Set aside for the moment Hillary Clinton's questionable ethics, her weather-vane shifts in position, her eagerness to use force in foreign affairs, the taint that still clings to her from her husband's presidency and its regressive policies -- all that could be forgiven. But I cannot forgive Clinton for her vote in favor of the Iraq War.
To be sure, Clinton has belatedly and half-heartedly apologized for that vote,
calling it a "mistake." And a mistake it certainly was -- one that cost her the White House in 2008. No doubt there are some mistakes that can be forgiven. But giving George W. Bush and his fellow brigands the authority to invade a country that posed no threat, in full violation of international law, was the sort of enormous, mind-boggling mistake that automatically disqualified her (and every on of her colleagues who voted along with her) from ever holding higher office.
Of course, I won't be voting for any of the pack of nincompoops and scoundrels from the GOP. It would be a calamity if any of them won the presidency. But I cannot, in good conscience, support someone who was an accomplice to a war crime in the past and who could very well be the perpetrator of one in the future.