Truthfully, if this wasn't the 700th attack on the little guy from the behemoth, I would've likely been a little stung, pointed out that Bernie wasn't to blame, pointed out that he fired the suspected guilty party, and moved on.
The fact that the Clintonmachine has the DNC and the media in its back pocket and are manipulating the so-called electoral process, and have been able to blackball Bernie from the news - skews my ethics a bit on this subject.
The Sanders campaign is like a waif that steals bread. I'm glad the waif stole the bread and I'd hide him from the cops if I had the chance. I'm sorry all I could do was send him a few bucks and convince others to as well.
**** da Hillary Clinton/Debbie Wasserman Schultz establishment.
Really. **** em.
I don't mind saying.
This event, however you describe it or whatever feels you attach to it, has garnered Sanders a great deal of money and support in social media because a lot of people have the same sense of fairness as i do - and the same sense of Clinton as I do.
I guess this is the new dividing line.