Since roughly the third aliyah wave - in the 1930's, many of them German Jews, as well Jews from Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland - the position of Jews in Arab countries has deteriorated. This can be seen by the huge numbers of Jews who - especially after 1948 - left the Arab countries to settle in Israel - countries like
Iraq ,
Libya and
Yemen, although many Jews from the Maghreb - especially Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia - left for France (which has a current Jewish population of 600,000 - 750,000). However, it's important to know how many Jews were also pushed by the Israeli government to leave their countries.
Now the point is: how is the current situation for Jews in the Arab world? Well, it is known that especially Morocco and Tunisia still have a considerable "large" Jewish population - approximately 5,500 and 2,000 people. For what I know, their position is relatively good. However, notice that
anti-Semitism in the Arab media is still common. It's not only anti-Zionist / anti-Israel feelings being expressed here. Nevertheless, a lot of Arabs still seem to be proud of their countries's Jewish histories - I noticed that in my days on