Roberta, and the rest of a2k'ers who were grossed out by the Freddy (actually, it was pretty much about) Kendra win--I'm there.
I hope she watched the show and had enough brains to realize she was being horrific. but I doubt it.
I was so hoping for Kris and Jon--truly nice people who were always gracious. It's hard for me to believe that after that experience that Aaron asked Hayden to marry him. That could be one scary relationship!
Well, at least it wasn't hellboy and Rebecca.
Interesting how that last thing with the keys and locks was so random. It was totally up to chance--kind of like the hay bales that had to be unrolled from last year. You could end up just trying for hours and achieve nothing or you could walk up and get it in 5 minutes. It's kind of sad that such a random exercise was the last moment for the 4th team, but I guess they through something like that in to really test them. whew. I don't know how I'd have fared, especially after the day they'd had...
Next one looks interesting and I hear that 8 is going to be for 4 people in a self described family. That might be too big and bizarre. Or really big fun.