Rising fascism in the US

Wed 2 Nov, 2022 08:21 am
I feel like I speak very plainly and clearly.

Very simply where the virus originated or began has been argued vehemently for a couple of years.

The location of Patient 0.
The first recorded instance.

It seems like it’s a big fuss because everyone is poised to fight down any suggestion that the virus may have been created or accidentally released after isolation and experimentation in a Wuhan lab.

Is that the source of all the upset?

So weird, the dogmatic fighting over this.

We know the location.
We don’t know more than that.
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 08:27 am
Please show me where you think I said that.

Sure. First you said this:
For a while it was considered disinformation to say the virus originated in Wuhan.

To which I responded, giving you a chance to clarify what you meant:
I wrote:
Meaning that the epidemic originated in Wuhan or that the virus escaped from or was purposely grown in a lab in Wuhan?

You then responded:
The virus originated in Wuhan.
The virus could’ve been man-made.

(The virus didn't originate in Wuhan; the pandemic did.)

I quoted you but if you read my reply I was asking a question.
I wrote:
You're saying that, unequivocally, there was no transmission from live animals to humans in the "wet" market in Wuhan?
I also gave you a chance to explain your meaning here:
I wrote:
I'm not going to criticize you for saying that the pandemic began in Wuhan but I would challenge you to provide evidence that it was the result of a lab leak, if that's what you mean.

(with that phrase bolded in the original)

Again, I gave you the the benefit of the doubt and a chance to correct me if I was wrong.

You never gave a direct answer to my question as to exactly what you meant.
I wrote:
And that the particular virus we call COVID-19 escaped from the research lab in Wuhan where it was developed – either during routine research or intentionally as a bioweapon?

So, when you say "the virus originated in Wuhan" and don't bother to address my questions it sounds as if you're saying that you know it was developed in a lab and leaked into the community that way.

If you don't believe that, my apologies, but your choice of language led to some ambivalence which I tried, unsuccessfully, to clear up.

0 Replies
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 08:28 am
The reason people seem prepared to fight the suggestion of it being created in a Wuhan lab and accidentally released is because right away that suggest finger pointing and also accuses China of creating viruses in a lab. Since there is no proof of such, only suppositions, it is misinformation to spread it about unless there is proof of it.
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 08:34 am
It seems like it’s a big fuss because everyone is poised to fight down any suggestion that the virus may have been created or accidentally released after isolation and experimentation in a Wuhan lab.

Not really – it was your certainty that was being questioned.
We don’t know more than that.

Wed 2 Nov, 2022 08:42 am
Aren’t there American personnel working there, or American projects being worked on? I never thought the work in that lab was exclusively by China for China. Our own beloved Dr Fauci certainly had a connection…

Anyway, fodder for research.

But I guess the bottom line for this conversation is that it’s partially laughable and partially infuriating that the mere suggestion that a virus could have originated—whichever definition you’re using—in a virology lab in the same town as Patient 0–could result in several people trying to argue that down, despite the fact that they don’t know anymore that I do.

It’s bizarre.
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 08:44 am
My apologies. I misread one of your questions.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 09:02 am
It’s bizarre.

Not in the political context at the time. I had an exchange in a local paper when some columnist penned a letter which was titled, "Dr. Fauci: the untold story".

From what I can tell, a story that appeared more than a month ago in a London newspaper is the mother of all omissions when it comes to U.S. press coverage of the pandemic story. The London paper reported that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by virus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, the President’s point man for the virus task force, gave a $3.7-million grant for the study of gain-of-function research at the now-infamous viral experimental lab in Wuhan, China! Indeed, reportedly Dr. Fauci, as head of the institute, approved the grant.

What is gain-of-function research? It is not as dull or benign as it sounds. Here is a definition found on Google: “Gain-of-function research (GOF) studies, or research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease, help define the fundamental nature of human-pathogen interactions, thereby enabling assessment of the pandemic potential of emerging infectious agents, informing public health and preparedness efforts.”

That is a nice, nonjudgmental way of putting it. Put simply, as I understand it, GOF is a way for mankind to take an already nasty natural virus and make it much more potent or lethal in the lab. The supposed overarching goal is to use the mutated pathogen as a way to invent an effective vaccine. Some have called these “monster germs.”

My response was:
Now that the election is over, I'd like to direct some attention to a letter submitted by the paper's "Outdoors" reporter, back on the 4th of June. [2020] He suggested that a story originally published in an English newspaper was being suppressed for reporting that Dr. Fauci, as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, gave a "$3.7-million grant for the study of gain-of-function research at the now-infamous viral experimental lab in Wuhan, China!" — his exclamation point. He goes on to suggest that Dr. Fauci did an end-run around the rules and outsourced dangerous research to China on our tax dollars. He ends his letter by questioning whether the COVID19 pandemic was triggered by a "horrendous scientific miscalculation" and that Dr. Fauci may be unwittingly complicit in the spread of the virus. He closes by saying, "Sooner or later the story will be told in the United States. It is just too astonishing and far reaching to be suppressed or ignored."

Doing a bit of my own research I noticed that the story was primarily covered by conservative and anti-vaccination websites, the "English newspaper" was a tabloid not known for in-depth reporting, and that conspiracy purveyor Rudy Giuliani raised the issue in a tweet on Apr. 26 suggesting that Pres. Obama may have granted an exception to this prohibited grant. Interestingly, in his letter, he complains that "the COVID-19 news reportage seems to be hoving to partisan lines" — and then gets into the act himself!

This story was neither suppressed nor ignored. Basically it was simply misreported. The United States did not give $3.7 million to a lab in Wuhan, China. The actual amount was just under $600,000 and it was permitted. The grant did not fund "gain-of-function" research. Within days of Giuliani's tweet, the story had been checked out and found to be false. There's still no evidence that the virus had anything other than a natural zoonotic (non-human to human) origin. But in the current politicized atmosphere where common sense measures to protect public health are being questioned and medical experts are suspected of promoting policies specifically to hurt our economy, it's not surprising that specious claims and groundless doubts continue to be kept alive by partisans and those with a political axe to grind.

I've replaced his name with "he" but if anyone wants a link I can provide it.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 09:07 am
You are impossible to have a reasonable discussion with. You have all these innuendos, and it doesn't matter who worked there or had a connection, (distraction anyone?) what matters is that it is a serious accusation to hint that a lab in China (or anywhere) are experimenting with man-made viruses and that is what caused the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 09:25 am
revelette1 wrote:

You are impossible to have a reasonable discussion with. You have all these innuendos, and it doesn't matter who worked there or had a connection, (distraction anyone?) what matters is that it is a serious accusation to hint that a lab in China (or anywhere) are experimenting with man-made viruses and that is what caused the COVID-19 pandemic.

Facts do matter. People need to ask questions and seek answers. The fact that few people trust news sources makes fact finding incredibly difficult.

It’s not a serious accusation—it’s a serious question that deserves an accurate answer.

What do you think was happening in the Wuhan clinic and why is it so important to you to suppress questions about it?
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 09:34 am

Why hide facts? This is the kind of suppression of facts that is dangerous for society.


While many in the media and politics dismissed these as conspiracy theories at the time, others called for more consideration of the possibility. Nevertheless, the idea resurfaced in recent weeks.

So why has it come up again?

Because reports swirling around the US media have raised fresh concerns over the lab-leak theory. And some scientists who were once sceptical of the idea have expressed fresh openness to it.

A classified US intelligence report - saying three researchers at the Wuhan laboratory were treated in hospital in November 2019, just before the virus began infecting humans in the city - began circulating in US media this week.

Wuhan Institute of Virology

Lab-leak theories centre on the Wuhan Institute of Virology

But it was reported the Biden administration had shut down a US state department investigation, set up by President Trump, into the lab-leak theory.
"That possibility certainly exists, and I am totally in favour of a full investigation of whether that could have happened," Anthony Fauci, President Biden's chief medical adviser, told the US senate committee on 11 May.

President Biden now says he asked for a report on the origins of Covid-19 after taking office, "including whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident".

We should all be fighting for government transparency rather than fighting to suppress important information.
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 10:01 am
Let me try to give you an example. Say a woman that never liked my husband was spreading a rumor about him based on nothing but wild suppositions (no facts, just falsely linking two facts together to make an empty result of those two facts.) Say she said she saw my husband at a bar, and she has also seen another woman at the same bar, and they talked together. From those two facts, she said my husband was having an affair. Now depending on how I asked my husband about the incident, it could be seen as a simple question to find out, or if I just said, "you are having an affair because you were seen taking to another woman", those are two different ways of finding out about it.

It is a different thing if patient one got the virus from an animal or some such that if the patient got it from lab experimenting in making viruses to spread around the world so that they could make money? (is that the innuendo?) If, as you say, all we know is that the pandemic started in the lab in China, then that is all we know. We have no reason to believe there has been any virus experimentation in the lab.
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 10:07 am

Do you know the primary purpose for that lab?
0 Replies
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 10:09 am
Why use a source from 1½ years ago? I referred to this period earlier and reminded you that Biden had called for an investigation at the time.


We should all be fighting for government transparency rather than fighting to suppress important information.

We should all be exposing lies which purport to be "important information" but are really intended to foment doubt and distrust.

But it was reported the Biden administration had shut down a US state department investigation, set up by President Trump, into the lab-leak theory.

For good a good reason, too:
Forbes wrote:
President Joe Biden’s administration shut down a clandestine State Department operation intended to prove the lab-based origins of Covid-19 over concerns about the work’s poor quality and its politicized, premature and selective use by Trump and his allies to blame the pandemic on China, according to CNN.

Wed 2 Nov, 2022 10:20 am
The only thing that bothers me about your opinion about this is you forwarding that questions are designed to foment doubt and distrust.

I do already doubt and distrust—as do many people of varied political backgrounds—but questions are designed to get answers.

No one deserves unquestioning loyalty or subservience or defense.

Millions died.

There should be open, transparent investigations into exactly what happened. Logs, journals, notes, public inquiry to find out exactly what happened to prevent it from happening again. Anyone who disagrees with that is highly suspect to me.
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 10:40 am
The Chinese blame Fort Detrick Maryland.

All this disinformation does is divert funding from disease control.

It's not like blaming the wet market is a bit of a stretch.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 03:05 pm
The only thing that bothers me about your opinion about this is you forwarding that questions are designed to foment doubt and distrust.

Questions are fine. It's the quack theories presented by people with a political agenda who pretend to have all the answers, the antivaxxers, the chloroquine and Ivermectin crowd, people like "the Bakersfield doctors" and Rabbi Michoel Green. They're not asking questions.
0 Replies
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 04:10 pm
I’m sort of dumbfounded by your question.

Since I was a teenager, whenever something goes wrong in my life, when I find myself in situation I don’t like, the first thing I do is trace the origin of the error—to learn from it and avoid its recurrence.

Is this not a universal practice?

I'm not sure why you are dumbfounded. Problem solving to prevent something from occurring again needs to look at the contributing circumstances, and the decision making processes (if humans are involved).

Regarding the 'source' - I find this vague. Is the source:
- the person responsible? (do you then ignore each of the contributing factors?)
- the start of the sequence? (do you then ignore each other step in the sequence? And what if the start of the sequence involved 3, 4 or 5 or more interacting factors?)

In the source 'method', you achieve nothing when applying it to Covid19
- did you actually managed to find 'the source' (dubious in these sorts of matters)
- then managed to a solution to the source problem (highly dubious)
- how then, if you found a solution, do you enforce it not happening anywhere in the entire world? (impossible)
At each stage, the answer is dubious to highly dubious, until you get to the impossible (preventing it happening anywhere in the world)

In the contributing factors method, you face almost the exact same issues.

There is a fact of life that many people won't admit - we cannot yet understand everything, and we cannot utterly control everything and everyone. All of this would be essential to 'the source' having any meaning in preventing something like Covid19 from ever arising again.
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 06:07 pm
vikorr wrote:

I’m sort of dumbfounded by your question.

Since I was a teenager, whenever something goes wrong in my life, when I find myself in situation I don’t like, the first thing I do is trace the origin of the error—to learn from it and avoid its recurrence.

Is this not a universal practice?

I'm not sure why you are dumbfounded. Problem solving to prevent something from occurring again needs to look at the contributing circumstances, and the decision making processes (if humans are involved).

Regarding the 'source' - I find this vague. Is the source:
- the person responsible? (do you then ignore each of the contributing factors?)
- the start of the sequence? (do you then ignore each other step in the sequence? And what if the start of the sequence involved 3, 4 or 5 or more interacting factors?)

In the source 'method', you achieve nothing when applying it to Covid19
- did you actually managed to find 'the source' (dubious in these sorts of matters)
- then managed to a solution to the source problem (highly dubious)
- how then, if you found a solution, do you enforce it not happening anywhere in the entire world? (impossible)
At each stage, the answer is dubious to highly dubious, until you get to the impossible (preventing it happening anywhere in the world)

In the contributing factors method, you face almost the exact same issues.

There is a fact of life that many people won't admit - we cannot yet understand everything, and we cannot utterly control everything and everyone. All of this would be essential to 'the source' having any meaning in preventing something like Covid19 from ever arising again.

Truly, vikkor, your response seems nonsensical to me.

The first step in remediating an error—in this case, a depopulating global catastrophe—is finding out what happened.

Your question

vikorr wrote:

I'm wondering why is it important where it started?

I'm not for censorship at all of these sorts of things, bnt where it started is essentially meaningless, and what is achieved by talking about it like it has some meaning?

proposed to ignore that.

I didn’t, and still don’t, understand why anyone would ignore the contributing factors of a deadly pandemic. It’s irresponsible and creates culpability in the next possible pandemic, in my opinion.
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 06:10 pm
It appears you chose to read my response in bit parts, rather than as a whole - for I explained in my post why the objections/reasons you subsequently raised regarding wanting to know the source simply don't apply / don't work / are impossible to achieve (which is why wanting to know the 'source' is meaningless).
Wed 2 Nov, 2022 06:15 pm
I read the whole thing, vikkor, but when you begin with and focus on ‘what does it matter’, you seem to negate the rest.

It does matter where.

It’s like Job 1 in discovering everything else.

No disrespect was intended.

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