Israeli firm bids on European wall to keep immigrants out...

Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 05:35 pm
Yes, the aim of the Arabs is the destruction of the Jewish State of that there is no doubt.

No, this is a deeply foolish idea. Which arabs? All of them? And they will think this way forever? There seems to be no way out of the mess unless and until all those arabs are...killed?

I'll tell you, au, there are so many of us who have always held a great admiration and affinity for the teenie and brave little state of Israel but who are getting so sick to the stomach of watching the Israeli government policies turn towards those behaviors of which Jews have been themselves victims (torture, callous murder, taking others' property, and even lebensraum) that we are starting to not give a damn at all.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 06:30 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
I want to ask all of those in this thread that have thrown up their hands and declared that the palestinians are beasts who want only dead Jews and the destruction of Israel, what's the point? Does that mean that the problem can't be solved and we should let these two groups of people kill each other indefinitely? Is it a justification for genocide or the forced mass migration of an entire population? What, exactly, is your solution?

I don't have a solution.
A solution to the problem would have to be predicated on the supposition that Palestinians desire to live in peace with the Jewish state of Israel.
Where as you and others seem to believe that Israel could solve this dilemna "if only they would....." do something or other - move; retreat; leave; die; something...
The difficulty is not in convincing Israel to give up land or hostilities or recognize the existence of Palestinians,

The difficulty lies in the simple fact that the majority of Palestinians do not want to recognize Israel right to exist as a Jewish state - which has over a million and a quarter non-Jewish Arabs living as Israeli citizens.
The difficulty lies in the simple fact that the majority of Palestinians who do not want to recognize a Jewish state with over a million non-Jewish Israelis living in it, want a Palestinian state that is Jew free.

The solution?
The obvious ones are the ones proposed here by those you find detestable - build a fence; remove the Palestinians; assassinate their terrorist leaders - these are not optimum solutions, but they do result in less death of innocent people who happen to be the targets of Palestinian terrorists.

A real solution?
How about getting the Palestinians to give up all violence and claims to be able to dictate to Israel?
How about getting them to peacefully declare strikes and non-involvement with Israel ala Ghandi or Martin Luther King?
How about getting the Palestinians to insist on their human rights by demonstrating that they are more concerned with the lives of their children than with murdering innocent people?
I would absolutely guarantee that Israel would give in to most Palestinian demands within a year of such actions.
They would have a free and independent country supported by the world and Israel within five years of such actions.
And, if such actions were to continue, Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish state within 10 years.
That is a real solution.

But, perhaps the Palestinians are incapable of gaining their freedom and dignity in such a fashion.
What do you think?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Aug, 2004 06:54 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
the Israelis want to be left alone to have a country that isn't terrorized everyday by people wanting to exterminate them.

Yeah, well, there are two little problems with this.

First, the fact that Israel is located upon the holy grounds of not just Judaism but Christianity and to a certain extent the Muslims as well.

Now, when you set up camp on other people's holy ground, and then tell them they aren't going to be able to visit them unrestricted, it makes people rather angry. Israel has to realize and deal with this.

As you wrote the above, I have to assume that you do not know:
The only time access to holy sites was restricted was by Jordan when the West Bank was under Jordanian rule to Jews (not simply Israelis) who were prohibited from visiting any holy sites in Jordan, particularly the Western Wall and the Temple Mount, which is the site of both the First and Second Temples of the Jewish religion. This site is the place that is specifically mentioned by Jews in every single prayer service that is ever prayed by any Jew anywhere at any time in the last two thousand years.
Israel does not restrict Muslims from visiting Israel, they restrict Palestinians and other undesirables who may want to murder people.
There are over a million non-Jewish Arabs who are Israeli citizens.

Secondly, when Israel 'was made,' a lot of people were displaced. They weren't too happy about this fact. They want their land back, and they really have every right to feel that way - after all, the process in which it was stripped from them was hardly legal.

I assume that you believe that the Jews that were displaced before and after Israel became acountry should have the same rights?
How would you go about that?

Israel won't give the land back. They won't give them equal rights, because then Israel wouldn't be a Jewish state - they would be a minority, again. But do you know what? I don't give a damn if a Jewish state exists or not. Israel really has no right to be where it is today.

Where should Israel be? Wisconsin? Holland? Auschwitz?
What country has a right to be "where it is today?" France? Russia?Rwanda? Saudi Arabia? China?
Rolling Eyes There are over a million non-Jewish Arabs who are Israeli citizens.
Rolling Eyes They do not want to live in a Palestinian state.

The reason this whole thing is such a mess can be directly traced back to the major countries after WWII refusing to deal with the problem with displaced Jews following the Holocaust. They tried a cute solution and look how much hate and trouble it has brought today.

Absolutely. Except the cute solution they tried included the creation of Saudi Arabia; Jordan; Iraq; Lebanon and Syria. They also tried to create Israel and Palestine.
After Israel defended itself from being annihilated, Jordan ate the rest of Palestine and Egypt ate Gaza.
So much for the cute solution.

I feel as if there are a ton of Israelis and supporters of Israel that would like to see every man, woman and child of Palestine dead rather than deal with them as equals.


And that is your problem. They are not equals. Are they your equal Cyclop? Have you sponsored a Palestinian family? Have you protested to Jordan and Lebanon and Syria to accept the Palestinians as equals? To succor them and extend the hand of equality?
Most Israelis and supporters of Israel would like to see every man, woman and child of Palestine as equals, now, today, and as speedily as possible.

As I wrote exactly a year ago on a forum like this - this would mean that the Palestinians would have to pursue Justice;
Establish courts of Law;
Prohibit Murder;
And not be susceptible to Bribes.....
Justice, Justice shall you pursue.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 07:13 am
Moishe3rd wrote:
A solution to the problem would have to be predicated on the supposition that Palestinians desire to live in peace with the Jewish state of Israel.
Where as you and others seem to believe that Israel could solve this dilemna "if only they would....." do something or other - move; retreat; leave; die; something...

This is a ridiculous interpretation of my position. You know that's not what I'm saying and I can only guess that you don't want to hear what I'm saying because it is easier for you to believe that this is what those who want peace wish upon Israel. The only thing I actually believe that Israel can do, right now that is, is to stop escalating the situation. And that's not anywhere near the same as 'die; something'.


The difficulty is not in convincing Israel to give up land or hostilities or recognize the existence of Palestinians,

If this isn't difficult, then why haven't they done it?


The difficulty lies in the simple fact that the majority of Palestinians do not want to recognize Israel right to exist as a Jewish state - which has over a million and a quarter non-Jewish Arabs living as Israeli citizens.
The difficulty lies in the simple fact that the majority of Palestinians who do not want to recognize a Jewish state with over a million non-Jewish Israelis living in it, want a Palestinian state that is Jew free.

The Palestinian Authority has officially recognized the right of Israel to exist, but we have not seen a comparable recognition from Israel of the right of Palestinians to live on a small percentage of their homeland. And I have not heard that they don't want any Jews in their future Palestininian state. Do you have a link for me where I can see that they've declared this?


The solution?
The obvious ones are the ones proposed here by those you find detestable - build a fence; remove the Palestinians; assassinate their terrorist leaders - these are not optimum solutions, but they do result in less death of innocent people who happen to be the targets of Palestinian terrorists.

These are not solutions at all but merely escalations. The fence is not being built on Israeli land -- no doubt there is some hyperbolic justification for this such as 'the murderers don't deserve land' or 'it's their fault'. And they may result in less death of innocent Israelis, but they certainly aren't resulting in less death of innocent palestinians.


A real solution?
How about getting the Palestinians to give up all violence and claims to be able to dictate to Israel?
How about getting them to peacefully declare strikes and non-involvement with Israel ala Ghandi or Martin Luther King?
How about getting the Palestinians to insist on their human rights by demonstrating that they are more concerned with the lives of their children than with murdering innocent people?
I would absolutely guarantee that Israel would give in to most Palestinian demands within a year of such actions.
They would have a free and independent country supported by the world and Israel within five years of such actions.
And, if such actions were to continue, Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish state within 10 years.
That is a real solution.

But, perhaps the Palestinians are incapable of gaining their freedom and dignity in such a fashion.
What do you think?

What I think is that you are asking the palestinians to give up everything and Israel to give up nothing. I do agree, however, that peaceful protest would have been more effective. If, back in October 2000, they had chosen civil disobedience instead of resuming terrorist attacks inside of Israel, they would have attained more international support and hopefully more pressure on Israel to back off. Would a lot of them be killed anyway? I think yes.

The problem with your solutions -- though you say you don't have any -- is that they are all based on 'getting the palestinians' to do something. How do you propose to get them to do anything? By force, I guess. I'd love to know how you force someone to peacefully protest.

I also wanted to respond to your long list of 'terrorist attacks' in the nineties from another post. Firstly, I wonder if you have a list of all the times that settlers opened fire inside mosques or lynched palestinians. Secondly, those attacks seemed to be confined to IDF forces and settlers, and none of them appeared to be inside Israel (though I admit to only browsing them), which is a lot different than what you seemed to be implying. Thirdly, I can't believe that you would not think that the nineties -- with their 250 some odd deaths -- were not preferable to the last four years.

You obviously feel very strongly about this issue and I'm guessing it is personal for you. But for those of us who do not have a personal stake in the outcome, other than a desire for peace, it seems pretty clear that it takes two to tango.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 07:50 am
Freeduck wrote:
I also wanted to respond to your long list of 'terrorist attacks' in the nineties from another post. Firstly, I wonder if you have a list of all the times that settlers opened fire inside mosques or lynched palestinians.

No, I cannot. Can you?
The reason I respond to this statement is that it is at the crux of the matter.
By positing the above question, you are tacitly stating that you believe that the Israelis and the Palestinians are both equally guilty of deliberating murdering innocents.
Again, this is where the rubber meets the road.
Your argument that Israel needs to reform; change; withdraw - quite frankly, I do not know what you want Israel to do, other than to not defend itself, is an argument that holds Israel culpable for the atrocities committed by the Palestinians and that you believe that Israel committs the same atrocities.
This is simpy untrue.
It is a fallacious argument.
You hold a belief paradigm that states that the Israelis are not interested in peace or they would "do something."
You hold a belief paradigm that states that the Palestinians do not want to see Israel eradicated.
Your argument has no historical roots; it has no roots in the facts on the ground in Israel; it has no roots in religious facts; it has no understanding of world politics; European acquiesence towards Islamic demands; Saudi Arabian agression; Iranian fascism; or the dedication of Arafat to the sole aim of maintaining his power.
Study the history of all of these things.
Study the documents.
Study the timelines.
Study the people.

The same could be done in any conflict in the world.
The history of Rwanda or Sudan.
The history of the United States or Canada.
Every country and peoples have historical forces that drive them and shape them.
Your perception of Israel and the Palestinians is incorrect.

You obviously feel very strongly about this issue and I'm guessing it is personal for you. But for those of us who do not have a personal stake in the outcome, other than a desire for peace, it seems pretty clear that it takes two to tango.

It would seem that it is personal because it is Israel.
Unfortunately, for myself, that is not the case.
It is personal because after 9/11, I realized that there were a very large, very amoral, group of people who would like nothing better than to see me and everyone I know, dead.
Since that time, I have studied a great deal of history (I have taught history) of the peoples, religions, countries, and facts surrounding the current war that Islamic fascism has declared upon the United States, Israel, and any other people or country that will not acquiesce to Islamic fascist demands.
The cultural attitude and education of the Palestinians is a part of this larger picture.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 08:09 am
By positing the above question, you are tacitly stating that you believe that the Israelis and the Palestinians are both equally guilty of deliberating murdering innocents.

I don't think you can deny that there have been extremist Israelis and some IDF forces who have killed innocent Palestinians, unless you hold a deep belief that there are no innocent Palestinians, which may be the crux of our disagreement.

I think my points stand and are based on fact. If you want to pretend that I'm arguing different points, and then conclude that those different points are groundless, that is your prerogative.

And the 9/11 comparison is horse ****.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 08:10 am

No one here would disagree that Islamic radicalism is a problem not just for us, but for Islamic citizens themselves. But you excuse Israel and America far to easily through demonizing the other.

Sadaam and Osama were both funded and supported by US intelligence. Iran would surely have a different opinion of the west and the US if the US had not supported the tyranny that the Shah placed on his country. The Palestinian anger and frustration has not been lessened by Israeli torture, or land grabs, or actions designed to totally ruin Palestinian political and civil structures.

And you ignore the words one can read from young Israeli settlers that are rascist and clearly the consequence of indoctrination.

The proportion of Muslims or arabs who wish you dead is small. Your forwarding of the idea that such a motive is universal is not merely wrong, but seriously dangerous.
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Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 08:13 am
And let's not forget that there is a very large Israeli population who don't agree with your understanding of the history of the region.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 10:45 am

Israel does not restrict Muslims from visiting Israel, they restrict Palestinians and other undesirables who may want to murder people.

You are contradicting yourself. After all, it is ALL Muslims who want Israel gone, right? Not to mention the fact that you list Palestinians as the ones who are restricted, which was my origional point. See:

Now, when you set up camp on other people's holy ground, and then tell them they aren't going to be able to visit them unrestricted, it makes people rather angry. Israel has to realize and deal with this. (referring to the palestinians, the original point of the piece.)

Where should Israel be? Wisconsin? Holland? Auschwitz?

It shouldn't be anywhere. It never should have been created in the first place. The 'cute solution' was not the formation of countries in the Middle East; it was the creation of a Jewish state so that England, France, and America didn't have to take in the massive groups of Jews who quite understandably didn't want to live in or around Germany anymore. Nothing wrong with that; the retarded part was sticking them in the middle of a huge group of people who hated them.

And that is your problem. They are not equals. Are they your equal Cyclop? Have you sponsored a Palestinian family? Have you protested to Jordan and Lebanon and Syria to accept the Palestinians as equals? To succor them and extend the hand of equality?

This is the most ridiculous thing you've ever written, that I've seen of course.

Yes, the Palestinians are my equals, and they are yours too. Do you really mean to be this racist? Yes, I have been to Palestine, and to Syria, and Lebanon. I've seen with my own eye what goes on over there, and it is a lot of hate and intolerance on both sides. The Israelis are trying to squeeze the Palestinians out of existence, the Palestinians fight back in an inappropriate manner, and the Israelis use it as justification for more squeezing.

The stupid Palestinians are no better. The old, hard liners are keeping this fight going on in the wrong way.

I spent 3 weeks in Palestine two years ago, and three last year. So don't try to lecture me on the truth of the situation. Let me ask you, have YOU been to Palestine and Jordan and Syria and seen how these people are forced to live? My guess is no.

Most Israelis and supporters of Israel would like to see every man, woman and child of Palestine as equals, now, today, and as speedily as possible.

This is patently false. Why? Because if the Palestinians were equals, Israel would cease to be a Jewish state pretty quickly. The Israelis are facing a huge problem with the fact that they are simply going to be outnumbered pretty soon by non-Jews, and to give them a vote would just turn the country right back into a secular, or hell, maybe even a Muslim country! That would be a disaster for Israel. So, no, they are not going to treat the Palestinians as equals any time soon....

It is personal because after 9/11, I realized that there were a very large, very amoral, group of people who would like nothing better than to see me and everyone I know, dead.

Let me give you a little hint. There's nothing in Minnesota that anyone wants to blow up. Noone wants you dead. Noone gives a damn about your state, from a terrorism point of view. So perhaps you could, I don't know, calm down a bit and try to be a little less xenophobic?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2004 10:47 am
I believe that if you do a search, Craven has already proposed a solution to this Israeli/Palestinian affair. It is truly a wonderful plan.
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