Rising fascism in the US

Thu 8 Dec, 2022 12:16 pm
Wrong again.

He's one of the good guys.

If you want evil find a mirror.

Who "wants" evil?
Fri 9 Dec, 2022 07:15 pm
The DHS and FBI were visiting a few times a week to Twitter, telling them what to do about Trump and others who dissented from their authoritarian bullshit.

If Trump was the president during that time, tell me—who was running this treason? Who paid them?

THIS will be the smoking gun.
Fri 9 Dec, 2022 08:36 pm
THIS will be the smoking gun.

No...just another smoking gun. There's always one laying around somewhere. Cambridge Analytica and the experience with Russian trolls in 2016, showed what was possible and it happened again in 2020 – which is exactly what the DHS and FBI were warning the companies about. The skunks even infiltrated US evangelicals. Facebook worked to clean up its act:
Joe Osborne, a Facebook spokesperson, said in a statement that the company “had already been investigating these topics; we stood up teams, developed new policies, and collaborated with industry peers to address these networks”, at the time of Allen’s report.

“We have taken aggressive enforcement actions against these kinds of foreign and domestic inauthentic groups and have shared the results publicly on a quarterly basis”, stressed Osborne.

However, in the process of fact-checking this story shortly before publication, MIT Technology Review found that “five of the troll-farm pages mentioned in the report remained active”.

As far as I know, it's not illegal for the government to issue warnings to business and industry when matters of national security are involved.
...telling them what to do about Trump and others who dissented from their authoritarian bullshit.

I think I'll wait for a complete presentation of statements and documents, placed in context with full accounts of the people involved, before I can determine whether there's anything remotely authoritarian, fascist, or treasonous going on. I doubt anyone got paid off to do anything. I'll believe it when I see the pay stubs.

Sat 10 Dec, 2022 09:03 am
The Russia narrative was a construct to cover for the Hillary Clinton campaign’s widespread collusion as they saw their Pied Piper strategy backfire and get Trump elected. Suddenly, the press narrative was Russian collusion. It was a very expensive four year joke.

The regular Russian/American mutual spying and bot manipulation happened. No more. Looking forward to Musk’s findings on how many DNC bots spew disinformation on Twitter—and what that disinformation is. This is in the works.

The Democrats have spied, cheated, used social media, colluded, broken laws, subverted the Constitution, manufactured false dossiers, and ruined this country.

That won’t be minimized, forgotten, equivocated, or forgiven.

The FBI, NHI, DHS (and which additional government actors or institutions that we haven’t seen evidence for yet?) actively sought to throw the 2020 election just as hard as they fought for his removal the entirety of his presidency, and as hard as Dems and the DNC tried to undo what they created during the 2016 campaign—his rise to the presidency.

Their friends and employees in news media are valiantly giving them cover, but this isn’t going away.

They primary documents that ended Julian Assange’s life proved the coercion in 2016; the collusion against a sitting president by a collection of government agencies during the 2020 campaign is free and available for anyone with the stomach to face the truth.

The Railroad Workers Union is in talks with the Revolutionary Black Network and others to begin formation of a Workers Party to shut down the democrat party and bring together Greens, union workers, those who are denied unions, and those who coalesced around Bernie Sanders’ policies.

There will be an investigation.

Of something that actually happened.

With a lot of evidence and witnesses.

Sat 10 Dec, 2022 09:06 am
You can only gaslight black people and unions for so long.
Time is up.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Dec, 2022 09:27 am
Well, thanks for not directly calling me a "shitlib". See ya.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Dec, 2022 10:23 am
Re: hightor (Post 7287768)
The Russia narrative was a construct to cover for the Hillary Clinton campaign’s widespread collusion as they saw their Pied Piper strategy backfire and get Trump elected. Suddenly, the press narrative was Russian collusion. It was a very expensive four year joke.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Tuesday condemned Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election that targeted Hillary Clinton, hours after suggesting her campaign could have done more to make the public aware of Russian bot tactics.

“No candidate, whether Secretary Clinton or anyone else, should have to wage an electoral contest in the face of foreign government intervention,” Sanders said in a statement.

“As someone who campaigned hard for Secretary Clinton from one end of this country to another, it is an outrage that she had to run against not only Donald Trump but also the Russian government. All Americans rightly expected and deserved a fair election free of foreign government intervention,” he added.
Sat 10 Dec, 2022 11:10 am
Most of Lash's posts are cut and pasted from the Kremlin.

That's what American collaberation looks like.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Dec, 2022 01:15 pm
Bernie was either mistaken or more likely afraid to deviate from the oppressive Russian narrative that was fashioned into some brutal McCarthyist litmus test by the Democrats and their minions.

I think for myself and I was heartened to discover that the people I respect most in the world arrived at the same conclusions I did. I was disappointed that Bernie either believed that dreck or felt compelled to act as though he did.
Sat 10 Dec, 2022 01:36 pm
Bernie was either mistaken or more likely afraid to deviate from the oppressive Russian narrative that was fashioned into some brutal McCarthyist litmus test by the Democrats and their minions.

I think for myself and I was heartened to discover that the people I respect most in the world arrived at the same conclusions I did. I was disappointed that Bernie either believed that dreck or felt compelled to act as though he did.

Yes, I think we all get that. Bernie Sanders' grasp of these matters that he was briefed on, his intelligence, his honesty and his moral integrity are all sadly inferior to your own.
Sat 10 Dec, 2022 04:32 pm
No one outside your shrinking bubble believes the dirt who does the ‘briefing’ anymore. All implicated. As we knew.
0 Replies
Sun 11 Dec, 2022 12:12 pm
Elon Musk status:

The bots are in for a surprise tomorrow.

Now, we’ll see who had to pay for support.

Sort of reminds me of Biden’s 6 old ladies at ‘rallies’ during the primary. So many accounts closed to avoid being outed. Wonder if he’ll still divulge their lies.
Sun 11 Dec, 2022 03:32 pm
Mona Charen (lifelong conservative, worked in the Reagan administration, columnist for National Review/ Townhall/ Washington Times, speech writer for Jack Kemp, etc) writes...
...The notion that a laptop delivered to the New York Post by Rudy Giuliani two weeks before the election and rejected by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fox News and others should not have been treated skeptically is the dicier proposition. Further, the hyperventilating about the assault this represents on the First Amendment is risible. Twitter, a private company, was free to ignore the request. Even if Biden had been president at the time, there would be no violation of the First Amendment. Government officials not infrequently request that journalists refrain from publishing material, often about military secrets. Newspapers sometimes comply and sometimes not. It's only a violation of the First Amendment if the government coerces the journalists.

Nor did Twitter's temporary suspension of the Post's account sway the election. As Cathy Young notes, 1) the ban lasted only about 36 hours; 2) the ban may have heightened interest in the story rather than suppressing it, and in any case, the story was available via a Google search; and 3) the whole narrative about Biden's participation in Ukrainian corruption, the gravamen of the laptop story, is false.

So what is this really about? Consider the timing.

For seven years, the right has been explaining, excusing, avoiding and eventually cheering the most morally depraved figure in American politics. That takes a toll on the psyche. You can tell yourself that the critics are unhinged, suffering from "Trump derangement syndrome," but then Trump will do what he always does — make a fool of you. You denied that Trump purposely broke the law when he took highly classified documents to Mar-a-Lago and obstructed every effort to retrieve them. And then what does Trump do? He admits taking them! You scoff at the critics who've compared Trump with Nazis. And then what does he do? He has dinner with Nazis! (And fails to condemn them even after the fact.) You despised people who claimed Trump was a threat to the Constitution, and then Trump explicitly calls for "terminating" the Constitution in order to put himself back in the Oval Office.

Hunter Biden seems to be a mess. But there is nothing relevant to public policy or civic virtue here. Joe Biden is hardly the first president to have troubled family members. But Joe Biden didn't hire Hunter at the White House, and if there is any evidence of the president using official influence on Hunter's behalf, we haven't seen it. The Department of Justice under Trump opened an investigation into Hunter Biden. President Biden has left it alone. It's ongoing...
More Here
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Mon 12 Dec, 2022 04:14 am
Lash wrote:

Elon Musk status:

The bots are in for a surprise tomorrow.

Putting all your trust in a billionaire beneficiary of apartheid.

You can't get more left wing than that.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 12 Dec, 2022 06:00 am

Elon Musk uses QAnon tactic in criticizing former Twitter safety chief

Elon Musk escalated his battle of words with previous managers of Twitter into risky new territory over the weekend, allying himself with far-right crusaders against a purported epidemic of child sex abuse and implying that the company’s former head of trust and safety had a permissive view of sexual activity by minors.

Musk told more than 30,000 listeners in a live Twitter Spaces audio session Friday night that he recently discovered that child sex abuse material was a severe problem on Twitter and that fighting it would be his top priority.

In follow-up tweets Saturday, he misrepresented a section of a graduate thesis from recently departed safety chief Yoel Roth. “Looks like Yoel is arguing in favor of children being able to access adult Internet services in his PhD thesis,” he wrote.

The attached snippet instead showed Roth suggesting that since teenagers were accessing apps and websites that they were not supposed to use, as they always have, those services should consider offering toned-down content alongside adult fare.

Musk also commented on an old tweet in which Roth wrote, “Can high school students ever meaningfully consent to sex with their teachers?” Roth did not answer his own question, merely linking to an article about a Washington state supreme court ruling that found a teacher could be convicted of a crime for having sex with a student who was over the age of 18. The age of consent in Washington is 16, but a majority of the court ruled that Washington state lawmakers intended to criminalize teacher-student sexual contact for all students, even those over 18. Twenty-one is the age limit for high school in the state.

“This explains a lot,” Musk wrote to his more than 100 million followers. Roth’s two-year-old tweet about students then drew new replies calling for him to be jailed.

Several internet safety experts said that Musk’s comments put Roth at grave risk. Roth, who is openly gay, worked past Musk’s October takeover. He then resigned and said Musk’s hands-off approach to moderation was increasing danger to users.

“He’s putting Yoel’s life in danger and he knows it,” tweeted Alejandra Caraballo, an instructor at Harvard Law School. Roth did not respond to a request for comment.

In imputing nefarious motives to Twitter’s former managers and saying a crime had been committed, Musk adopted techniques used by the QAnon conspiracy movement, which falsely claims that Democrats and elites are running child sex abuse networks. Promoted by Alex Jones and other far-right operatives, QAnon inspired a shooting at Comet Pizza in Northwest Washington, when a follower of the theory searched the restaurant intending to rescue any children trapped in a basement that did not exist. The incident became known as “Pizzagate.”

In the past year, right-wing activists have harnessed some of the fervor of that theory to tar drag queens, transgender people, gay teachers, and others as “groomers,” or adults bent on seducing children. This has fed into threats and real-world violence: A recent five-fatality shooting at a gay bar in Colorado with transgender victims is being charged as a hate crime.

Musk has accused critics of pedophilia in the past, most notably Vernon Unsworth, who helped rescue children from a Thailand cave and faulted Musk’s much-hyped contribution to the effort. Unsworth sued Musk for tweeting that he was a “pedo guy,” but lost the case after Musk testified that he only meant to insult Unsworth and did not mean to accuse him literally of pedophilia.

Musk’s weekend statements appeared intended to counter criticism of his early stewardship of Twitter. The number of moderators who are on the lookout for inappropriate content on the social media site has been slashed, and just a few experts on child exploitation remain, according to media reports.

Three members of Twitter’s long-standing Trust and Safety Council advisory board resigned last week, citing a rise in tweets with hate speech against Black Americans, gay men and Jews. Over the weekend, Musk fans accused the three of responsibility for child exploitation.

Twitter has invited the more than 50 remaining members of the council to a meeting with executives this week.

“I’m looking forward to hearing what they have to say, because like a lot of people I have concerns about the direction of the company,” said council member Larry Magid, who runs ConnectSafely.org, a nonprofit that offers advice to teens on using the internet safely.
Mon 12 Dec, 2022 06:50 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I think it's Musk who has the problem:

Elon Musk calls Thai cave rescue diver Vern Unsworth a 'pedo' on Twitter

Elon Musk in new rant at Thai cave rescuer
0 Replies
Mon 12 Dec, 2022 08:22 am

Covid origin cover up.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 12 Dec, 2022 08:33 am
I'm wondering (not) why you post the old report by Vanzy Fair and not newer ones.
Vanity Fair wrote:
Clarification, October 28, 2022: This story has been updated to clarify that Michael Worobey, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Arizona, said two recent papers by him and his colleagues established “that a natural zoonotic origin is the only plausible scenario for the origin of the pandemic.”
Source: via Lash's link quoted above
Mon 12 Dec, 2022 09:45 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I'm wondering (not) why you post the old report by Vanzy Fair and not newer ones.

Months ago I posted either this article or another one which covered the same research. I suspect the science contradicted the preferred narrative and has been systematically ignored by those invested heavily in spreading misinformation.

Dissecting the early COVID-19 cases in Wuhan

Elucidating the origin of the pandemic requires understanding of the Wuhan outbreak

Some key questions lie at the heart of investigations into the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, including what is known about the earliest COVID-19 cases in Wuhan, China, and what can be learned from them? Despite assertions to the contrary (1), it is now clear that live mammals susceptible to coronaviruses, including raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides), were sold at Huanan Market and three other live-animal markets in Wuhan before the pandemic (2, 3). Severe acute respiratory syndrome–related coronaviruses (SARSr-CoVs) were found in raccoon dogs during the SARS outbreak, which was facilitated by animal-to-human contact in live-animal markets in China. However, because of the early public health focus on Huanan Market, it remains unclear whether the apparent preponderance of hospitalized COVID-19 cases associated with this market was truly reflective of the initial outbreak. Answering these questions requires resolving several crucial events that took place in December 2019 and early January 2020.

On 30 December 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission (WHC) issued two emergency notices for internal circulation to local hospitals alerting them to patients with unexplained pneumonia—several of whom worked at Huanan Market—and laying out a treatment and response plan (see fig. S1). The first official public report was WHC’s announcement the next day that they had carried out case searches and retrospective investigations related to Huanan Market and found 27 patients. Forty-one of the first known patients formed the basis of an influential study that reported that 66%—i.e., not all early cases—had a link to Huanan Market (4). They had been transferred between 29 December and 2 January from other hospitals to Jinyintan Hospital, Wuhan’s premier infectious disease center. Notably, individuals were enrolled according to clinical presentation, not epidemiologic information, such as connections to Huanan Market (4).

China’s Viral Pneumonia of Unknown Etiology (VPUE) mechanism was set up in the wake of SARS to be an early warning reporting system for detecting unknown viral diseases and is overseen by the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) (5). PUE cases are supposed to be rapidly reported by clinicians to the national notifiable disease reporting system through an internet-based platform. Evidently, that did not happen in Wuhan in December. The system appears to have been in active use only from 3 January. Although it favored cases having a connection to Huanan Market (6–8), the VPUE mechanism could not have improperly inflated the proportion of Huanan Market–linked cases in December (1). Moreover, reporting began only after the 41 patients were transferred from other hospitals to Jinyintan Hospital. Nevertheless, it is possible that a disproportionate number of cases linked to Huanan Market were transferred to Jinyintan Hospital because of public health officials’ early focus there.

There is, however, a way to step back to a period before any such bias could have crept in, by considering what happened in the hospitals that first pieced together that a new viral outbreak was underway. Although not mentioned by name in scientific publications (9), media reports reveal that Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine (HPHICWM) was the first hospital to alert district, municipal, and provincial public health authorities about the mysterious pneumonia cases (see fig. S1). Zhang Jixian, director of respiratory and critical care medicine, noticed on 27 December that an elderly couple had large “ground glass” opacities in computed tomography (CT) images of their lungs, distinct from those she had seen in other cases of viral pneumonia. Zhang insisted that the couple’s son, who was not a patient and had no symptoms, undergo a CT scan, and the same unusual lesions were observed. The husband and wife evidently are “cluster 1” in the World Health Organization (WHO)–China report (1): They are the earliest known case cluster and the only cluster admitted by 26 December. They had no known connection to Huanan Market.

Another patient with similar CT imaging, a worker at Huanan Market, was admitted on 27 December. Zhang, concerned about a new, probably infectious viral disease, reported the four cases to hospital officials, who alerted the Jianghan District CDC that same day. Over 28 and 29 December, three more patients, all of whom worked at Huanan Market, were admitted and recognized to have the same unknown respiratory disease. A vice president of HPHICWM, Xia Wenguang, brought together 10 experts from the hospital, including Zhang, for an emergency meeting on 29 December, and they concluded that the situation was extraordinary. Upon learning of similar patients, also linked to Huanan Market, at Tongji and Union (Xiehe) Hospitals, Xia alerted the Wuhan and Hubei CDCs on 29 December.

A notably similar situation unfolded at Wuhan Central Hospital. On 18 December, Ai Fen, director of the emergency department, encountered her first unexplained pneumonia patient, a 65-year-old man who had become ill on either 13 or 15 December. Unbeknownst to Ai at the time, the patient was a delivery-man at Huanan Market. A CT scan revealed infection in both lungs, and he did not respond to antibiotics or anti-influenza drugs. On 24 December, a bronchoalveolar lavage specimen collected from him was sent to Vision Medicals, a metagenomics sequencing company. They identified a new SARSr-CoV on 26 December and relayed the finding by telephone to the hospital on 27 December. By 28 December, Wuhan Central Hospital had identified seven cases, of which four turned out to be linked to Huanan Market. Notably, these seven cases, like those at HPHICWM, were ascertained before epidemiologic investigations concerning Huanan Market commenced on 29 December.

At Zhongnan Hospital in the Wuchang District of Wuhan, 15 km away from Huanan Market and on the opposite bank of the Yangtze River, Vice President Yuan Yufeng asked units on 31 December to search for unexplained pneumonia cases, and the Respiratory Medicine Department reported two. The first lived in Wuchang District but worked at Huanan Market (in Jianghan District). The second did not work at Huanan Market but had friends who did and who had visited his home. On 3 January, three more cases were identified—a family cluster unlinked to Huanan Market. Clearly, hospitals in the first weeks of the outbreak were identifying cases both with and without a known connection to Huanan Market. And Wuhan hospitals were not swamped with unexplained pneumonia cases at the end of December—that would come later.

Thus, 10 of these hospitals’ 19 earliest COVID-19 cases were linked to Huanan Market (∼53%), comparable both to Jinyintan’s 66% (of 41 cases) (4) and to the WHO-China report’s 33% of 168 retrospectively identified cases within Wuhan across December 2019 (1). Regarding cases at the Wuhan Central Hospital and HPHICWM, patients with a history of exposure at Huanan Market could not have been “cherry picked” before anyone had identified the market as an epidemiologic risk factor. Hence, there was a genuine preponderance of early COVID-19 cases associated with Huanan Market.

How can this knowledge inform our understanding of the pandemic? If Huanan Market was the source, why were “only” one- to two-thirds of early cases linked to the market? Perhaps a better question is why would one expect all cases ascertained weeks into the outbreak to be confined to one market? Given the high transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 and the high rate of asymptomatic spread, many symptomatic cases would inevitably soon lack a direct link to the location of the pandemic’s origin. And some cases counted as “unlinked” may have been only one or two transmissions away, as exemplified by the second patient identified at Zhongnan Hospital. That so many of the >100 COVID-19 cases from December (1) with no epidemiologic link to Huanan Market nonetheless lived in its direct vicinity is notable (see the figure) and provides compelling evidence that community transmission started at the market.

Additionally, the earliest known cases should not necessarily be expected to be the first infected or linked to Huanan Market: They probably postdated the outbreak’s index case by a considerable period (10). Moreover, only ∼7% of SARS-CoV-2 infections lead to hospitalization (11); most fly under the radar. Similarly, it is entirely expected that early, ascertained cases from a seafood market would be workers who were not necessarily directly associated with wildlife sales once the outbreak began spreading from human to human. The index case was most likely one of the ∼93% who never required hospitalization and indeed could have been any of hundreds of workers who had even brief contact with infected live mammals.

Crucially, however, the now famous “earliest” COVID-19 case (1), a 41-year-old male accountant, who lived 30 km south of Huanan Market and had no connection to it—illness onset reported as 8 December—may have become ill with COVID-19 considerably later (12). When interviewed, he reported that his COVID-19 symptoms started with a fever on 16 December. This is corroborated by hospital records and a scientific paper that reports his COVID-19 onset date as 16 December and date of hospitalization as 22 December (see fig. S1). This suggests that he may have been infected through community transmission after the virus had begun spreading from Huanan Market. He believed that he may have been infected in a hospital or on the subway during his commute; he had also traveled north of Huanan Market shortly before his symptoms began (12). If his symptoms indeed began on 16 December, then it postdated multiple cases in workers at Huanan Market, making a female seafood vendor there the earliest known case, with illness onset 10 December (see fig. S1). Notably, she reported knowledge of several possible COVID-19 cases in clinics and hospitals that were near Huanan Market from 11 December, and Huanan Market patients were hospitalized at Union Hospital as early as 10 December (see fig. S1).

Although a widely cited report (7) credits the VPUE mechanism with uncovering the pandemic, it was HPHICWM that identified both the outbreak and the Huanan Market connection and passed on these fully formed discoveries to district, municipal, and provincial public health officials by 29 December (9). National officials reportedly did not learn about the outbreak until CCDC Director George Gao encountered online group chats about the WHC emergency notices on the evening of 30 December. Concerned that so many cases had not been reported to the VPUE system, he quickly notified the National Health Commission (13) (see fig. S1).

Therefore, the preponderance of early cases connected to Huanan Market could not have been an artifact of ascertainment bias introduced by case definitions in the VPUE system. Although mechanisms like China’s VPUE system are potentially invaluable, they will fail without both widespread buy-in from health care providers and rapid data sharing from local to central authorities. Key problems with the VPUE system were known before the pandemic, including that most clinicians in China had little awareness of the VPUE system and were not reporting cases to it—for example, 0 of 335 PUE cases in one study from 2019 (5). China should be commended, however, for having such a system, which is lacking in most countries. The focus now should be on fixing the problems that COVID-19 has exposed and blanketing the globe with a highly functional PUE early warning system.

Samples from the earliest COVID-19 patients in Wuhan have been sequenced, and two distinct SARS-CoV-2 lineages, A and B, have been identified. Given that the elderly couple at HPHICWM was the WHO report’s cluster 1, it follows that the husband, illness onset 26 December (1), must be the source of the earliest lineage A sequence, Wuhan/IME-WH01/2019 (GenBank accession number MT291826) (see fig. S1), which he most likely got from his wife, who became ill 15 December. This raises the possibility that the Yangchahu Market that they visited may have been a site of a separate animal spillover. The recent discovery that there may be no true lineage A or B intermediates in humans (14) also raises the possibility of separate spillovers of both lineages. However, the earliest known lineage A genomes have close geographical connections to Huanan Market: one from a patient (age and gender not reported) who stayed in a hotel near Huanan Market in the days before illness onset in December (15) and the other from the 62-year-old husband in cluster 1 who visited Yangchahu Market, just a few blocks north of Huanan Market (1), and lived just to the south (see the figure). Therefore, if lineage A had a separate animal origin from lineage B, both most likely occurred at Huanan Market, and the association with Yangchahu Market, which does not appear to have sold live mammals, is likely due to community transmission starting in the neighborhoods surrounding Huanan Market.


With SARS, live-animal markets continued to sell infected animals for many months, allowing zoonotic spillover to be established as the origin and revealing multiple independent jumps from animals into humans (3). Unfortunately, no live mammal collected at Huanan Market or any other live-animal market in Wuhan has been screened for SARS-CoV-2–related viruses (1), and Huanan Market was closed and disinfected on 1 January 2020. Nevertheless, that most early symptomatic cases were linked to Huanan Market—specifically to the western section (1) where raccoon dogs were caged (2)—provides strong evidence of a live-animal market origin of the pandemic.

This would explain the extraordinary preponderance of early COVID-19 cases at one of the handful of sites in Wuhan—population 11 million—that sell some of the same animals that brought us SARS. Although it may never be possible to recover related viruses from animals if they were not sampled at the time of emergence, conclusive evidence of a Huanan Market origin from infected wildlife may nonetheless be obtainable through analysis of spatial patterns of early cases and from additional genomic data, including SARS-CoV-2–positive samples from Huanan Market, as well as through integration of additional epidemiologic data. Preventing future pandemics depends on this effort.

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Mon 12 Dec, 2022 12:07 pm
Lash wrote:
The bots are in for a surprise tomorrow.

Crowd boos Elon Musk after Dave Chappelle says to ‘make some noise’
At a stage appearance Sunday with comedian Dave Chappelle, the audience made their disapproval of the new Twitter owner known

The polite version is that it didn’t go quite according to plan when Elon Musk made his most recent stage appearance.

“Ladies and gentlemen, make some noise for the richest man in the world,” the comedian Dave Chappelle roared on stage at the Chase Center in San Francisco as he invited the Twitter owner out to join him on Sunday night.

For the first couple of seconds Musk appeared ready to accept a euphoric welcome from the crowd of 18,000. He raised his arms high in the air and spun around as though he’d just scored a World Cup decider.

Then the booing started. And it continued. And it got louder. And louder. For the best part of 10 minutes Musk was given a real-time readout of his current popularity ratings.

[... ... ...]

At least there was alternative facts to fall back on. By Monday morning Musk had perked up and was busily rewriting history. The deafening noise, he reassured his Twitter followers, had in fact been “90% cheers & 10% boos”.

Tell that to James Yu, a writer who was in the crowd on Sunday. “A good 80% of the stadium boos,” he estimated, noting that once the jeering started Musk withered on stage and turned “into a corncob”.
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