Heeven LOL at what you said and ditto on the last paragraph.
well maybe I might for up front cash!
Quote:Colin proposed to Christie on live tv this morning on the CBS morning show. She said yes.
- I just read this somewhere
I just kakked up my coffee!
Joahaeyo wrote:Quote:Colin proposed to Christie on live tv this morning on the CBS morning show. She said yes.
- I just read this somewhere

I wonder whether they'll divorce on live TV?
Thanks Debra!
Debra_Law wrote:
Hi G-Force: I agree with most of your comments about the teams. I also agree with your assessment of Brandon and Nicole. Perhaps it was due to the editing, but they didn't come across as practicing what they preached.
During the last leg, the teams had a choice between ride or slide. Brandon chose slide, but all the way to the slide detour, Nicole cried and complained that she wanted to "ride" instead. Brandon conceded to her whining and what happened? She had an emotional melt-down and threw fits at the ride detour. Ultimately, they had to go back to the slide detour option.
After they finished the slide detour, Nicole had the gall to ask why they chose the "ride" detour in the first place and later in the taxi, she placed the blame on Brandon. Thank "GOD" for poor Brandon that the Amazing Race production team captured the scene where Nicole was the one who insisted on doing the ride in the first place when Brandon wanted to do the slide.
Thanks for your message Debra. I must say that I agree whole-heartedly with your assessment of the final episode (especially what you said about Nicole and Brandon. That slide episode was almost painful to watch - I don't think I could have tolerated her saying "BRANNNDON" one more time...ugh).
Anyway - I was very happy to see Chip and Kim win - they, as you mentioned, were the most solid couple on the show (either based on editing, or real life).
If Christy marries Colin....I can't finish that sentence. What a dreadful union! Did she not WATCH herself on the show? Can't she see what the rest of the world does?? Poor thing.
New Season starts Nov 16th 9-11pm!!!!
I can't wait!
Hi there folks, I've been offline for a long while and just back to a2k!
Total AR fan--only reality show I will watch. I am thrilled about the new group. You've got to go to the site and check out the teams--more dating models and wahoo(?) a team of professional wrestlers. Oh, this is gonna be great!
Just started. Maybe this can get featured?
my favorite show!~
My honey and I watched the first episode of Amazing Race 6 last night. There were lots of "characters" with explosive (passionate?) personalities which should make for an interesting season.
Jonathan (?) and Victoria remind me of Colin and Christy of last season. The guy is rude, overbearing, and constantly yelling at his woman.
The team from Brooklyn was eliminated. At the roadblock, the little guy explained that he was a science teacher--so he could logically or scientifically look at a situation and determine the best course of action. He immediately knew that searching a seven-mile square lagoon full of thousands of icebergs for a small buoy was the best option. Hmmmm.
The pro-wrestling couple appear to be one step below the stereotypical redneck trailer-trash crowd. (Disclaimer: I don't mean to offend people who reside in mobile homes.)
And what about the couple who had their gasoline sucked out of their tank? Did they really make a mistake and put regular gasoline in the tank rather than diesel? Or were they mistaken in believing they had made a mistake? The shot of the "dieseline" pump as they drove away left me with questions. . . .
the teams
Freddy & Kendra (Engaged Models)
Meredith & Maria (Best Friends)
Kris & Jon (Dating Long Distance)
Gus & Hera (Father/ Daughter)
Adam & Rebecca (Formerly Dating)
Avi & Joe (High School Buddies from Brooklyn)
Lori & Bolo (Married Pro Wrestlers)
Don & Mary Jean (Grandparents)
Lena & Kristy (Sisters)
Jonathan & Victoria (Married Entrepreneurs)
The high point of the show for me was watching the Grandparents scale the ice cliff. I love gutsy geezers.
Lori and Bolo are a trip. I think the feuding is just their style of relationship.
Gus scares me; he is a heart attack waiting to happen.
They must have looked long and hard for a couple like Jonathan and Victoria. I know I'm being manipulated, but I just want to reach into the tube and dope-slap that guy.
(I love watching this show with my wife because so many of these guys make me look good.)
Looking forward to the next episode.
I am so there about Jonathan and Victoria. It's like an Uber-Colin. I mean Colin waited at least 2-3 episodes or more before he got this insane. All that whooping and stuff--what was hysterical is his ice flow driver looked like he wanted to throw them both overboard. Yo, Jonathan, let's reinforce that Ugly American out there.
The Brooklyn Boys were kind of the Pizza Brothers, but much dopier. I'm with you Debra--let's search 7 sq. miles.
When the Geezers chose the ice climb, I thought it was over, but darn if both of them didn't rock and roll! Again ditto from last time.
Hera is going to have to control Dad, especially about driving and stuff. He is in rotten shape and hauling himself up those climb type options is going to be out.
The only team that seems original is Lori/Bolo. I agree with George that it's probably the style of their relationship-and look at the fun they had in the snow-- although her ragging really got to me by the end. But I guess if I think about it, they could be the Clown Bros. or a team like that.
Still, I can't wait. Did you notice that they didn't really show where they're going, just bad behaviour? I'm a little disappointed, because mostly people, while occasionally a bit devious, aren't flat out mean and evil. I was sad about the misdirection to the Bronx(?) gals though.
And debra--I'm with you. What was up with the dieseline shot...were those guys just hoping to get paid?
How about Gus's morning snow-bath on the glacier? That's a visual I didn't need!
Hi guys, I'm thrilled to see this show back. Some interesting and explosive pairs this time. Sorry to see the Brooklyn guys go. They would have been good for a few laughs. I'm hoping that Jonathan and Victoria don't last long. I'd hate to have to reach through the tv screen and wring his neck.
I'll see what I can do about getting this thread featured.
Superb! I am engrossed again. My Tuesdays are now booked for the next few months, no phone calls please as I will be yelling at the TV, laughing out loud and wishing stupid mistakes on the players I don't care for. I am imagining myself on one of these shows and boy would that be entertaining folks. Yeah, think yourselves lucky you got these nice people to watch.
Imagine Heeven with an ice-axe in each hand!
I kept imagining as they got to the top, hacking into the ice at the top of the thingie and chopping off the toes of one of the helpers. Those guys stood a little too close to the edge if you ask me.
Grim thought...
I can't recall whether they said where the next leg of the race would be. Anyone recall?
Quote:Freddy & Kendra (Engaged Models)
Meredith & Maria (Best Friends)
Kris & Jon (Dating Long Distance)
Gus & Hera (Father/ Daughter)
Adam & Rebecca (Formerly Dating)
Avi & Joe (High School Buddies from Brooklyn)
Lori & Bolo (Married Pro Wrestlers)
Don & Mary Jean (Grandparents)
Lena & Kristy (Sisters)
Jonathan & Victoria (Married Entrepreneurs)
thanks Debra for breaking it down! Makes it easier to follow when replying.
I understand that the producers of the show want interesting, dynamic people. They've gone too far with Jonathan, who is horrible, abusive, and downright offensive. I cringe when he appears on the screen. If he loses, I'm afraid to think what he might do to Victoria. It will be her fault.
Enjoyed the rest of the show. I don't drive. What was the problem the girls from Queens were having with the car? Was it a shift kind of thing?