ebrown_p wrote:McGentrix wrote:FD, do you have a special mirrior that tells you which Palestinian is or will be a suicide bomber?
I have no mirror that would tell me that you are not a serial killer.
In a civilized society we have to deal with this risk. You will remain out of prison until we can show you commited a crime. Taking away your rights simply because I think you look like a serial killer is barbaric.
Nonetheless, in the real world, there ARE such things as group crimes and this is particularly obvious in cases such as that of the "palestinians". These are the people who train children to kill Israelis and be suicide bombers from early childhood, who were all out ullullullating or whatever they call it, shooting off AKs and passing out candy on 9-11, and who celebrate every sort of terrorist atrocity one of them commits, i.e. who we see out celebrating acts which normal people would be ashamed of.
Then again, if you don't like the idea of banishment, somebody like Ariel Sharon could always try what Julius Caesar did with large collections of criminals like that, i.e. decimation, i.e. line them up and kill every tenth one. Ceasar no doubt viewed that as being a nice guy figuring if that didn't work and produce some sort of attitude improvement he could always come back and massacre the idiots next year...