Rising fascism in the US

Wed 2 Nov, 2022 06:16 pm
I'm not reading any disrespect into what you are writing. I'm asking you to follow your process through to the end result...which leads to no workable solution (which renders it meaningless)
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 04:55 am
In times of complex crises, conspiracy ideological and right-wing extremist actors promise easy solutions and thus spread anti-democratic and anti-human narratives.

Russian campaigns are designed to make people believe that Moscow allegedly had no choice but to start a war against Ukraine. A recent study from Germany (and about Germans) shows that such narratives are increasingly catching on - and not only among right-wingers.

40 percent of respondents agreed completely or partially with the statement that the Russian war of aggression was a reaction by Russia to NATO's provocation without any alternative. That was eleven percent more than in April.

44 per cent are completely or partly convinced that Putin is acting against a "global elite" that is "pulling the strings in the background". That was twelve percent more than in April.

Fourteen per cent agreed completely that Ukraine "historically has no territorial claim" and is "actually part of Russia". Around one-fifth of respondents partly believed this.

At nine per cent, the number of those who fully believe that the war was "necessary" "to get rid of the fascist government there" has almost doubled. The narrative that fascists rule Ukraine has been "built up for years" by Russia, the authors of the study write.

Thu 3 Nov, 2022 05:17 am
@Walter Hinteler,
You've demonstrated that a lot of people are taken in by propaganda and believe nonsense, but have not demonstrated in the slightest that it has anything to do with the right.
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 05:53 am
But what if the misinformation originates from right-wing sources?
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 06:25 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Can you disprove those opinions?
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 06:50 am
I wanted to say that 100% of the left wing podcasters that I listen to speak about the Russian/Ukrainian war with the understanding that:

The US under Obama’s direction fomented the 2014 coup
Zelensky is ‘our man’ in Ukraine
We have been agitating for a conflict with Russia via encroachment via NATO and US military bases
The US blew the Nordstream pipeline
We could stop the war, but we won’t which is why lefties like Briahna Joy Gray are currently being attacked on Twitter for calling for peace and why the progressive squad withdrew their letter calling for peace
Annihilating Russia has been a plan for decades

For political reasons, all responsibility for these beliefs are being blamed on republicans, but the left believes it too. Greenwald, Sirota, Dore. All you have to do is read the history and think critically.

There are active Nazis in Ukraine. Black students encountered them and reported their maltreatment during the first days of evacuation.

Walter Hinteler
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 07:22 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
You've demonstrated that a lot of people are taken in by propaganda and believe nonsense, but have not demonstrated in the slightest that it has anything to do with the right.
It's not my "demonstration" but I translated and summarized a Spiegel report (Should have given the link, my bad.) about a survey by the Center for Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy.

Walter Hinteler
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 07:32 am
Lash wrote:
Can you disprove those opinions?
The research paper has the title "
Stress Test for Democracy: Pro-Russian Conspiracy Narratives and Belief in Disinformation in Society ("Belastungsprobe für die Demokratie: Pro-russische Verschwörungserzählungen und Glaube an Desinformation in der Gesellschaft“) It's only online in German (until this momen).
But I agree with their opinion, especially that disinformation must not only be understood as an information or security problem but that it is an attack on democracy as such.
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 08:30 am
Lash wrote:
I wanted to say that 100% of the left wing podcasters that I listen to speak about the Russian/Ukrainian war with the understanding that:
The US under Obama's direction fomented the 2014 coup

The US did no such thing. The Ukrainian people fomented their own coup. The US merely supported the people of Ukraine.

Lash wrote:
Zelensky is 'our man' in Ukraine

Zelensky was popularly elected by Ukrainian democracy.

Lash wrote:
We have been agitating for a conflict with Russia via encroachment via NATO and US military bases

The military bases came only after Russia started aggressively invading their neighbors.

The bases are not to agitate for a conflict, but to deter that conflict if possible, and to survive the conflict if Russia cannot be deterred.

Lash wrote:
The US blew the Nordstream pipeline

Russia blew the Nordstream Pipeline.

Lash wrote:
We could stop the war, but we won't which is why lefties like Briahna Joy Gray are currently being attacked on Twitter for calling for peace and why the progressive squad withdrew their letter calling for peace

The only way that the US could stop the war would be by destroying all Russian population centers with thermonuclear weapons.

Lash wrote:
Annihilating Russia has been a plan for decades

We are certainly prepared to do it if they leave us no choice.

Lash wrote:
For political reasons, all responsibility for these beliefs are being blamed on republicans, but the left believes it too. Greenwald, Sirota, Dore.


Lash wrote:
All you have to do is read the history and think critically.

No. What is required is listening to KGB propaganda and being gullible.

Lash wrote:
There are active Nazis in Ukraine. Black students encountered them and reported their maltreatment during the first days of evacuation.

The only Nazis in Ukraine are the Russian invaders.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 09:15 am
Lash wrote:
The US blew the Nordstream pipeline
Which one? Or all the pipes of Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2?
0 Replies
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 09:22 am
Zelensky is ‘our man’ in Ukraine

If anyone was ever "our man" in Ukraine it would have been Zelensky's predecessor, Petro O. Poroshenko. As oralloy points out, Zelensky won convincingly in a democratic election.

Annihilating Russia has been a plan for decades

That's a little harsh. Both countries have large nuclear stockpiles and missiles targeted at each other. It would be stupid for either country not to have a plan as to how these weapons would be used if it ever came to that.

For political reasons, all responsibility for these beliefs are being blamed on republicans...

And on the sorts of people you mentioned. They are regularly criticized. The withdrawn "progressive" peace initiative wasn't pushed by Republicans.
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 09:25 am
Hi. It’s no surprise to us by now that our views are completely different about this and most subjects. I do appreciate that you can express those differences without ad homs.

I have a question.

Would you like to see the US attempt to stop hostilities with diplomatic overtures or no.

Would you mind explaining your answer?

Thu 3 Nov, 2022 09:39 am
Let’s focus on one of these items at a time.
Zelensky, our man in Ukraine.
Our government caused the coup and cast about for a good replacement.
They got one.

Here are the oddly public preliminary conversations:


Leaked audio reveals embarrassing U.S. exchange on Ukraine, EU
By Doina Chiacu, Arshad Mohammed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A conversation between a State Department official and the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine that was posted on YouTube revealed an embarrassing exchange on U.S. strategy for a political transition in that country, including a crude American swipe at the European Union.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland (C) and U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt walk in the opposition camp at Independence Square in Kiev in this December 10, 2013, file photo. REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko/Files
The leaked conversation appeared certain to embarrass the United States and seemed designed to bolster charges - from Russia, among others - that the Ukrainian opposition is being manipulated by Washington, which President Barack Obama’s administration strenuously disputes.

U.S. accusations that Russia helped publicize the taped conversation also threatened Washington’s already tense relationship with Moscow.

The audio clip, which was posted on Tuesday but gained wide circulation on Thursday, appears to show the official, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, weighing in on the make-up of the next Ukrainian government.

Nuland is heard telling U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt that she doesn’t think Vitaly Klitschko, the boxer-turned-politician who is a main opposition leader, should be in a new government.

“So I don’t think Klitsch (Klitschko) should go into the government,” she said in the recording, which appeared to describe events that occurred in late January. “I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Separately on Thursday, a senior Kremlin aide accused the United States of arming Ukrainian “rebels” and warned Russia could intervene to maintain the security of its neighbor.

U.S. officials, while declining to confirm the recording’s contents, did not dispute its authenticity.
More at the link.

0 Replies
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 10:10 am
What If I Told You Russia, Not America, Invaded Ukraine? My wildest Putin conspiracy theory: He’s been behind the war all along.

Jonathan Chait wrote:
This week, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters that one American goal in arming Ukraine was to weaken Russia. The anti-anti-Russia coalition of commentators on the right, and elements of the far left, cried out in vindication.

The key thing to understand about anti-anti-Russia thinkers is that their worldview treats the war in Ukraine as if it is being waged by the United States. Absent this premise, their arguments are unintelligible. But if you read them with the assumption that Washington has masterminded the conflict, everything clicks into place.

Anti-anti-Russians had already arrived at the conclusion that Ukraine’s war was an American plot to undermine Russia. “Is the purpose of the arms shipments to strengthen Ukraine’s hand in reaching a negotiated settlement to the conflict — a process from which the Biden administration and allied governments have so far held themselves aloof?” posited the leftist Branko Marcetic last week. “Or is it, as some U.S. and British officials have suggested, to turn Ukraine into an Afghanistan-like quagmire for Russia, weakening it and perhaps even triggering regime change, while sending a message to China in the process?”

And so, when Austin announced this objective, the anti-anti-Russians cried out in vindication. Here was the skeleton key to understanding the entire conflict. “The White House intends to keep the war in Ukraine alive, with the stated goal of weakening Moscow by continuing to pour new and more advanced weaponry into the war-ravaged country,” argues the Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson.

The purest expression of this worldview comes from influential Fox News guest analyst Glenn Greenwald:

Seemed clear from the start this was the US goal for its involvement in the war in Ukraine. Seems clearer each day the US role deepens. Many other side benefits - a huge boon to weapons manufacturers - but weakening Russia is the goal. Sadly, Ukraine's destruction is the price. pic.twitter.com/jpJsfS6TGv
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 25, 2022

This is an inversion of reality Orwell could only admire. Ukraine’s destruction is the objective of Russia’s invasion, not the “price” of American aid to Ukraine. Indeed, American aid to Ukraine is designed to prevent its destruction.

Ukrainians are begging for American aid because they don’t want to be destroyed. The absence of assistance from the west would mean Russian troops raping, looting, and bombing their way across the country.

Perhaps the anti-anti-Russians imagine some alternative in which the United States refused to help Ukraine fend off the invasion, and Ukraine peacefully submitted in the face of overwhelming force. But this fantasy ignores Ukraine’s obvious determination to fight for its independence regardless of what the west did on its behalf. The Ukrainian populace mobilized en masse, enlisting in their home defense in greater numbers than could be absorbed and fashioning homemade arms to defend their neighborhoods block by block.

The anti-anti-Russians have arrived at this bizarre alternative reality after years of delusional thinking. They have spent the better part of two decades refusing to believe that Ukrainians want to live in a sovereign democracy rather than a Russian vassal state ruled by a Putin-aligned kleptocrat. They have accordingly treated every expression of Ukrainian nationalism as a tool of American aggression. The Maidan protests, the election of Zelenskyy, the resistance to the invasion have all been reimagined in their minds as a plot originated in Washington.

Obviously, the United States wants to weaken Russia — because Russia is threatening Ukraine. The war will go on until Russia is too weak to continue waging war in Ukraine. This is perfectly obvious as long as you understand Russia, not the United States, started the war.

The trouble is, some people cannot understand this.

Thu 3 Nov, 2022 10:19 am
I’ll read and respond to yours if you read and respond to mine.
I’m in and out today, so I probably won’t do it today.
But, since my article has proof of American intervention, I won’t discuss this particular subject matter with you until my article is discussed.

While I’m here though, I’d also like to thank you for your decision to engage with ideas rather than personal insult.

I appreciate it.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 10:38 am
But, since my article has proof of American intervention, I won’t discuss this particular subject matter with you until my article is discussed.

The article, from February of 2014, demonstrates that the USA wanted to influence the political transition that was taking place in the country. As did NATO. And Russia. It doesn't really prove "intervention" other than the sorts of concerns expressed by diplomats and State Department personnel when speaking privately. No one denies that the West preferred a different outcome in Ukraine than Putin did. A large majority of Ukrainians evidently preferred alignment with the EU rather than with the Russian Federation. Yes, it would be very nice if countries were allowed to work out their internal divisions themselves. As you know, that's not the world we live in.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 11:11 am
Two fundamental results of this early parliamentary election stand out: there was no system of stable, programmatically distinct established parties in Ukraine at the time. Both the parties that had carried the Orange Revolution in 2004-05 and their opponents existed only in remnants or no longer at all. Whether the political parties that had emerged in the course of the revolutionary upheaval since the Euromaidan and now dominate the Verkhovna Rada would endure was still unclear at the time. But - and this may sound paradoxical - there was consensus in the new parliament on one central issue as rarely before: Ukraine must and will become a full member of the EU.
This consensus is reminiscent of the situation in the Baltic states at the beginning of the 1990s, when, incidentally, a highly unstable system of political parties existed there as well.

This consensus was linked to a second result of the elections: it had been proven once again that extremist parties in Ukraine do not have a mass base. This was true for extremist groups on both the right and the left of the party spectrum.
For the first time, the Communist Party of Ukraine was no longer represented in parliament in 2014; it failed to clear the five-percent hurdle. It was the only party to speak out against integration into the EU.

0 Replies
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 11:21 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

But I agree with their opinion, especially that disinformation must not only be understood as an information or security problem but that it is an attack on democracy as such.

It also represents the RW Republicans in America!
0 Replies
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 11:36 am
Lash wrote:
Hi. It’s no surprise to us by now that our views are completely different about this and most subjects. I do appreciate that you can express those differences without ad homs.

I don't know that our views differ on most subjects. Probably only some subjects.

You should consider the possibility that what I say is actually correct.

Lash wrote:
I have a question.
Would you like to see the US attempt to stop hostilities with diplomatic overtures or no.
Would you mind explaining your answer?

I would oppose diplomacy. Exhausting Russia with neverending war in Ukraine is keeping them too busy to invade the EU.
Thu 3 Nov, 2022 01:01 pm
hightor wrote:

But what if the misinformation originates from right-wing sources?

If it's misinformation, and if it comes from right wing sources, then it's right wing misinformation, but my point was that he didn't show any evidence whatsoever that it's more characteristic of right wing sources than of any other category, he merely stated it.
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