"the Clinton syndicate"
Golly, I do like that choice of words. Studied, objective, fair-minded, baggage-unladen and a model of concision to boot. But also, this is good...
"anointed queen". Now, that particular adjective is certainly not one we'd find being wielded by, say, Rush Limbaugh. He's not so classy in usage. And the noun is a dilly in any circumstance.
Hi, george. I popped in to get some notion of what you're thinking, given these troubled times. I'm not sure how much the Bush campaign paid out for the PR/imaging consultancy which catapulted him into the polling stratosphere through that simple and brilliant exclamation mark but it doesn't matter. One can appreciate marketing genius quite regardless of any associated product.
And, of course, we now know the answer to a question that has long troubled conservative thinkers - "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" Now they know. Wheat. (Palms to forehead. "So simple!")
Then, there's Donald, whose health, we should note, is astonishingly excellent. That's just a doctor's opinion, of course, but as Paul Waldman recently predicted, we will all soon see that astonishingly excellent physical vitality validated when the photo of Donald and Putin is released (that's the photograph where the two of them ride across the frozen tundra, bare-chested, on the backs of a pair of Siberian tigers.
Unlike Groucho, I suspect you might still be willing to join a club that would have you for a member. But, maybe events have changed your thinking. Hell, that happened to me. I love Donald Trump. Boy, do I ever.