Category 4 now. Everyone be safe. Keep in touch. Our thoughts are with you.
Thanks Squinney. I 'm trying to get out of going to my gig tonight in Okeechobee. Probably be packed with Hurricane party revelers
Bluegrass? Now THAT would keep everyone's mind off their troubles. Wish I was there to party with ya. Grew up on Bluegrass myself.
No poop? Say...can you remember the last verse of Rocky Top ? Gotta sing (croak) it tonight
LOL! That's hilarious! My Dad had a country band. Went to Nashville and recorded one year and took all of us with him on the bus. (He used to open for Marty Robbins and others) While there, Sherrill Millette - I think that was his name - talked my sister and I into doing "Rocky Top" with Dad. I still have the cassette.
I got the "Once there was a girl... line, with back up on the rest. Gawd. I hadn't thought of that in years!
Here ya go: (Per Nitty Gritty Dirt Band)
Wish that I was on ole rocky top,
Down in the tennessee hills.
Ain't no smoggy smoke on rocky top,
Ain't no telephone bills.
Once there was a girl on rocky top,
Half bear the other half cat.
Wild as a mink, sweet as soda pop,
I still dream about that.
Rocky top, you'll always be
Home sweet home to me.
Good ole rocky top,
Rocky top tennessee, rocky top tennessee.
Once two strangers climbed on rocky top,
Lookin' for a moonshine still.
Strangers ain't come back from rocky top,
Guess they never will.
Corn won't grow at all on rocky top,
Dirt's too rocky by far.
That's why all the folks on rocky top
Get their corn from a jar.
Rocky top, you'll always be
Home sweet home to me.
Good ole rocky top,
Rocky top tennessee, rocky top tennessee.
Now I've had years of cramped up city life,
Trapped like a duck in a pen.
Now all I know is it's a pity life
Can't be simple again.
Rocky top, you'll always be
Home sweet home to me.
Good ole rocky top,
Rocky top tennessee, rocky top tennessee.
Rocky top tennessee, rocky top tennessee.
Yeah rocky top tennesee eee eee eee.
wow! Squinney beat me to it.

Your Dad played with Marty Robbins? Amazing.
Why not Wild Wood Flower, Panz.
Cat 4? Yikes!
It's like this Let. We play Rocky and they gator all over the floor imitating the courtship and mating practices of the wild gator
We play Wildwood and somebody "accidently" turns off the power
Had 2 calls to sub tonight. Bands are cancelling right and left
At 3 PM Tampa is still completely calm and not getting any rain.
Excellent. storm veered a little...should help Tampa
Panzade - I would send Bear to cover for ya, but he'd probably shock the begeezus out of the bluegrass crowd. Heck, he shocks the begeezus outta me sometimes.
Gotta think like an entrepreneur. Could ya get a little more $$ for hazard pay?
Sanibel is also where so many of the beautiful shells are found, right? Always wanted to visit there.
squinney- Yes. The entire beach is shell. It has something to do with the way the island is situated in the gulf. Every sunrise, people walk to beach to find the "perfect" shell.