Montana wrote:rodbogey wrote:
If you don't like it or don't stand it, that's ok for you. No problem. Go on.
That's very easy for many to say, but it truly sucks when you're single and can't find a man who doesn't like to indulge in watching porn. I know I will never ever be involved with another man that does because I have far too much respect for myself to allow myself to simply be one of many woman my man gets off on. Screw that! I've lived with it and I prefer being alone the rest of my life than to live with a man who isn't satisfied with me.
It's really very sad
It's really weird to read that coming from you Montana, 'cause in the thread about the stalker chauvinist guy you wrote:
Montana wrote:Ron
Your attitude may be acceptable in your country, but you're not in your country, are you?
If you want to live by the rules of your country, then go back to your country because you will go nowhere fast with those ways in the country you're in.
No one here is insulting your culture, but we are not going to your country trying to tell people how to live either.
We don't share your beliefs in our countries and we don't appreciate anyone pushing their culture on us.
It's not a matter of right or wrong, it's a matter of respect. We don't tell you how to live in your country, and we don't appreciate being told how to live in ours.
Since you are no longer in your country, you'll have to learn to live by the cultures of the country you are in or you will be terribly lonely.
I know we're, apparently, speaking of different situations but isn't very similar what I pointed out regarding what women shoud do if they don't like porn than what you're reccomending to this guy regarding going to another country if he doesn't like how women behave here in USA? What I was saying as far as porn is concern is that people can't change what others like or dislike. It's fine for them if some women don't like porn, but they shoudn't condemn it as the something sick just because they don't like it. If someone can't handle the other's likes, then let him/her go, but don't come in saying that he/she is sick or a goddamn adict, etc. Same goes for you Montana, if you think you can't find a man who doesn't like porn, then you should either go somewhere else or stay alone -as you're suggesting- and not try to change others or try to make true statements from your personal opinions about porn, such as the chauvinist guy shoud do if he doesn't like how women behave in USA. I really think that what poeple shoud do, no matter which thoughts they follow, is to be consequent with them and not apply some kind of judge to a particular issue they don't agree on, and then apply the exact opposite kind of judge to something they agree on. So basically Montana, if our culture is becoming more open minded about the porn issue as something natural and maybe even helpful for relationships, then your choices would be, in your own words,
"to learn to live by the cultures of the country you are in or you will be terribly lonely"