that proves.

Thu 29 Dec, 2022 08:49 pm
I actually said 'you read biased reports' and 'because you don't ask the right questions, you come to the wrong conclusions'. Arriving at a conclusion is a process. The process itself it not biased, unless you build bias into the process. That is why the right questions are necessary to unbiased conclusions.

But you do hold to sacred politicians - that much is very evidenced in this thread. You treat them to an extreme double standard (akin to god vs satan, good vs evil). The democrats are clearly the evil group.
Thu 29 Dec, 2022 09:47 pm
Well, I said I could look at the last 4 pages and find evidence of treating one side of politics as sacred. Here are the links. Where commentry is made mentioning a political party - Lash offers not a single criticism of the republican party.

Entire Post – Lash's comments only criticises democrats
Entire Post – Lash's comments only criticises democrats
Entire Post – Lash's comments only criticises democrats
entire post – Lash's comments only criticises democrats
entire post – Lash's comments only criticises democrats

2018 was during the Trump administration, yet no criticism of Trump or the Republic Party - in the entire post, Lash only criticises democrats.

All people share similar traits, and all people share similar strengths and weaknesses. All individuals within a group, or groups, are open for criticism or praise...unless one believes them either sacred or demonic

These are all Lash's recent posts that mention a political party name - there is no criticism whatsoever of the Republican party....so, sacred.
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