It doesn't excuse it, but it mitigates the hell out of it.
I disapprove of entrapment by law enforcement - and I disapprove of this smarmy, desperate latest addition to the disgusting corruption of DWS and HRC in railroading the Dem party and the country into the coronation of HRC.
Just one more ploy.
And at the end of it, what would you do - or be expected to do - if this was your campaign?
Fire the guy.
He fired the guy.
I'm glad as hell he's suing. I hope it opens up all the bullshit the DNC has been perpetrating against his campaign.
I've never seen a David and Goliath story like this. I never imagined it could possibly happen. We're all watching it and I'm so surprised to see those who want the man who is for the people to be squashed by the ogre.
Live and learn.